
Curse of the Gods

Ancient Egypt had rules of marrying siblings to avoid getting mixed blood successors. Don't think of this story as weird or disturbing.

Manila_Tasnim · Histoire
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61 Chs

Chapter 43

Nephthys's POV

I haven't seen my queen for the past few days. Is she still upset with me? I was waiting for her to come to me. Looks like she doesn't want to see my face. I have to think of another way. That will take some time. How about I sneak in to see her right now?

No!! Absolutely not!! I'm the Pharaoh. I can't sneak into someone's chamber like a sick pervert. Wait! I'm sneaking into my wife's chamber. It's totally legal. She's just angry with me. I'm going to convince her. Maybe leave a gift or something.

I wrap a cloth around my face and tip toe in her palace. Never thought this day would come. The Pharaoh is sneaking in like a thief. What a disgrace!

Her good for nothing guards are sleeping like hippos. I have to punish them later.

I tip toe into her chamber only to be shocked. What the hell!!! Looks like a absolute bizzare sleepover. Why is she sleeping with a slave and a slut? And what is this little bitch Umena doing with them? When did they become all buddy buddy with each other?

Next morning...

Izna's POV

"Umena!! Don't waste food. Eat!"

"I'm full. Let's go. You promised you'd teach me to yeild Horus's axe."

"No training for you until you finish. Eat more. You're so skinny. You can never learn to yeild a weapon with this body."


"Hmm hmmm... You need to gain twice as much weight you're now. Then I'll train you."

"I'm eating! I'm eating! I'll gain weight in a week. Just you wait and see."

She tries to stuff meat in her mouth with both hands. She's so cute! So innocent. I can't believe parents actually send their innocent children to be a part of dirty royal politics. I have to take care of this child. I can't let her get involved in royal matters.

"Iwsna...." She tries to talk with her mouth full and chokes.



"You remind me of Nephthys. He used to stuff his mouth like that when he was a child."

"I'm honored that my queen still remember that." Speaking of the devil. He's standing behind me.

"Nephth.... I mean great Pharaoh what brings you here?"

"I remember I warned you not to call me Pharaoh."

"But you're the Pharaoh. What else should I call you?"


"How about shameless?" I whisper. Umena tries to laugh with her mouth full and ends up spilling her food all over her dress.

"What did you say?" Nephthys looks confused.

"Nothing my love. I was just saying you're looking quite charming this morning. Your charm left me speechless. Your charm made Umena choke to death. Your beauty is truly deathly." I try to mock him.

"You flatter me my queen. That reminds me, I came to tell you something."

"Please go ahead."

"It's time. I want a son as my heir. Prepare yourself tonight you'll come to my chamber. And Don worry I'll groom myself better than this. You'll have a taste of my deathly charm."