
Cynic’s Second Wind: DxD Chronicles - English version

Sarcastic and alexithymic: that was my former self, living a life marked by indifference and cynicism. My death, as degrading as the life I led, should have been the end, an eternal rest which, in my view, would have been more than sufficient. However, it seems that the heavens had different plans - or perhaps, they just possessed an extremely cruel sense of humor. With what should have been my last breath came, to my surprise and dismay, a new lease on life. Reborn in a world where magic, demons, angels, and fallen entities are not mere products of fantasy tales but a tangible and dangerous reality, here I am, reincarnated as an ordinary human. Lost in this strange new world, one question persistently hammers away at my mind: Why couldn’t I have simply remained dead? What's the purpose of being pulled from the void only to be thrown back into existence, and into a place as absurdly surreal as this? Why, of all possible fates, did I have to be reincarnated? Prepare yourself for a saga where the supernatural and dark humor coexist, where powers, artifacts, mystical creatures, and characters from various animes and mangas make their appearances. However, at the heart of this enigmatic and irreverent narrative, we find ourselves immersed in the universe of High School DxD. Embark on this disconcerting and often hilarious journey as I attempt to unravel the mystery behind my inexplicable reincarnation.

Kuroto_Tennouji · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Volume I - Chapter 12

My steps were slow and thoughtful, and anger boiled within me when an odd and unexpected sound broke my chaotic thoughts. It was like a beep, subtle but persistent, emanating from somewhere within me.

Confused, I stopped, focusing my attention on the strange phenomenon. Before my eyes, the system that only I could see manifested, bringing with it a notification that blinked with urgent insistence.



Alert: Fallen Light Energy. Two fallen beings detected 10 km away.

Sacred Gear detected: 『Echo of the Fallen』. Possible annihilation of multiple life forms.

Stop the fallen



"Shit, is this serious?" I murmured to myself, a scowl deforming my face as I tried to understand the complex situation I found myself in.

I cast a cautious glance towards the camp. I contemplated, for a fleeting moment, the possibility of calling Scarlet and the Sion who was with her. However, the phrase "possible annihilation of multiple life forms" reverberated insistently in my mind, making me hesitate, and I also can't trust them with a mission that is mine.

Having made the decision, I propelled myself up, quickly climbing a majestic tree that stood out among the others, its top serving as a strategic vantage point. From there, I could see a sinister column of smoke rising to the sky, breaking the tranquility of the white snow mantle covering the forest.

"I found it," I thought, a pang of anxiety igniting in my chest. "But will I get there in time?" Without further delay, I descended from the tree, quickly stretching in preparation for what was to come. "I never gave my all to these things, so what is my top speed?" A restless curiosity brought a smile to my face as if I could finally truly stretch without eyes on me. "It's going to be good, let's go."

Assuming a familiar position — feet firmly planted on the ground, hands touching the cold surface of the earth — I concentrated intensely. A cursed energy, a sinister fusion of black and red hues, began to envelop me, forming a pulsating and warm aura.

"Maintain concentration; I need to maintain speed while moving through the forest, meaning dodging trees, I have to maintain a speed at which I can react and control," I whispered to myself, feeling every cell in my body vibrate with the power flowing through my veins. "The energy must be released steadily, like an enveloping veil, a protective mantle of strength."

With a sharp cry of determination, I hurled myself forward, running at a speed I never thought I possessed. The earth beneath my feet shattered with the force of my passage, fragments of soil flying in the wind as I advanced at a dizzying speed.

My body moved so fast that the landscape blurred around me, transforming into an abstract mixture of colors and shapes. I felt the wind roar against my skin as I flew through the forest, each approaching tree and obstacle avoided with almost supernatural precision and agility.

"It's incredible," I thought, as excitement grew in my chest, mixing with the adrenaline burning in my veins. The feeling of moving so quickly, like a shadowy bolt tearing through nature's tranquility, was simultaneously euphoric and frightening.

The distance to the signal's point of origin was covered in a time that would surprise even the most experienced runners. I stopped so abruptly that chunks of earth and snow were thrown in front of me, as I crouched down, catching my breath and trying to calm my heart which seemed ready to explode with excitement.

The scene unfolding was something I didn't expect. A humanoid figure, but with wings that looked more like a crow's than anything else, was in sight, its slim body covered by clothes reminiscent of holy priests, and eyes shining with an unnatural light. A spear of light was in its hand, looking more like a toy than an actual weapon.

"What is this?" I thought, confused, trying to understand what I was seeing. Without wasting time, I approached the village with stealthy and careful steps. It was then that I heard the distinct sound of wood breaking, followed by a sharp and annoying voice.

"Voriax, have you found the gear bearer?" asked the voice, clearly irritated by something.

A response came, a deep, hoarse voice indicating a large and possibly dangerous individual. "I'm asking the ants, but they insist on saying no. So, I decided to play around with them," responded the voice, identified as Voriax.

It was then that I saw, to my disbelief, a body—or rather, half a body—flying through the window of a nearby house. A normal person would feel revulsion or disgust, but I simply couldn't feel anything at all, and this wasn't the time to dwell on it.

Before I could react or move, a deafening crash shook the ground beneath my feet, hurling me back into the forest with enough force to knock the wind out of me. Quickly, I assumed a defensive posture, my hands clenched into fists as cursed energy flowed through them, ready to be unleashed.

"Oh, I think I found it, Raelan," said Voriax with a cruel laugh, his eyes fixed on me with a predatory glare. "What do we have here? A Sacred Gear user?"

"Can they see my cursed energy?" I thought, surprised and alarmed by this revelation.

"You fool, look closer. He's not our target. But what is a member of the Church doing here, I wonder?" The other, named Raelan, scowled as he pointed at me. It seemed my outfit gave me away, damn exorcist clothes.

"Hah! I didn't know the Church used puppies for patrolling now," laughed the brute, approaching me with slow, deliberate steps. I instinctively backed away, my feet moving almost without my permission towards the forest behind me.

"This is intriguing, Voriax," murmured the skinny one, a look of interest and caution in his eyes. "Maybe we should keep him alive for now, what do you think?"

Voriax didn't immediately respond, his eyes still fixed on me with an unsettling intensity. Finally, he nodded, reluctantly agreeing with Raelan's suggestion.

"Are you with the heretics, boy?" asked Raelan, his voice sharp as a razor.

"I... Honestly, don't have to answer to two birds that are going to be plucked," I responded, trying not to reveal my excitement despite the apparent danger.

"Well, that makes things easier for us," said Voriax with a cruel smile. "We only need him alive, not necessarily in one piece."

Before I could react, Voriax was behind me, a glowing light mallet in his hand ready to strike. Without time to dodge, I instinctively raised my arm, coated in cursed energy, to block the blow. A sharp pain shot through my arm, making me scream in agony as I was thrown back by the impact's force.

However, I quickly recovered, planting my feet on the ground to prevent being thrown further. I swung my arms to ease the pain, readying myself for the next attack.

"This is going to be fun," I murmured, my voice low and dangerous as black and crimson flames sprouted from my fists, ready to be unleashed. "Now the show is about to begin, sweethearts."

Voriax's heavy breathing echoed through the area, as his eyes cautiously observed the flames dancing around my fists. Raelan, on the other hand, seemed less carefree, his tense expression showing an understanding of the imminent danger.

"Voriax, don't be careless!" He warned, hurling a bright, deadly spear of light in my direction, slicing through the air at a breathtaking speed.

With sharp reflexes, Voriax lunged to intervene. However, my body acted on its own. A strong, powerful kick on the ground, imbued with cursed energy, caused the snow beneath my feet to evaporate almost instantly, creating a curtain of vaporized snow that obscured the view and shrouded the surroundings in thick fog.

The spear, cutting through the mist, was dangerously close to hitting my face. My body dodged narrowly, moving with a grace and speed I didn't know I had. My arm, almost instinctively, moved to grab the spear; the moment my fingers touched it, the brute force of the projectile pulled me out of the fog, a burning sensation emanating from the object seemed to scorch my hand. The spear's force was so strong that not even using my feet to stop it was I able to halt it before reaching the village; my body broke through some wooden houses in the process, injuring me a bit while not letting go of the spear.

Struggling, I held onto the spear, touching it felt as if my hand was burning, but I ignored the pain, while the cursed energy in my fists began to spread through the artifact. The feeling of heat and power flowing through the weapon was eerie and sinister, carrying an aura of desolation and death. The air felt heavier, making each breath harder as I watched, astonished, the twisting shapes starting to form in the sky.

Voriax and Raelan emerged from the fog, their faces showing a mix of surprise and irritation, their gazes fixed on my worn-out figure. It seemed that the atmosphere around didn't bother them, or perhaps their bodies were used to this peculiar contamination.

"Interesting," murmured Raelan, his eyes fixed on the spear still in my hands, now partially corrupted by my cursed energy. "It seems we have more than just a mere pawn of the Church here, Voriax."

Voriax, on the other hand, didn't seem to share his companion's fascination; his expression was one of pure contempt. "It doesn't matter. You get too curious about these worms; either way, just finish him off quickly so we can find the real prize."

Nodding in agreement, Raelan slowly tilted his head. "True, but first, perhaps we could have some fun. It's not often we come across someone who can withstand the energy of a celestial spear."

Their talk was annoying but revealing. It was evident that they underestimated me, and this... this could be used to my advantage. Also, their words indicated that the energy in the spear was celestial, something I already suspected, but having confirmation was useful.

I stood up, the spear in my hands pulsing with an unstable energy. "You know, I was thinking... if your spears are so powerful and celestial, can you handle one?"

Launching the spear with devastating force, I used cursed energy to propel it, turning it into a death projectile aimed at Voriax and Raelan. They dodged easily, but when it got close, it exploded like a burst of black and crimson flames that nearly caught them. "Oh, I didn't know that would happen."

"So, you want to play, kid?" Voriax roared, rushing at me with inhuman speed.

I prepared myself, my hands forming fists wrapped in that burning, dark aura, ready to intercept the imminent attack. Voriax threw a punch that seemed capable of annihilating mountains, and I barely managed to dodge, feeling the wind from his attack brush past my face.

And then, the counter-attack. A punch, direct and precise, hitting Voriax's torso, the cursed energy invading his being, making him howl in agony. Raelan, however, didn't give me time to celebrate, his spear aimed at my heart.

At the last moment, I formed a spear, remembering the shape, and recreated it using only my cursed energy, defending against the spear, but it still pushed me back, and I felt the light spear trying to pierce the staff of my cursed energy spear, but in the end, it couldn't. In a swift move, I kicked the light spear away, and it continued piercing through some houses before stopping.

Our eyes met, three warriors on a battlefield, the skies above twisted by an unknown power. I was determined to win, to survive, while they seemed thrilled, as if my resistance added more excitement to the clash.

"Haha, this is hilarious and so much fun. Come at me, both of you at once; I want to have even more fun." My eyes were alive, a smile from ear to ear, my blood boiled intensely, and I just wanted this moment to last forever.

As Voriax and Raelan prepared to attack together, in frightening sync, my expression showed no fear or hesitation; just a crazy, challenging smile. As I twirled that cursed energy spear pointing at them, "Come on, I'll pluck you, you overdeveloped pigeons!"

Voriax, enraged and still suffering from the dark energy pulsating inside him from the previous punch, charged with tremendous fury. Raelan, more calculated, sent a series of celestial spears my way, trying to surround me and make me an easy prey for Voriax.

Their strategy was smart, but my decision went against logic. Instead of retreating, I moved directly toward Voriax. The dagger formed from cursed energy was not just a simple weapon; it pulsed with a sinister, chaotic life, its jagged edges emitting a dark glow. As Voriax approached, the air around him distorted with the pure power emanating from his light hammer, which was colossal, radiating a celestial aura but tinged with a subtle malice.

As the hammer came down towards me, I could see fragments of light spiraling around the weapon, a captivating spectacle that almost distracted me from the imminent danger. With a roar, the hammer came closer, trying to crush me in a brutal show of strength.

However, with lethal calm and precision, I threw the dagger directly at the hammer. The collision between celestial light and cursed energy unleashed an explosion of contradictions – the light trying to purify the darkness, the darkness devouring the light. The resulting blast was a spectacle of bright sparks and twisted shadows, both energies consuming each other in a chaotic whirlwind.

The shockwave sent Voriax's hammer backward. I moved through the cloud of snow and debris, directly toward Voriax, who was temporarily unbalanced by the impact.

Emerging from the snow curtain was the last thing Voriax expected. The warrior's eyes burned with fierce determination, the cursed energy spear mercilessly aimed at Voriax's heart.

Even with his wing brutally pierced, Voriax tried a final scream of defiance, abruptly silenced when the cursed spear pierced his chest. The cursed energy didn't just injure but also tainted his being, his inner light flickering and wavering before being swallowed by darkness.

Voriax collapsed, his eyes still wide in shock and agony. Without missing a beat, I turned on my heels, using Voriax's lifeless body as a shield against Raelan's raining light spears.

As the spears struck, they emitted an almost ethereal sound, like a celestial choir being suffocated. The impacts were palpable, even through Voriax's body, but I stood firm, my eyes locked on Raelan, who was gradually becoming visible through the snow cloud and debris.

With a shove, I hurled Voriax's body towards the ground, using that brief distraction to catch my breath and assess my own injuries. I was far from being in perfect condition, but the battle was not over yet; I wouldn't allow it to end until every threat was eliminated. The tension in the air was tangible, a mix of pain, rage, and resolve as the final showdown loomed on the icy horizon.

With effort, I raised the spear in my hand, its tip still crackling with the black and red flames of my energy. One step forward, then another, I moved with a silent and fierce determination, ready to face whatever came next.

The ensuing silence was tense and charged, the atmosphere vibrating with the anticipation of the final confrontation that would unfold under the unusually colorful sky.

Raelan, seeing his fallen companion, showed for the first time an expression of genuine horror and rage.

"You... You killed him!" He addressed me with a deadly glare.

The atmosphere around him began to change. I could feel an energy denser and more malicious than before.

"Yeah, right, I think he was all muscles, but don't worry," I stared at him directly, maintaining a firm psychotic smile. "I'll send you to join him soon enough, pigeon."

Raelan looked around, realizing he was now alone against me, and his expression shifted from confidence to caution.

"Now haha," I said, creating two daggers in my hands with cursed energy. "Let's finish our dance."

I was injured, but honestly, I was so euphoric that I couldn't feel pain normally. Even though I managed to take down Voriax, I knew Raelan would be a totally different challenge. He was quicker, craftier, and seemingly more powerful.

I braced myself for another clash. He began summoning spears of light from the ground, trying to corner me, and every move I made was meticulously tracked by him.

However, I had an advantage. Still holding the daggers, I used them to dispel the spears, merely slicing them made them quickly vanish, taking advantage of the environment around me. I was focused on using the cursed energy to create distractions and openings.

With each move, each spear, each attack, we danced a deadly dance, alternating between defense and offense. I was the inexperienced slayer against the cunning master, but my determination and the unique properties of my cursed energy gave me a fighting chance.

"You are a persistent insect!" Raelan shouted, launching a beam of light in my direction.

I dodged, sliding across the ground and throwing one of the daggers towards him. He dodged easily, but that was a distraction. I was close enough now. I ran towards him, using my cursed energy to boost my advance, and struck him with a direct blow, plunging the blade into the gut of the fallen.

Raelan tried to defend himself, but was a second late. My hand, with the dagger of crimson black flames, struck his stomach. He screamed, the cursed energy burning his flesh; but the impact wasn't enough to finish him off. He tried to grab me, but I coated my fist with cursed energy, furiously punching the face of that bastard. The diverging fist finalized the process; after the first blow, with a slight delay, it was as if the real strike hit him; he reacted, violently turning his face. I quickly spun my body, giving a kick to his stomach, which allowed me to coat my leg with cursed energy, delivering a powerful kick to his face that flung him directly into a tree, where a branch impaled him, leaving him standing on the tree.

I stopped, panting and exhausted, watching him. He was motionless, and the battle seemed to have ended. My body ached in several places, and I knew I would need medical help soon.

Looking around, the village was in ruins, but the threat had been neutralized. For now, I was safe.

Although the situation seemed under control, an unsettling foreboding scratched at the back of my consciousness. I was about to heave a sigh of relief when a sudden thought sliced through my mind: "The mission has not yet been marked complete by the system."

This realization sharpened my senses and, without hesitation, I instinctively turned my body. This reflexive move saved my life, as Raelan, using his last strength, conjured a spear of pure light energy, aiming straight for my heart. Due to my sudden evasion, the spear deviated from its initial trajectory, piercing my arm instead.

The pain was sharp and overwhelming, making me grit my teeth as I held the injured arm with the healthy hand. Raelan, despite being severely injured and on the brink of death, let out a weak, mocking laugh, bathing in a premature victory.

"See? The arrogance of the young is truly a pathetic spectacle," he murmured with a twisted smile on his face. "Now, die like the insect you are, while I, a superior being, will persist!"

I don't know where I summoned the strength from, but rage and despair merged into a volatile potion within me. With a fierce grunt, I grabbed the lodged spear in my arm with the free hand, pulling it out with a mix of pain and determination. The luminous spear burned to the touch, but I ignored the sensation, focusing my remaining cursed energy.

Crimson black flames erupted furiously like a wild beast, enveloping the light spear with wild and unpredictable intensity. Even holding the transfigured weapon, I could feel the burn, every cell of my being screaming against the agony, but I wouldn't give up now.

Raelan, realizing the impending threat, tried to move away, but was too weak to escape the impaling branch. His eyes widened as, with a guttural scream, I hurled the cursed energy-coated spear towards him.

The weapon sliced the air, a serpent of darkness and fire. With his scream, the spear went through his mouth and into the tree as if it were butter, piercing the skull of the fallen and several trees behind him. A small part of the flames stayed on him, and that was enough. The flames quickly consumed his body and the tree.

It took seconds for the tree and the body of the fallen to resemble each other so much they could be mistaken. The utterly charred body shattered with the wind and fell to the snowy ground, spreading its ashes.

Finally, the system emitted several familiar beeps, indicating the completion of the mission and other notifications that I was too weak to read at that moment, so I simply shut everything off. I sighed in relief, my legs faltered, exhausted, and injured, but alive. Against all odds, I survived. The silent night embraced the destroyed village, paying homage to the fallen on both sides of the battle.



Fallen Light Energy alert, two fallen beings detected 10 km away

Sacred Gear detected 『Echo of the Fallen』possible annihilation of multiple life forms

Stop the fallen





+ 500 DG - - - - - + 1500 XP




You eliminated two 『Ordinary Fallen - Rank C』

+ 12.500 Xp











Name: Kuroto‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Level: 06

Age: 29 (06+23)

Race: Reincarnated Human

Sacred Gear: ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ∷ʖ𝙹∷リ ᒷ||ᒷᓭ 𝙹⎓ ╎リℸ ̣ ⚍╎ℸ ̣ ╎𝙹リ

Title: N/A

Faction: N/A


[█░░░░░░░░░] 500/16000


Strength: 05 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Vitality: 10

Agility: 05 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Wisdom: 10

Senses: 10 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Luck: -05


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Remaining Points: 25


Reeling with a throbbing pain in every fiber of my being, I forced myself to traverse the village streets, eyes scanning the devastated landscape unfolding before me. My steps were uncertain and uncoordinated, but determination drove my exhausted body forward.

The air hung heavy with the scent of blood and destruction, the sky now returning to blue, no longer purple; the ground stained red with debris strewn as far as the eye could see. Under the pale moonlight, I saw the true, brutal outcome of the fallen's attack: scattered bodies, some so disfigured they scarcely seemed human.

A wave of numbness hit me, and I pressed on with faltering steps, driven by the need to find survivors - if there were any left.

As I navigated the ruins, my eyes eventually fixed on a huddled figure near a partially destroyed house. It was a girl, not much older than me, with disheveled hair and wide, terror-filled eyes.

Sensing my presence, she recoiled, clearly frightened, but something in her gaze caught my attention. There was a peculiar light in her eyes, a spark of energy that seemed out of place in the grim situation.

Startled, I realized: she was the bearer of the Sacred Gear mentioned by the system.

"Hi," I tried to soothe her, my voice hoarse and weak. "I'm here to help."

She observed me, hesitantly, assessing my intentions. Likely, my wretched and wounded state presented a less threatening image, allowing her to relax, just slightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked, though the question sounded ironic even to me. Both of us were far from "okay".

Her answer got lost in the air as darkness began clouding my vision, a black, inescapable veil descending over reality. My legs gave way, and the last thing I noticed before being swallowed by unconsciousness was the ground rushing up fast.

In darkness, I floated, unsure if I was alive or dead, until consciousness finally slipped away, taking me into a deep, dreamless sleep. Body and mind yearned for rest, a temporary reprieve from the chaos of that night.

Sorry for the delay with the chapters, everyone. I'm feeling quite inspired by the work, and I'm loving writing it, even though I'm literally going through the worst phase of my life right now.

I'm at a point where unemployment is profoundly affecting everything. I'm unable to maintain my bills, meaning I'm borrowing Wi-Fi to write the story. So, I apologize for not being able to keep up with the frequency, but I will try, I promise you, everyone.


For those who can and want to help in some way, the Patreon link is above. Thank you again for reading my work.

Kuroto_Tennoujicreators' thoughts