
Cyber Chase

In the advanced cyber cities of 2934, a great researcher stored all his research in a data chip, the research which if fell to evil hands could spell the doom of the world. He was pursued and killed for hiding such a secret, but the data chip was not found on him, so where did it go? Did he entrust it to a secret organisation? A great agent? Hidden in some safe somewhere? No, those are easy to think of, the chip he handed to his daughter, who had no clue of what it even was, ensuring that the chip's search will soon die as no information of it will be found. Little did he know that his daughter will grow up to become a nightmare for those who killed her father, keeping the chip safe, but for how long. It's easier to show than to say, better read to find out.

Red_Ketchup · Romance
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6 Chs


"I will suggest you to not work with criminals any longer." Ronald adviced.

"And why is that?" Reese inquired as she packed her backpack with basic necessities and ammunition.

"It's not safe to work with criminals, they will betray you if they see the slightest benefit in it and there is the fear of the Security Forces (SF)." Ronald explained.

"You have a better suggestion for me to earn money easily?" Reese questioned. "And neither do I want a boring job nor do I want any from you, you have done more than enough already."

Ronald extended his arm towards her, holding a card. Reese took the card and lightly flicked it once, the card projecting a hologram in front of her. The hologram displayed a logo of three red guns crossed together with a black background. The title said 'Crime Elimination Forces (CEF)'.

"What is this?" Reese inquired.

"You were betrayed by the criminals, so work against them." Ronald suggested.

"I believe my plan to kill everyone in some organization I have yet to find is pretty criminal." Reese smiled.

"It's not when the organisation itself is a criminal organisation. While I have found nothing of them in very long, I am aware they were framed with your father's death as they should be and went into hiding to escape the SF. They are one of CEF's major targets. So, don't worry, you will fit right in." Ronald explained.

Reese thought for a while and sighed. "You know what, you have been right with everything so far so I will give it a go." Reese accepted as pocketed the card.

Ronald smiled and nodded. "Let me explain to you about all the new things I have gotten ready for you." Ronald offered.

Reese nodded and followed him after slinging her backpack over her shoulders. Ronald led her to a room which looked similar to a neatly arranged garage. He pulled a table to the center of the room as Reese tossed her backpack on an empty chair.

"First." Ronald called out as Reese stood at the table. "Your handguns." Ronald tossed both her pistols on the table. "Your normal DE-50 handguns have been upgraded with better firing speed, more firepower, and 5 more bullets in each magazine."

"Thats cool." Reese cheered.

"And an attachable scope and silencer for stealth missions." Ronald shrugged as he tossed two attachable scopes and black silencer barrels onto the table.

"Very useful." Reese nodded.

"Next, your convertible weapon, the ECW-120. With upgraded converting speed, uses energy instead of physical ammunition, lightweight and easy to use." Ronald presented.

"Cool as usual." Reese nodded.

"Next, what you are already wearing, your outfit." Ronald gestured towards her clothes. "Armored with a thin layer of Light Cyber-alloy. Easy to move in and resistant to many bullets, pretty good impact absorption, covers and protects your entire body except your head. Even your shoes have shock absorption so you can easily survival jumping from high places. And your gloves can absorb energy from what you touch, or channel it back. You can drain enemy equipment of energy and charge your own."

"That is maybe the most useful so far." Reese smiled looking at her clothes.

"But that's not all." Ronald said as he placed a long coat on the table. "Super light and highly bullet resistant material, electricity and water resistant, fire resistant and maintains your temperature. Can change shape easily and harden or soften based on need. This right here, is more than five billion dollars worth of nanotechnology." Ronald explained.

Reese paused in shock on hearing the price. "How do you have this?" Reese inquired.

"We made this, it belongs to you, belonged to your father, now it's yours to keep." Ronald replied.

Reese lifted the coat and inspected it, the blue-pink-black-red splashy design greatly matching her likes. It was extremely light yet Reese could tell it was very tough.

She wore it and looked in the mirror at her new look and smiled. Her usual clothes peeking through the front opening of the coat. Her pistols and katana slung on her belt and her backpack on her back with her convertible weapon.

"One last thing for you." Ronald called out.

Reese walked back to the table and saw an earphone and two contacts lying on the table.

"The contacts match your eyes, blue on the left and pink on the right." Ronald observed. "But they are much more useful than that, they work as a sort of scanner, they can quickly scan anything you want with just a thought and display information about them. As for the earphone, it can also do normal earphone things but it can also read the electromagnetic waves of the brain, which it relays to your coat and contacts to help them function, your convertible weapon can also transform based on this."

"Why are all of these so useful?" Reese exclaimed. "I would have never even thought I could need these, and now I am thinking why did I never think of these myself."

"I am simply preparing you for your new life, which will take a turn for the better is my wish." Ronald bowed.

Reese looked at him and couldn't help smiling. She walked to him and gave him a hug. "Thank you for everything you have done."

"This is nothing much, just do me two favors in exchange of everything I did." Ronald requested. "Firstly, avenge your father, and never give up no matter what. Secondly, never let the girl your father cared so much about get hurt or change, you don't have to act so tough anymore, you are still a kid."

"I am 16!" Reese exclaimed.

"Not being an adult means being a kid, and you look like one so don't worry about acting like one." Ronald laughed.

Reese pouted and crossed her hands as she walked to her backpack and slung it over her back.

"Well, I hope I will get to see you again." Reese smiled. "But, for now, it's goodbye."

Ronald nodded, the sadness visible in his eyes. "I hope I will still be alive when you kill those fools who killed my friend."

"I will make sure their funeral will be before yours." Reese nodded and headed out.

After heading out she made her way straight towards the CEF headquarters. Walking through the crowded streets with a large number of other people felt strange to her. The sky was cloudy, and chances of rain were high. She reached a train station and boarded a train. The CEF headquarters being a continent away, all the way in Norway in Europe from the bottom from USA.

She quietly sat in the train, alone with her thoughts till she was interrupted by a loud scream. Reese turned towards the sound and saw a grown man holding a small child hostage with a knife. The person who screamed was the child's mother and she seemed on the verge of breaking down as the child cried quietly, too shocked to even scream.

"Hand me all your money or this kid dies." The man warned everyone in the train.

"Please leave my son." The mother pleaded.

The man pointed the knife towards her, and just as he did blood sprayed from the side of his head and his body fell to the ground. Everyone looked in horror and was frozen but cheered as the kid rushed to his mother and both cried.

Reese was confident no one saw that, not even the cameras, but she realised she was very wrong when she noticed that a man sitting in front of her kept glancing at her every so often. The train reached its destination after about a hour and a half and Reese rushed out of the train to avoid being confronted by the man or him informing the authorities about her. She left the station and proceeded ahead towards her destination smoothly, nothing hindering her.

The city was covered in a layer of snow and ice, and Reese liked it. The environment was cold and a chilly wind blew every few seconds. Grey clouds covered the sky during her entire walk to her destination.

It took her about a hour long walk to reach at her destination. The headquarters of CEF was a tall building constructed away from the city. The logo of CEF was on the building, and the building was also completely black with red designs at some places.

Reese opened the door and walked in, being surprised at the difference in how things looked. The inside was mostly while, lit by bright light panels installed in the ceiling. The reception was straight ahead with a waiting room to the right and a VIP waiting room to the left. The waiting room which she could see was very good looking, 7 nice couches placed at small gaps, with a long glass table in front of the central, 3 on the longer edge and two to the shorter ends, one on each side. Two other couches were placed a bit away with a small glass table in front of each.

The waiting room was completely empty so Reese walked right to the reception. It was an all white table with a large black screen behind it. The table possessed a CEF logo imprinted on the visitor's side. There was a woman with reddish hair standing behind the reception and her eyes were reddish-orange. She turned her attention to Reese on seeing her approach.

"Hello, how many I help you?" She inquired.

Reese simply placed the card on the reception and thought about what to say exactly. The receptionist took the card and tapped it on the Black screen behind her once. All of Reese's details appeared on the screen.

"Name: Reese.

Height: 5'1" (153cm)

Weight: 42.3kg

Trained in: Everything."

Reese looked at the screen for a moment before turning to the receptionist.

"Follow me." The receptionist said and led Reese down the hallway.