
Chapter Twelve: An Unexpected Visit - January 10th 2027

The next morning as Dirt woke up he yawned. He really didn't like getting up early but he also really wanted to research more about the daggers hopping to figure out as much as possible about this Wolf Queen. Just then as he was walking tiredly down the stairs from his room for some breakfast the door bell rang and he couldn't figure out who would be he this early in the morning.

So with a moan Dirt turns from his path towards the front door not even thinking of the fact he was still in his princess pony pajamas on as he placed his hand on the door knob and slowly opened it up just to freeze as to his shock and surprise at the sight of Vixi standing at the door in a beautiful red black dress.

"Vixi? What can I do for you?" asked a very confused and embarrassed Dirt.

"Well other then possibly changing I'd say just maybe a short little chat." teased Vixi with a smile and a glance at his pajamas.

"Please don't tell the others about these." pleaded Dirt as he motioned for her to come in.

"Why they're cute and well lets just stick with cute for now." teased Vixi as she followed him inside shutting the door behind them.

"Please the kids make fun of me enough as is." pleaded Dirt as he lead the way to the kitchen to get them both some breakfast.

"Well if you let them see you all cleaned up like this you wouldn't need to worry about that." teased Vixi, "I mean at first I thought I had the wrong house."

"Laugh all you want I may love dirt and ancient things but there are still a few things that I prefer to be clean for." replied Dirt as he walked over to the fridge to grab a few eggs and some bacon for them.

"And the Princess Pony Pajamas?" asked Vixi with a smile.

"It's my favorite tv show is that okay with you?" asked Dirt as he started to cook the food.

"No, I just would've never guessed you for a Princess Pony is all." replied Vixi, "Besides that's not what I wanted to talk with you about."

"Then what is?" asked Dirt.

"Well it's kind of a odd kind of question that is also something I've been thinking about myself." replied Vixi nervously not sure if she really should even ask it.

"Well are you going to stare at my princess ponies or spit it out already?" asked Dirt both nervous as well as In a way to lighten the mood some to maybe make the awkwardness go away.

"Well, I was wondering if there was any of your friends that you'd really consider as someday being more then a friend?" replied Vixi as she finally forced herself to get it out.

"Oh well to be honest I've never really given it much thought especially since I don't know if I'd really call us all friends to begin with." confessed Dirt as she dished out the eggs and bacon onto two plates before bringing them over to the table where she'd been sitting.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't we all be friends?" asked a slightly confused Vixi as she took one of the plates from him.

"You only hang out with us because you're in love with Kat and everyone knows that except maybe Kat himself. As for Val well he only comes because Kat is the only one who seems to invite him to things. As for me well Kat seems to always find the best locations to find cool stuff." confessed Dirt as he sat down across the table from Vixi.

"I see." replied Vixi as she looked down at her plate before slowly starting to pick at the food on it not really hungry but also knowing she should at least try to eat it out of respect.

"Vixi don't get me wrong you're a very attractive Girl and could more then likely get any guy in school maybe except Kat because he's to ignorant to notice and Val because he's too stuck up." replied Dirt with a smile before sighing and adding, "Plus if you didn't catch on with the Princess Pony Pajamas and the fact I've told you it was my favorite show but you're not really my type. So to answer your question of our friends as you call us the only one I think I'd consider ever hoping to be more then just friends with is Kat."

"Really?" asked Vixi as she looked up at him with wide eyes. Why does everyone have a crush on her crush? How is she ever going to get him to go out with her if everyone else wanted him too.

"That's not exactly the reaction I would've thought you'd have from me telling you I'm gay and want to fuck your crush." replied a very confused Dirt.

"Never mind, It's just you're not the first to tell me that you're in love with Kat and to be honest since he's ignoring me why don't you give it a shot. Plus if it doesn't work out I might know of someone in the school who might consider going out with you if they saw you like this." replied Vixi gesturing to him before quickly adding, "Well maybe not in the pajamas but at least clean."

"You really think so?" asked Dirt, "Vixi did something happen to you while we were at Sigma?"

"No why would you even ask such a thing?" nervously asked Vixi as she tried to not think about the nightmare nor the visions she's had. What could he possible know?

"Well it's just you're acting very not you. In fact on a Sunday morning I'd expect you to be over at Kat's house not mine let alone be asking me about your crush let alone telling me to go ask him out." replied Dirt with a raised eyebrow. "So spill it what's going on?"