
Cursed Desires: The CEO'S Redemption

It's the year 2068. Earth's in danger and the human race is on the verge of extinction. Mortimer Piers Simmons is the current possessed ironfist who unofficially leads the human race. To successfully lead the human race into the "new world" and save the declining population, Piers has to get exorcised from the demons who constantly take a hold of him. However, the art of complete exorcism is one of the many arts deemed extinct due to the mass death of humans. Granville Elfleda Sharrow is one of the only left exorcists in the world and when she is called upon to help Piers gain stability, Issues arise. Will Elfleda be able to help Piers gain back sanity and will Piers be up to the task of leading humans to the promised abode?

Lucinda_Vasper · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter One

There was a noticeable tension in the lavish, darkly lighted workplace of the tall tower. Rich mahogany furniture and exquisite artwork decorated the room, but the creepy aura that surrounded the two occupants overwhelmed all of its grandeur.

The first individual sat behind an elaborate desk, holding the position of CEO of a major corporation. His hair was wild and unruly, and he looked disheveled. His eyes had been calculating and bright, but now they were filled with an unfathomable blackness that contrasted sharply with their customary gleam of ambition. He let out a raspy, heavy sigh as if there were something heavy resting on his shoulders.

In sharp contrast to the CEO who was possessed, there was another man who stood in front of the desk. His face was filled with an expression of pure dread, and his eyes were wide. Drops of sweat beaded his brow, and his shaking palms gripped the edge of the desk for stability. He was filled with fear, yet he forced himself to remain calm.

The CEO broke the stifling silence with a voice that had an unearthly tone. His comments seemed less like a human voice and more like a sinister incantation "You can't escape me," he spat out. 

The man with big eyes retreated a step, his heart racing. He was aware that confronting a force that was incomprehensible to humans was dangerous. However, he also realized that maintaining his composure was the only way he could guarantee his survival. 

The CEO seemed to be under a spell, and the atmosphere seemed to get colder as the seconds passed. It seemed as though a dark force had settled inside of him and was in charge of his every move and speech. 

Just as the tension was about to explode, The heavy oak door to the office swung open, revealing a composed and perceptive secretary. She knew the CEO had a concerning condition for a long time, and she kept her superhuman senses close to her vest.

The secretary snapped her fingers in one quick, practiced motion, alerting the on-guard bodyguards waiting in the hallway. With a precision that belied their many rehearsals, they flanked the wide-eyed man and made sure he was secure as they entered the room.

The CEO's possessed form, sensing a threat to its hold on the situation, let out an unearthly shriek that chilled the blood of those present. He lunged forward, but the bodyguards, trained for such an eventuality, swiftly and carefully led the wide-eyed man out of the room.

As they retreated, the secretary's piercing eyes remained fixed on the possessed CEO. She locked the office door behind them, sealing the room with its malevolent presence inside.

The moment the door closed, chaos erupted within the confines of the office. Inhuman screams echoed through the thick walls, reverberating throughout the building. The possessed CEO, now fully under the influence of the demonic entity, unleashed his wrath upon the room.

The secretary sensed the unrest intensifying and realized it was too late to step in. She gave the all-clear for staff to leave the floor, her heart heavy. A panic broke out among the staff as they scrambled to get away from the approaching storm.

Amidst the panicked departure, there was a huge, thunderous crash coming from the CEO's office, and then there was a strange, deafening silence. Whatever was left in the room served as a terrifying reminder of the evil powers that lurked in the shadows after it had witnessed a demonic rampage.

The door was locked, a wall dividing the unknown horrors inside from the unwary outside world. The staff members assembled in silent clusters, their eyes heavy with fear, realizing that the deranged CEO's attack had only barely begun. 

Hours passed and the usual teams of experts, well-versed in dealing with supernatural phenomena, assembled outside the sealed office. They prepared to once again confront the entity that had taken possession of the CEO and find a way to "exorcize" it from his tortured soul. 

Experts had come and gone. Yes, they would get him to be at ease for a few days. The best teams had helped him maintain serenity and composure for five days; a week at most but all their efforts always proved useless in the long run as the dark ones would always come back. 

They heard soft murmurs, like the far-off echoes of a troubled soul, as they stood in front of the locked door. The paranormal specialists were aware that they were going to confront a force greater than anything they had ever encountered, one that would put their bravery and ability to the ultimate test.

Trepidation gripped them as they opened the door and entered the space. It was clear what had happened after the demonic rampage. Ruined furniture, broken glass all over the floor, and strange, ancient symbols painted in blood covered the walls.

The CEO had lost consciousness and was slumped in a corner, appearing to be dead. With their charms and incantations ready for protection, the experts approached with caution.

Moments later, muffled screams emanated from the sealed room, their piercing cries echoing through the corridor. The possessed CEO, overcome by the malevolent spirit, unleashed a storm of chaos within. Furniture toppled, glass shattered, and the room itself seemed to groan in torment.

Then, there was a deafening crash, followed by an unsettling silence. The building, which had borne witness to the horrific episode, felt an oppressive heaviness in the air.

It was clear that the CEO had been grievously injured in the violent struggle. As the minutes passed, the demonic spirits began to recede, leaving behind a lifeless and battered vessel.

Outside the office, emergency services had been summoned. An ambulance arrived, its flashing lights casting an eerie, blue glow over the scene. Paramedics rushed into the building, their faces tense and prepared for the worst.

As they cautiously entered the room, they found the victim lying amidst the wreckage. His body was battered, his clothes torn, and his once-suited form now a gruesome sight.

The paramedics worked quickly, assessing his injuries and stabilizing him. They knew that the hospital was the only place where they could provide the necessary care for a recovery that was far from assured.

"This is the fifth attack in two months, I really don't know how much more he can take" A worried paramedic managed to mutter out amidst the chaos and tension. 

As if on cue, A disheveled woman ran towards the seemingly lifeless body with a panicked look on her face and an equally worried man behind him. 

"Mr Simmons" 
