
Cyber Chase

In the advanced cyber cities of 2934, a great researcher stored all his research in a data chip, the research which if fell to evil hands could spell the doom of the world. He was pursued and killed for hiding such a secret, but the data chip was not found on him, so where did it go? Did he entrust it to a secret organisation? A great agent? Hidden in some safe somewhere? No, those are easy to think of, the chip he handed to his daughter, who had no clue of what it even was, ensuring that the chip's search will soon die as no information of it will be found. Little did he know that his daughter will grow up to become a nightmare for those who killed her father, keeping the chip safe, but for how long. It's easier to show than to say, better read to find out.

Red_Ketchup · Romance
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6 Chs


"Well, it went pretty smooth with those two vaults." Blac sighed sitting down.

"No other enemies surprisingly." Reese observed.

"Because the first thing we infiltrated was the guard room." Blac pointed out.

"Still, it's too quiet." Reese pointed out, a chill running through her spine.

"Maybe they got eaten by ghosts, anyways let's get going." Blac hurried ahead getting up.

Reese rolled her eyes at home and followed through the narrow hallway, narrower than the rest. Their work so far was quite easy, unlock the vaults and throw all contents down the train, the people from Blac's organisation will find and carry it all back. But Reese was starting to feel like there was something wrong here, an intuition or overthinking she did not know, but she knew it was right.

Blac opened the door ahead and led ahead onto what seemed like a hoverpad, a hovercraft already placed on it. He went to a control pad and signalled Reese to go sit in it. She jumped into the hovercraft and waited for him to energize it so she can start it while he comes.

She didn't know for how long it was there for, but she noticed it too late. As she went to scream to warn Blac he ducked and fell to the ground, shielding his head, as a rocket was launched towards the hovercraft from behind him. Reese was too shocked from his action be able to react in time.

There was an explosion and her vision started to blank out, just as her body hit the ground her vision went completely dark. After what seemed like a moment she saw light again, bright light, focused on her eyes.

She flinched to a sitting position, gritting her teeth from the pain of her injuries. Two soft hands, around the size of her own, helped her at lying back down, then a different, larger and rougher pair of hands examined her injuries and injected what she supposed was a pain killer.

The pain relieved after a short while and she again opened her eyes, slowly this time, her head slightly hurting still. She was in a small room, a completely white ceiling with cyan walls. Her bed, a small table and a chair was all that was in the room, she didn't know how long it was after she last opened her eyes, but the two people in the room were nowhere to be seen.

She planned to get up and walk but her body denied the request. She sit there, completely still, waiting for someone to explain everything to her. Like why did Blac betray her? Who was the masked man with red eyes standing in the dark? How did she even survive that? And where even was she? So many questions, so little information.

She was also worried about her belongings but she doubted Blac would've left anything, afterall her guns were quite expensive. Granted she would give even one of her pistols to get back her clothes, after all they were her favorites. But she doubted she will see any of it again.

After what seemed to have been hours but were just about 10 minutes, the two people who helped Reese returned to the room. One was an old man, in his early 50s probably, surprisingly still alive without replacing his body parts. The other was a young girl, around the age of 16, same as Reese. Both of them were Brunets, with almond eyes that resembled each other a great lot, easy to tell they were father and daughter.

"Surprising you are still alive, Reese." The old man smiled at her.

Surprising you are still alive, Reese thought. "Who are you and where am I?" She questioned.

"An old acquaintance of your father, name's Ronald Calio." He introduced himself extending his hand for a handshake before remembering her condition and pulling it back.

"You knew my dad?" Reese inquired.

"Knew is an understatement, we were friends, he entrusted me with something i failed to protect for 7 years. But I was given a second chance." Ronald replied with teary eyes.

"And what is that thing?"

"You, your father entrusted me to protect you, but you just disappeared entirely, I spent 5 years looking for you before I was certain you died, but then you miraculously pop out of nowhere."

"What do you mean pop out of nowhere?"

"My daughter found you, lying on the road, wounded, so she brought you to me. Little did she know just how great a deed she was doing for me. Your injuries were grave but they are much better now, needed some surgeries but those have been taken care of, you will be all good in a month now." Ronald chuckled.

"Excuse me and sorry but I am not really interested in staying for that long, and did your daughter find my guns with me?" Reese questioned.

"Yes, she found 3 guns with you, I planned to ask you about them but after you recovered a bit, but if you wish to-" Ronald explained.

"No need for that, I am grateful to you for saving me but I have much more important things to accomplish than sitting here and recovering." Reese argued.

"Sure, I have no problems with that." Ronald shrugged.

"You don't?" Reese inquired, perplexed.

"I was entrusted to keep you safe, not keep you locked. I won't stop you from going to do whatever it is you must, but I will still not allow you to leave till you are recovered and your equipment upgraded." Ronald declared stubbornly.

"Upgraded?!" Reese squealed with excitement. "I will lie down here all day and recover, just do your thing and let me know when it's all done, I have important work to do for my father afterwards."

"As you wish, for now, don't sleep, eat something then rest. We will bring something right away." Ronald said with a bow and left the room with his daughter.

Reese shuffled around with excitement for a while till Ronald returned. After having her food she drifted back to sleep, this same cycle going on for 15 days.