
The Great war begins!

"Meet the enemy!!!"

Saeren held up his Demon Sickle and roared, at the same time, his group Stoneskin spell was also released, providing defense for the Demon troops to resist the rain of arrows.

Although Saeren also understands that he may have been caught by the Elves because of his own adventurousness, he is not at all panicked. As an upper level demon, he has his own pride, he has already fought many battles for Lucifer Kerrigan in this world, and a simple ambush is not enough to defeat him.

Demons have a taste for killing, and their instinct for fighting is almost engraved in their bones. Under Saeren's orders, the demon troops quickly adjusted from the chaos, and the Gog troops began to fight back against the rain of arrows, throwing a large number of exploding fireballs towards the other side of the forest.

The camp of the demon troops was originally in the forest, but because Saeren knew that he could not fight with the elves in the forest terrain, so he let the demon troops set fire to the forest, and a large part of the surrounding area was turned into scorched earth, and now the first wave of arrows from the elves was almost at the junction of the scorched earth and the forest, and when a large number of exploding fireballs ignited the area, the elves could only show themselves.

These slow-moving tree-people walked out with heavy steps, some of them were set on fire, and looked a bit awkward, but when they appeared, Saeren also felt a bit bad, because the number of deadwood guards was too much, up to more than two hundred deadwood guards, lined up on the battle line and formed a thick wall of shields, which covered the fragile elf troops at the back tightly. The elven troops at the back were covered by a thick shield wall.

Then came thousands of wood elf archers, and among these wood elves, there were also phantom archers, which the elves called ranger, these phantom archers are the ace troops with superb archery skills, every arrow they shot is a great threat, when the first wave of the previous attack came, the little devil that was nailed to a tree was from the handiwork of these phantom archers.

Mining Dwarves, Silver Pegasus Knights, Centaur Chiefs, Unicorns, these Averi Elven warriors appeared one after another, although these troops are not real Elves, but they also live in Elven territory, so it can be said that both glory and loss can be said to be the same, so in the Elves' foreign wars, you can usually see the figures of these races.

These troops, without exception, were all huge in number, and when they appeared together, they almost surrounded Saeren's demonic troops.

Three elven heroes also appeared, two of them were elven druids wearing deer helmets, and the other one was a humanoid man, although he had elven tattoos on his face and chest, he did not have those long pointed ears, and was a typical human.

Saeren recognized this humanoid elf hero as Lloyd at a glance! A famous ranger in both the Kingdom of Elasia and the Kingdom of Elves, it was said that he was the first human to be recognized by the Elves, and the tattoo on his body was carved for him by the Elven Elders themselves.

Three heroes, the number of about four thousand huge troops, when you see the size of such a large number of troops, even Saeren began to mutter, this number is too big a difference, right!

However, this is not the end of the story, with the sound of a high-pitched dragon's roar, a huge shadow appeared in the sky, a group of huge creatures with wings also appeared in the sky, the dragons are really here!

There were not many of them, only a dozen or so, but there were three types of dragons, the Green Dragon, the Emerald Dragon and the Golden Dragon. The Green Dragon and the Emerald Dragon liked to live in the forest environment, and it could be said that they were interdependent with the Elves, while the Golden Dragon liked to live on the high cliffs, but similarly, due to the presence of the Golden Dragon Queen, they were allies of the Elves as well.

These dragons are really too big, only a dozen or so of them, but they create a feeling of covering the sky, they circled in the sky above the battlefield, blocking the sunlight in the sky, leaving shadows on the ground, when they heard the roar of these dragons, those small demons were scared and trembled.

Once the dragons appeared, Saeren was in a bad mood, although he also had some high class demons, but they were all summoned by him temporarily at the expense of his magic power, the number was too small.

Saeren is not surprised to encounter the Dragons, after all, from the very beginning, their plan was to fight against the Golden Dragon Queen, but that was when Saeren was supplemented with a large number of high level demons at the rendezvous of Riska and Ignatius, now that Riska has gone to exterminate that traitor Zedda, and Ignatius has been separated from Saeren's troops, this is tantamount to making Saeren face the attack of these Elves and Dragons by himself. This means that Saeren is left alone to face the attacks of the Elven forces and the Dragons, so how can he be happy?

He still can't figure out how he could be happy about it. It's not even enough to ambush himself, but why would you send out three heroes and so many troops at the same time? This is like treating himself as the main force! Why did the Elves make such a big fuss?

It's true that without Roy's letter of war, the Elves would have attacked Saeren, but the attack would never have reached this scale. You have to know that the Elves were being attacked by two demonic forces, one from Saeren and one from Riska, and the population of the Elves was small and the number of troops was limited. But with Roy's letter of war, it's a different story.

It's like when you meet two bad guys, one of them is just doing bad things quietly, but the other one is not only doing bad things, but is also full of shit yakking and yakking and yakking, who do you think you'd hate more?

Now, in order to express their determination to resist the invasion and to combat the arrogance of the devil, the Elves had mobilized half of their main force at once, intending to teach this arrogant devil, Saeren, a good lesson!

If the heroes of the Elves had come out and rebuked Saeren loudly, Saeren might still have a chance to learn about the unnecessary war book from the mouth of the Elves. However, the Elves had fought with the Devil quite a lot of times, and knew what kind of character the Devil had, so they didn't even bother to talk, and directly attacked the camp after they finished the formation.

The withered wood guards were at the front, pushing forward at a slow but determined pace, the wood elves tightened their bows and raised the angle of their arrows in preparation for the sling shot, the silver pegasus knights had already risen into the air, and the dragons had circled to the perfect position, ready to start swooping!

"Shoot! Stop those damn Treemen!" Saeren roared.

The Gog troops once again threw out explosive fireballs, and the chimeras summoned by Saeren among them, although they were held in check by the dragons in the sky, still clasped their hands in front of their chests and rolled out a huge fireball, which they then threw at the charging Deadwood guards!

After hitting the Deadwood Guardians, the fireballs immediately lit up a huge fire on their bodies, however, the fireballs thrown by the Phantoms did not disappear, instead, they bounced back after hitting the other party and crashed into the other Deadwood Guardians on the side, hitting a few Deadwood Guardians one after another, before they were considered to be consumed!

Although these Deadwood Guards have thick skin and flesh, they are relatively afraid of fire. After being attacked by the Gog and Phantom troops, many of the Deadwood Guards were soon set ablaze and fell down after being burnt.

However, there were too many Deadwood Guards, so how could they all be burned up so quickly? After the remaining Deadwood guards covered the other troops of the Elves, those Dwarves and Centaurs immediately came out and rushed into the line of the Demons, and started to fight with the Demons.

In the sky, the dragons swooped down, the green and emerald dragons opened their mouths and spat out thick green poisonous gas and acidic liquid towards the devil troops below, the range of this spit was so large that seven or eight green and emerald dragons almost covered half of the devil troops, those small devils that were sprayed by the poisonous gas immediately let out a scream of misery, and the skin on their bodies began to fester instantly, and then they were contaminated by the acidic liquid of the emerald dragons, and then they started to fight with the devil troops. Their skin instantly began to fester, and when they were contaminated with the acid of the Emerald Dragon, their muscles also appeared to dissolve, and when they made a slight movement, large chunks of them would fall off.

A lot of small demons, even and the enemy did not have the opportunity to contact, will be screaming in misery and die, in the pain of erosion after the exhaustion of the ashes were expelled from this world, while the Cerberus troops and Longhorn Ghosts troops are a little better, their skin is more tough, although they are also corroded by the pain of hissing, but it is also considered to be a little bit of a way to carry the first wave of the vomit, but when the group of dragons of the golden dragon also began to swoop down, they were out of luck! However, when the golden dragons in the group also started to swoop down, they were in bad luck!

Although the golden dragon also has acid dragon breath, but this kind of dragon's strongest place is still in the physical combat, they have a huge size and tonnage, as well as an indestructible golden dragon scales, these golden dragons landed on the ground, immediately stepped on a lot of Cerberus, stretching out the claws of a swing, can sweep down a large number of horned vampires, and Cerberus and horned vampires although they also attempt to counterattack, but their sharp teeth and horns, but even to the golden dragon body to leave a little scratch. Although the Cerberus and the Horned Evil Ghosts tried to fight back, their sharp teeth and long horns could not even leave a scratch on the Golden Dragon's body!

The most troublesome thing is that creatures like the Golden Dragon are immune to most of the magic in this world, so there is not much you can do to kill them except to fight them in a physical battle as well. ...

As soon as the battle started, Saeren's demon army suffered heavy losses. High-ranked soldiers against low-ranked demons are like crushing existence. Luckily Roy was smart enough not to leave the vicinity of Saeren from the beginning, if he had stayed in the low-ranked demons' camp, he would have been attacked by the dragons by now.

"You guys should do it too!" Seeing that this was not going to work, Saeren immediately ordered the high-ranking demons he had summoned, "Buy me some time!

"And you too!" After that, Saeren said to Roy, "Kill as many as you can!"

Those abyssal demons with demonic reverse wings nodded their heads and rushed out directly with their Soul Snatching Blades, facing those green dragons and slashing them up, there were also those big demons who laughed maniacally, exploded in a group of flames in the same place and disappeared, and when they reappeared, they had already arrived at the side of the golden dragon that landed on the ground, and the demonic scythes in their hands were swung out, and clanging and chopping at the golden dragon's scales. The hard golden scales of the golden dragon were immediately cut out, and it hurt so much that the golden dragons immediately turned their guns and fought with the big demons.

These kill out of the abyssal devil and big devil, immediately became the focus of the battlefield, high class devil's opponent, naturally is also a high class creatures, this is the process of the two sides of the force of exchange.

Don't look at this world's war, the number of troops are relatively small, generally is a few thousand people, ten thousand people scale is rare, but the problem is that these creatures to participate in the war, the combat power is really too strong ....

But it is Roy, his lower level demons, in this kind of melee moment but a bit inconspicuous, this is also a kind of accidental joy, when the enemy's attention is focused on those high level demons, Roy smoothly touched the edge of the battlefield.

He did not appear in the front battlefield, but only here to defend the flanks of the troops, the enemy encountered naturally not much, relying on his fighting strength, can also hold out for a while, and at the edge of the battlefield, it is convenient for Roy and the others to escape.

Roy thinks that Saeren can't win this battle, the demon army will soon collapse under the elves' attack, and then he can turn into a defeated soldier and run away in a natural way.

Roy felt that Saeren can not, but Saeren himself does not think so, in this world, the strength of the troops may be able to determine the victory or defeat in the war, but powerful magic, but also can be, when the high-level demons began to hold back the ravages of the dragons, Saeren will be his own demon scythe inserted in the feet, hands began to flicker with the magic of the radiance to ...