
Cursed Luck (A Futuristic VR LitRPG)

It is the Year 2045, Sci-Axium, A conglomeration of scientific companies with the intention of making all humanity thrive in safety regardless of race, birth, gender, ect, were put in charge of earth after the failure of the governments after the 4th world war and the devastation wrought by the arrival of an asteroid the size of a small moon. Lilia who was once a martial arts champion and reduced to a crippled state during a match, now has a chance to do something with her life again, With the release of the latest gaming capsule, created by Sc-Axium, promising perfect body to avatar connection. But can a cursed life be changed? for 13 years everything that could have gone wrong has, she can now only keep pushing forwards. Lilia steps into the game, ' World Asunder Reality' as her minotaur avatar LilMoo, striving to be the best she can be, be comfortable in her own body and maybe flirt with girls along the way, her journey Begins. --------------------- Contains all forms of "LGBTQA+" as well as some poly (not harem) if any of those offend please don't read Release is roughly 2-3 chapters a week, most likely Friday and Tuesday (Ausy days). Early release chapters in my Patreon if interested in supporting. https://www.patreon.com/NerdyafCreations https://discord.gg/uYzrb2uDFb

Lillyloude · LGBT+
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48 Chs

Blood in the water.

Zelia zips behind my back as we all realize who we are going to be dealing with, a monstrous woman, although I think Zelia's actions are more from sudden arousal than fear. She always had a thing for monster girls that could kill her.

I approach as I've now become our front-girl, Zelia follows close and sleeping Keeks even closer, "Hi are you Miss Mershi moo?"

The Shark lady turns towards us and looks me up and down, eyebrow raised at what I'm wearing. At least I think it's an eyebrow, I would ask my resident monster fucker girlfriend but she's indisposed. She floats in the water just below my height, a tongue leaves her mouth and rubs the whole way across each tooth, as if she's ruminating on if she will be able to eat me in one bite, I prefer my beef cooked myself. "Yeah I'm Mershi, who are you lot? Not newbies I hope? At least not in that getup!" She sticks one of her fingers in her mouth and pulls out a tooth straight out of the socket, she throws it past me and I hear Zelia scramble to pick it up. Pleeasssee don't embarrass meee! I start coughing to mask her sounds.

"I'm sorry to say we are. Just registered today, please don't mind the costume… it's not for uhh battle… moo…" She Tsks at us, but I can hear it echoing all the way to the back of her throat, I gulp and hand over my temporary license. She looks at it for a second and sighs. Turning her head to the poor saps she was yelling at previously.

"IF I GET BACK AND YOUR NOT ALL ON THE FLOOR ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED FROM TRAINING I WILL DO IT INSTEAD! Alright, spotty, let's find somewhere to talk!" S-spotty?! That's a first… The groans of the people she was training emanate after us down the hall, her floating pool of water rotates like a whirlpool, with her perfectly in the center.


We get to a door that says 'staff only' and she ferries us inside. She goes over to a wooden table and opens up a book, quickly she reads out the text and we watch, as before our very eyes her body completely changes. Her jagged flippers turn into legs, her head gets smaller and her entire demeanor changes, she's now more woman than shark instead of the opposite. I hear Zelia make sad noises behind me. Her feet touch the ground and she opens a pot on the table, all the water starts flowing inside rapidly until it's all gone. She puts the stopper back on and sits down in the seat.

"Ahh… That's better!… I'm on loan from the silas academy, I get an entire pool there! Here all I've got is my damn floaties! So!... Here's the plan! I take you all on a fucking picnic like I'm taking the sister's kids for a trip and then we find a big fucking cave, we kill some shit and BAM I tell them you were the worst fucking adventurer's group I've ever had the pleasure of fucking with and they pass you anyway cause you're still alive! Probably, the passing part I mean, who fucking knows about the rest! She nods to herself and pulls out a device and starts fiddling with it. "Alright logged! you fucking kids get ready we're leaving in 10 minutes!"

Ah shit already?! I draw Zelia to the seat and let Keeks topple off my horns and down onto the table top, She rolls over and starts twitching like she's having a wonderful kitty dream. I don't think she's going to be much use today… maybe if she gets enough sleep…

"Do you think she dreams of cat's or gnolls, Wan?" Zelia looked thoughtfully at their tiny twitchy movements.

"Whatever it is, it's better than mine moo!" I pull up my console and have a look at my stats and the new items that I got before, instead of just telling Zelia about them I can actually just hand them to her!


I hand over the alchemy book and recipes so that she can learn to be an alchemist and get us those sweet sweet mixed potions, they will be a godsend! She starts digging into them before I can even ask her anything about what I've gotten, I put my fingers through her head and turn it to me, she eyes me with lust, "I need help before you get caught up in your own thing, beside's I don't think we are going to have the time for you to nerd out love heh, I've got this new crystal but I need 20 constitution and 20 Wisdom to learn the body growth skill. Which one should I put up first moo?" I hand her the crystal and she looks at my stats page by peering under my arm as I make it visible.


< Ability Crystal - Body Growth >

Grants Body Growth Active Ability

Restriction 20 base Constitution

Restriction 20 base Wisdom

'Crushing this crystal will grant you the Ability inside, can't be used until restrictions are met'


"Mnnnn Wisdom I think… you might learn new skills and it means they will grow faster too! It could be a big boost in damage output and general use! If you go Con first you might get some tankiness but you could also get some tanking skills anyway from putting up Wisdom. Just gotta believe in your potential like I do wan!" She leans up and kisses me on the chin, making me feel warm inside. God she's pretty… Tiny snores and little nye's drift up happily from the desk… and she's just a derpy cutie heh


Wisdom it is! I throw 10 points into it and a feeling of clarity comes over my mind, like a fog I never knew was there. A sudden inspiration overwhelms me and I breathe out roughly, turbid air passing out of my lungs.

Status Interface

Name: LilMoo

Level: 12

Race: Minotaur

Gender: Female, She/Her

Max Health: 185

Max Mana: 188

Max Stamina: 212

Points remaining: 0

Strength: 16 (20)

Dexterity: 6 (14)

Constitution: 8 (13)

Intelligence: 10 (13)

Wisdom: 20 (25)

Charisma: 1 (4)

Luck: 50 (53)

{ 375/8000 exp until next level }



< Requisite met 20 Wisdom learnt Undying Rage - Active >

For 5 seconds you must keep attacking the same target regardless of damage taken or death.

For every second your attacks will do 10% extra damage and 10% increased attack speed. 

If a user has died they will immediately perish once the attack stops.

1 hour Cooldown

'Not even death can stop me from ripping you apart!'



Damn… I mean I haven't died yet! Would be a crazy way to go… I wonder if you're like, healed before it finishes even at death's door you still survive?... It would be a super cool way to avoid dying like that, I think some older MMO's had those kind of mechanics, where one small fuck up and you get yourself killed. I'm not even sure what the heck the death screen is like! Or if there's like… death mechanics?! OH GOD I DON'T REALLY KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS GAME! I look over pleadingly at Zelia but she's giggling and flipping over each page of her new alchemy book as her knee bounces up and down, I can't distract her… what an adorable nerd! She's just too cute!

I pull out my own book < Humanoid bodies and you! > and quickly flick through it, mine is less words and more… picture book, honestly a blessing! Very quickly I receive my reward and the book gets marked as untradable, ahhh so I can keep it forever and read it when I want! I'm betting Zelia got her Abilities and is just reading it for fun now, adorable.

< ! Gained New Title ! >

Anatomy Specialist

Gives a greater understanding of humanoid bodies.

Improves abilities associated with changing your body.


< Bone control has changed due to conditions met >

< Bone Control has become Bone Command, Abilities are now fully split >



Bone Command level 1 (Rare) - Active Ability

Morph and change the bones in your body and those that you touch directly as you will it.

Mana Cost 5-70

Stamina Cost 5-70


Anatomy Sense (Combined) - Active Ability

Able to see all bones of your body clearly and what changes can be made, can activate other Abilities to accompany it as well as focus on specific parts.

Stamina Cost 5 per 2 seconds used.


Bone Hardening (Combined) - Active Ability

When used with < Anatomy Sense > able to increase damage/defense on specific bones, when used without any other abilities all your bones will receive a hardening effect.

Mana Cost 20 per area increasing damage and defense by 20% when using <Anatomy Sense> (Can Stack).

Mana Cost 10 to Increase overall Bone density by 10% (Can stack).


Bone Creation (Combined) - Activate Ability

Able to make small/light weapons/implements out of your bones and pull them from your body.

Size and specific shape will cost differing amounts.

Creations made will not disappear unless willed too.

Mana Cost 10-40

Stamina Cost 10-40


Revert Bone Changes (Combined) - Active Ability

Reverting changes done to bones as you will it, will not affect changes or creations to bones outside of the body unless you're in contact with it.

Will automatically activate for all bodily changes if stamina and mana go below 10.



Wh…WHAT?! There is a little too much to unpack here for my brain right now… I CAN MAKE SHIT OUT OF MY BONES?! Th-there's just too much I could do, my thoughts instantly turning towards non-combat applications… Right! It's dependent on things like, brain stuff… well I'm obviously not the best at that! Okay Okay stay cool, Zelia is gonna love this, I'm a fucking genius! Please don't hurt, pleeeaasseee don't hurt!

< Bone Creation > I focus on the bone in my right thigh, the femur, it's the largest bone in my body so it's probably the best to get started on right? I feel the creation ability at work, the growth transforming bit by bit and then pushing up past the muscle and skin, I completely forgot about it actually coming out! It seems to part and just let it through like an ambulance with its lights on, fucking hell that's gross as shit! Like some kind of alien morphology… I feel like I should hide at least that part of it from anyone else… Only tiny specs of blood are left on it, I hope it's not just my blood settings that are reducing it. Once it emerges fully the bottom of it seems to disconnect from the bone. It has taken a full minute from start to finish and takes a lot of work, intricate brain hurting work, from the whole process I feel that it would normally take like 10 seconds to make a dagger? So lots of effort was put into this beauty. In the end I have in my hand a bone rose, the red flecks of blood on the tips only adding to its beauty if I do say so myself!

It's not a masterpiece, or perfectly shaped for that matter! but after spending a full minute forming it as best I can, with help from the ability, it's something to be proud of, a piece of me!… Is that too fucked up?! Zelia isn't a normal girl, she's into some wild stuff, even more than I'm aware of heh.

"Zelia my love, I present~ something that I've made for you… which can be taken as literally as possible moo~" She looks up from her book puzzled and see's the rose in my hand, even the hilt has grown out little sharp thorns, it might be viable as a weapon actually?

"It's beautiful Lil… I love it so much!… Wait!... DID YOU GROW THIS FROM YOUR BODY?! YOU CAN DO THAT?!" She has a massive smile, one of love, curiosity, astonishment and lastly worry, phew I'm glad she likes it, most girls would be horrified. I really did find the one for me. She starts twirling it around by the stem and looking it over as much as she can adoringly. I lean over and kiss her deep. "Did it hurt? Wan?..." I think for a second at the sensation of the whole thing.


"Mnn it stung a little but not worryingly so, more just felt weird moo! Anyway we should get our stuff on before she finishes getting ready moo!" I motion over to our guide, who has just strapped a buckler onto her back, I'd love to see her in her shark form fully dressed up for a fight! 


I bid my maid costume farewell as does Zelia with puppy eyes, maybe she deserves to wear it tonight? I click a few buttons and all my combat equipment appears on my body instead, my beautiful sexy bone gear! Wait… it's also bone mayb-BAM


"I DIDN'T DO IT NYE!!!!???" In shock we look over to our shark guide, they have slammed the table announcing how very ready they are. Keeks has vaulted their half asleep body upwards while on the table.


"Alright you fucks it's time to go, pick up your pet and we can hit the road!" Hah pet, I look at Keeks and she looks heartbroken, then aroused, then heartbroken again.

"I'm not a pet! I'm Keeks! AND I HAVE QUESTIONS!?" She looks around at us all confused, at the room, at the shark-woman and back to us. I pick her up by the scruff and put her back on my shoulders. Our guide has already started walking out the door after suiting up and motioning to us all, not even bothering to look at Keek's outrage and confusion.

"We will explain on the way! Silly cutie moo!" Walking back through the training area Keeks looks on in confusion on how we got here. Back up through the main floor past all the desks where the bunny-girl waves at us, out the door and past the now very courteous and sweating guards looking at our guide as she swaggers through, yeah, she's really not someone to fuck with… or is it how amazingly deadly I look out of a maid costume! Hard to say now that I'm not getting as many learning looks, at least the appreciative looks are coming more from women now.

Thankfully It was a short explanation and Keeks takes it in stride, playing pirate ship quickly get's her spirits back up, "So now here we are going to a cave to kill things and hopefully not die Wan!" Keeks nods animatedly and pulls my horns to the side playing 'tip the cow' with me, Zelia yelps and leaps out of the way nearly falling down a hill herself as Keeks laughs with no regrets, at least until I bend over and deposit her on the ground with nyyyooooo!

"No pirate ship if you don't behave moo!" I hear muttering about how pirates don't have to behave, that's the whole point of pirates. I nudge her forwards and we run back after Miss shark who has basically given up on us at this point, she's going to get to her destination with or without us!

Mershi is just a big softy! although... she might eat Keeks whole if noone is looking.

If you like what your reading there are 12 extra chapters of cursed luck over on patreon if you want to support me <3 As well as extra chapters of my other story Cursed Moon.


And a Discord if you wanna join in talks about the books and other gay things!


Also first Arc released in full and thoroughly edited on https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1JFXK1

Lillyloudecreators' thoughts