
Cursed Immortality

Jacob Steve, an Old Man, died at 116 after living a whole life. But Jacob always had a dark side, which he always suppressed and hid from others. However, in the later years of his life, when death was inevitable, he understood there wasn't any point in having wealth, knowledge, or desires if you couldn't have a life to enjoy them. He became obsessed with fabled immortality and devoted his reaming life to extending his fleeting lifespan, but just like any other, he failed. However, he mysteriously got another chance at life and found a way that led to fabled immortality. But he was also forewarned that the way led to it was filled with blood and darkness! In the end, Jacob chose it anyway with no way of going back, and it was also the start of his suffering and his icky, brutal journey toward the 'Immortality' he wanted so badly! ______ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/KCqGqN4n

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Nine Anonymous Stars’ Mission

The Siren Hymn Temple was the territory of the Siren Race. Unlike the Empires, they didn't have cities or nobles titles; instead, they all worshiped the Mermaid Goddess. They divided their territory into regions, and Priest Lords were anointed to govern those regions.

Priests govern smaller regions and are responsible for both religious and secular matters. Some may owe allegiance to a central High Priest, and some may operate with more autonomy.

This local control allows for a better understanding of regional needs. However, there is potential for conflicting interpretations of doctrine and power struggles between Priest-Lords.