
Plundering the Dead Island (1)

In Hunter's stealth, Jacob slowly made his way toward the building entrance and used the slumber hex to knock the guard zombie out. 

Jacob then tries opening the door, but to his surprise, it won't budge. He frowned since he saw the Zombie always opening this door without using any key or special method. 

After mulling over this issue for a moment, he picked up the zombie through his hand and touched the door nob and to his surprise, it easily opened this time. 


This time, he took the slumbering zombie within him, and he entered inside before closing the door. A corridor with four doors on each side appeared in front of him. 

Without hesitation, Jacob reached the first door to his left and tried opening it but failed again. He tried doing the same thing he did at the entrance door, but this time, the door wouldn't open.