
Cursed Fate: Teen Wolf x The Originals

Taken in as an orphan by Aurora de Martel, "Kai" found himself thrust into the dangerous world of vampires. Despite his new life of privilege, Kai soon discovers that he must fight for survival and reclaim what was taken from him.

NoirPato · TV
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13 Chs

Cherished Memories

As the clock struck midnight, a sleek black SUV pulled up to the entrance of the airport. Two security personnel immediately rushed towards the vehicle, signaling for it to stop. The driver gradually rolled down his tinted window, revealing only the top portion of his face, which was covered with sunglasses.

"Please identify yourselves," demanded one of the guards sternly.

Without a word, the driver slipped a card bearing the image of a golden owl through the window. The guard's eyes widened as he recognized the symbol, and quickly stepped back, signaling for his colleagues to do the same.

"Please forgive us, sir," the guard said, his voice trembling slightly. "You may proceed."

The driver nodded curtly, and the SUV smoothly passed by the startled security personnel.

The vehicle came to a halt in a secluded area, and Kai stepped out, gazing up at the sleek, silver private jet parked in front of him. The plane shimmered under the bright lights of the tarmac. He slung his large black duffle bag over his shoulder and strode towards the aircraft. The stewardess waiting by the entrance greeted him with a warm smile.

"Good evening, sir," she said. "Your companion is already aboard. Please follow me."

Kai nodded silently and trailed her up the stairs and into the plane. As he entered, he glanced around the luxurious interior with barely concealed indifference, having grown tired of these unnecessary displays of wealth.

Kai's attention was immediately drawn to the young woman seated in the back. She was dressed in all black, with long dark hair cascading down to her shoulders. He recognized her immediately as a member of The Sisters, often seeing her together with Ariane. He thought her name was Madison.

The young woman paid him no attention, her eyes fixed on a book she was reading. Kai chose a seat away from her, placed his duffle bag on the seat next to him, and settled in.

As takeoff drew nearer, Kai's mind drifted, replaying a flood of memories. It started with his first flight, years ago when Aurora had taken him in. The flight was from Mexico to Nice, France. He could still recall how amazed he was at seeing a jet for the very first time and the breathtaking view above the vast ocean. He remembered how small Nice looked from above the clouds.

The second memory that came to Kai's mind was being picked up at the airport and driven to Aurora's home. He wasn't anxious or nervous; he was genuinely happy to finally have a place to call home and be cared for. Of course, Aurora had kept the details of her home quiet, so when he finally saw it for the first time, he was left speechless.

Arriving at a grand castle on the outskirts of the city would have left most people in awe, especially a small child who had been living on the street just a few days ago. Kai was completely stunned by the sheer size and beauty of it. Aurora simply smiled and told him that it was to be his home from now on before leading him inside.

Kai vividly remembered how overwhelmed and intimidated he felt by the grandeur of the castle. He had never seen anything like it before. But Aurora had been patient with him, showing him around the castle and explaining the history and importance of every item, from paintings to vases and rugs.

As they walked through the halls of the castle, Kai was in awe at the beauty and opulence visible in every nook and cranny. The sight of everything he had seen so far was straight out of a fairy tale, and he soon found himself crying. He couldn't believe it was real; it must have been a dream. He thought he couldn't possibly be here; he was nobody, just an orphan. As Aurora embraced him, his tears fell faster, but he felt grateful to her for bringing him here and making him a part of her world. It was a memory that he would cherish forever.

As Kai reflects on his time with Aurora, another flood of memories come rushing back to him. He remembers the incredible experiences they shared, from shopping at exclusive designer boutiques in Paris, London, and Milan to exploring exotic destinations around the world.

One of their most unforgettable adventures was witnessing the sunrise from the peak of Machu Picchu in Peru. The stunning view left Kai in awe, and he couldn't believe he was fortunate enough to witness it.

Another memorable moment was when Aurora arranged for a private tour of the Louvre museum in Paris. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see some of the most famous works of art up close and personal.

But the most breathtaking moment was undoubtedly the night they dined under the Aurora borealis, the magnificent Northern Lights. The shimmering lights danced across the sky as they enjoyed a romantic dinner, and Kai felt like he was in a dream.

All of these incredible experiences were thanks to Aurora, who had opened up a whole new world to him. Kai would in turn cherish these memories and be eternally grateful for everything she did for him.

As Kai reflects on his memories with Aurora, his thoughts also turn to a time when he discovered a shocking truth about her. He had walked in on her feeding on one of the maids in the castle, and the sight terrified him. He couldn't believe that the woman he loved was a vampire, and he feared that she would also feed on him.

It took him some time to come to terms with this revelation, but eventually, Aurora sat down with him and explained everything. She apologized for not telling him sooner and reassured him that she would never hurt him. She opened up about the complexities of vampire existence and their place in the world, and Kai began to see her in a new light.

Over time, he came to understand and accept Aurora's true nature. Learning that she was different from other vampires he had heard about, possessing a sense of humanity and compassion that was rare among her kind. While it was a difficult and scary realization, it ultimately brought them closer together as Kai grew to love and accept Aurora for who she truly was.

As Kai's mind wandered, he found himself revisiting a painful memory that had shaped him into the person he was today. It happened on the night of his tenth birthday, which, unbeknownst to him, coincided with a full moon. A group of assassins had managed to infiltrate the castle with the intention of killing Aurora.

Kai had been caught off guard and, being just a child, was unable to protect Aurora with his limited human abilities. He had watched in horror as the assassins had come closer and closer to his beloved guardian, ready to strike. But then, something unexpected had happened.

In a moment of desperation, Kai's latent werejaguar abilities were triggered, causing him to transform into a powerful creature. He had always known that there was something different about him, but he never expected to become a werejaguar. In that moment, he was fueled by a primal urge to protect his beloved Aurora.

The assassins were taken aback by his sudden transformation, and Kai used his newfound strength and speed to fight them off. His werejaguar form was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, and he was able to defeat the assassins with ease.

However, the transformation took a toll on his body, and he was left weakened and vulnerable. Aurora was there for him in his time of need, nursing him back to health and helping him come to terms with his new reality.

Together, they learned to control his werejaguar abilities and use them to protect their home and each other. They practiced every day, honing Kai's skills and developing strategies to defend themselves against any threat that may come their way. It was a difficult lesson to learn, but it brought them closer together and made their love stronger. Kai knew that he would do anything to protect Aurora, even if it meant risking his own life or embracing a side of himself he never knew existed.

After the assassination attempt on Aurora's life, Kai's own took an unexpected turn. Being introduced to Aurora's older brother, Tristan de Martel, who was the Shadow Leader of The Strix - a powerful vampire organization with vast resources and capabilities.

Tristan recognized Kai's potential and was impressed by his strength and determination. He saw an opportunity to train Kai to become a better protector for Aurora and offered him a chance to join The Strix.

At first, Kai was hesitant to leave Aurora's side and reluctant to become involved with the organization. However, Tristan was persistent and convinced Kai that joining The Strix would be the best way to ensure Aurora's safety. With some reluctance, Kai made the difficult decision to join and underwent intense training to improve his skills as a protector. He learned to control his werejaguar abilities even better and became a formidable fighter in his own right.

But as time went on, Kai began to see the darker side of The Strix. He witnessed their ruthless tactics and willingness to sacrifice innocent lives for their own gains. He started to feel like he was losing himself in the organization and questioned whether it was worth it to continue down this path.

Overall Kai's time with The Strix was a mixed bag. While he had become a powerful fighter and learned valuable skills, he couldn't ignore the organization's ruthless tactics and willingness to sacrifice innocent lives. But what ultimately led to his departure was Aurora's declining mental state.

Despite his best efforts, he couldn't control her intrusive thoughts and erratic impulses. One day, upon returning home, he found that Aurora had killed all of their staff. When he confronted her about it, she claimed that they were hiding things from her. When he asked what they were hiding, she replied, "I don't remember."

Kai was devastated by the loss of innocent lives and the realization that he couldn't keep Aurora's mental state in check. He knew he had to leave The Strix and focus on finding a way to help her.

After that traumatic incident, Kai put everything aside to focus on taking care of Aurora. He ignored his responsibilities at The Strix and stayed by her side, doing everything he could to prevent her from having another episode. For a while, things seemed to be improving, with Aurora returning to her usual self.

Their peaceful existence was abruptly interrupted when Tristan paid them an unexpected visit. At first, Kai was relieved to see him, assuming he was there to check on Aurora's well-being. But it soon became clear that Tristan had ulterior motives. He revealed that The Strix was being closely watched by a rival organization and needed Kai's skills to infiltrate and eliminate key figures to send a message.

Kai vehemently refused, but Tristan then insisted on speaking with Aurora in private. Kai had a sinking feeling in his gut as he watched the two of them talk. After the conversation, Aurora demanded that Kai return to The Strix with Tristan and follow his orders as if they were hers.

Kai was devastated and did everything in his power to convince Aurora to change her mind, but she refused to listen. A few days later, Kai reluctantly returned to The Strix, his heart heavy with grief and worry for Aurora's safety.

In his second stint at the organization, Kai seemingly made it his goal to complete missions as fast as possible. Completing mission after mission without lowering his almost impossible standards of working. Quickly earning him a truly menacing reputation in the underbelly of the supernatural world. However, he cared little for reputation, solely motivated by his love for Aurora. Despite his success, he struggled to balance his duties with The Strix and his desire to spend time with her.

Then a few months ago, upon returning from a mission, he was devastated to learn that Aurora had gone missing. He immediately sought out Tristan for help, but was shocked to hear that it he who had sent her away, citing her weakening mental health. Kai was furious and wanted nothing more than to rip his throat out, but knew that wouldn't resolve anything. Ultimately deciding to play the part of a loyal soldier to get into his good graces and hopefully earn Aurora's freedom.

Only until recently did Kai realize that he had been a fool to think he could earn Tristan's favor and win back Aurora. Even if Kai sacrificed everything for him, Tristan would never release her. But Kai knew he couldn't dwell on his mistakes. He needed to focus on rescuing the one person who had believed in him, accepted him, and made him feel loved.

Ironically, Tristan had underestimated Kai's love for Aurora, which he saw as a weakness and tried to use against him. Instead, it ignited a burning desire for revenge in Kai. Tristan had poured time and effort into creating a killing machine, and soon enough he'd have to face the very monster he helped create.