

Iris Tanooki

Age 21

Long red hair pulled in a ponytail a white flower that changes color based on her mood on the side.

5ft 9"


Pail skin

Sapphire blue eyes

Iris is a Jedi master that traind under Master Yoda. She is from yatoosa. A planet full of vegetation and crystal clear water. She will often talk about her up bringing on that rock as she calls it.

Iris is a gentle spoken woman. She isn't quick to anger but can be spit fire when she needs to.

Iris is an excellent cook and often times can be found in the ships kitchen.

She is often in a blue tunic with black pants and boots. She carries a ocarina made from sea shells found on Yatoosa. It was the last thing her mother gave her.


Iris walks with her former master. "Close to Skywalker you are. This mission is something only you can complete. Spy on him you will. Report to the masters you will. Good luck may the force be with you." Yoda said looking up at the young Jedi master. "Master if this is what needs to be done, I will do it. I just don't see why Anakin is so swwr and kind." She said trying to defend her friend. "Darkness with in him I see. Something to be done must be. Believe in you I do." He said without a doubt he believed in his student. The red head bows to him,before going to find Anakin. Iris didn't have to serch very long though. In the gardens by the fountain sat Anakin with Padme. She had a feeling they were together but never said a word. Anakin looked back sensing her. He looked worried before seeing her smile and nod. He knew in that moment he could trust her.

Anakin pov

Padme was nervous about the up coming battle. "I will be ok I have Rex, Obi-Wan, and Iris at my side. As long as we breathe I will return to you." I said she rest her head on my shoulder enjoying our time together. That was till I sensed someone behind us. I become nervous until I see Iris smile and nod. We have been friends for a long time. I know she wouldn't rat us out. If she did I'd stage an accident. I couldn't mistaken the sadness in her blue eyes. I walked Padme home, walking back I spot Rex. I was about to approach till I saw Iris.

My captain and best friend are together. How did I not see this it was almost sickening. If I go to the council about this....She would out me as well. They look happy together, so as long as he doesn't hurt her and vice versa it should be ok.

Iris pov

It was the morning before we left. I woke to Rex holding me tightly. "Jate vaar'tur Cyar'ika." He said half awake. "Jate vaar'tur Ner kar'taylir darasuum" I yawn snuggling into his chest. "As much as I want to stay like this, we need to get up." He said befor sitting up. I sigh knowing he was right. "I'll see you on the ship." He said standing up. He stretched showing off his muscular body. I blush watching him. I followed suit standing up and getting ready. I was about to open my bedroom door when he grabbed my hand. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum cyar'ika. *smirks* Bal don't gar vurel digur bic" If my face could be anymore red it would be. "Ni Kelir ratiin kar'taylir darasuum gar" I said shyly he smiled and left. "That man is going to be the death of me." I said grabing my things.