
Cursed Fate: Gate to hell (Download the new version)

Welcome to “Cursed Fate: Gate to hell” A mysterious book, An extraordinary book from the future, is controlling two people's fate in the present world. Kindly download and read the Novel! Don't forget to leave a review. Follow me on Instagram: @doriswrites.s or @doris_writes

Doriswrites_s · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Death

"Every Five decades, my soul gets locked in a baby's body. I would be seen as a child, whereas, I'm a demon with an uncountable age. This is my punishment. She knows I want death, but she prefers that I should suffer for all the bad things I've done."

"I killed my first parent out of anger and anguish. They never loved me because I was different from them. They treated me different and send me out for war to die. Anytime I returned home looking unharmed, they reign curses on me, calling me 'Devil'. Out of anger, I killed them because they never worth living."

"Due to the love I never had from family and friends, I ranged my anger out on humans. I killed many souls and killed may good people. Even though I was good from the beginning, I was still treated bad and so, I punished and killed both the good people and bad people. It wasn't my fault that I was given birth too as a demon to a human family. I never chose to be a demon anyway. This is just my fate, and I was disliked for it."

"The girl who ever loved me for who I am, the only girl that wasn't scared of me, the only girl who looked into my eyes and told me everything would be alright, I killed her because I am never worth her love. I never wanted love. I don't deserve it. Love can't heal me. It will only cause me pain and more anger. The love I was craving for in the past is now filled with blood, terror, and evil. All I craved for was death and not love. I want death…death is the only end. Nothing apart from death" Even with the remarks and signs, Lucinda could feel the anger, guilt, and pain when writing this book. She also couldn't help it. She couldn't suppress the pain as she let out tears. His life was torture. It wasn't a good thing to remember, but will death solve it all? Will death be the end of it all?

Taking out her pencil, she opened to a fresh page as she decided to write down something.

"Life is full of challenges. It makes us stumble and make us think the unthinkable, but we shouldn't let life's big problem defeat us. We should always be the hero and not the villain. Just close your eyes and hope that everything would be okay. Think of different ways to show our oppressors that we can never be defeated.

Killing and anger shows how weak we are. Evil doesn't solve anything. Killing adds more to our pain. There are better things to do to overcome this unbearable pain. Death can't also be the end. Choosing to die shows that we are a coward, and we run away from our disaster. We need to face life and find our own escape."

Lucinda dropped her pencil down as she read what she has just written. This was also a comfort to her. Even if no one was reading this book, she felt at peace. Even if her family tortures her more than this, she wasn't willing to do evil or repay them with bad either. All she could do is to hope for better and a peaceful life.

Lucinda didn't know what to believe anymore. The story looked really real, but she doubted if the person really lived. A demon!

"Only if you knew how much I'm suffering, you wouldn't be saying that" Tears rolled down his eyes as he read what the girl has written. His veins popped out as the fire burned his skin. The chains were too strong for him to break. He could only allow himself to burn in the fire. The more he saw her writing, he wanted to hold the book and read it again and again, but right now, he wasn't bound to do so.