
Curse of the Darkness

Centuries ago, Darkness descended upon the world... It devoured everything and anything in its path, unleashing monstrous beings within that decimated humanity. Fortunately, the survivors were bestowed with curses, granting them extraordinary abilities to withstand the onslaught of the Creatures of the Dark. - Without a curse, one's fate is sealed... Or so everyone believed, until now.

AncientPine · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

A Nightcrawler

"Let's do this..."

With a dagger tightly grasped in my right hand and a flickering light firmly held in my left, I took a deep breath and released a low, eerie whistle.

It was my method of calming my nerves, leaving behind any doubt or fear that could cloud my judgment.

However, keeping calm was easier said than done.


The creepy Nightcrawler that was just standing still a moment ago, suddenly, lurched forward, appearing to almost teleport towards me with its elongated limbs and grotesque features.


I barely managed to follow its movements, parrying its attack with my dagger and stepping back to create some distance between us.

'It's too strong!'

My entire arm went numb after that single clash.


Unfortunately, I didn't even have a moment of rest because the Nightcrawler lunged at me again, its eyes gleaming with malice and hunger.

This time, I wasn't able to block its attack in time and its sharp claws raked across my arm, leaving deep gashes that oozed crimson.


A muffled scream escaped my lips as pain shot through my body.

Biting my lips to silence my cries, I refocused, clutching the dagger tighter.

Due to the massive swing from the Nightcrawler, the flickering light slipped from my hand and went out.

Everything around us plunged into the darkness, shrouding us in an impenetrable abyss.

Usually, without the guidance of the light, humans are weak and vulnerable since the creatures have heightened senses in the dark.

However, that wasn't the case for me...

I had spent years in the Darkness, training and adapting to its obscurity.

I learned to move even when the light was absent, relying purely on my instincts and other senses.


Feeling the warm trickle of blood running down my arm, I quickly changed my position, quickly retreating seven steps backward.

Before the Light went out, I took a quick glimpse of the area, instantly memorizing the layout and potential escape routes.

Although now it was pitch black, I more or less knew my surroundings.

'Let's see how you follow me...'

I grinned through the pain, jumping over a stone fence and landing on the other side with a thud.


The Nightcrawler instantly picked up on the sound of my landing and began to give chase, its eerie growl echoing through the darkness.

Normally it should've caught its prey easily but I skillfully weaved through the obstacles in the pitch-dark environment.

Everything should've been fine, however, my face contorted into an ugly scowl.


I was soon forced to use my ability to illuminate the surroundings for a brief moment, just enough for me to memorize the layout of the new area and navigate through the darkness.

This, however, instantly alerted the Nightcrawler of my presence and location.

It closed the distance with lightning speed before I was able to extinguish the light once again.


I could see its claws swooping toward my throat and immediately ducked down to avoid the lethal strike.


In that split second, a grin sprouted on my face and I slashed my dagger across the monster's vulnerable legs, causing it to emit a spine-chilling shriek of pain.

Before the Nightcrawler could even counterattack, I quickly extinguished the light, plunging us back into the enveloping darkness.

Without even thinking, I immediately spun around my heel and ran.


I could hear the monster's low growl echo somewhere behind me, urging me to run faster and outpace the creature in pursuit.

At one point, I was forced to use my ability to illuminate the surroundings again, however, I froze in terror as I realized that the Nightcrawler was much closer than I had anticipated.

Tap... Tap...

Although it was wounded, it was just a dozen feet away,

If I were to use my ability to illuminate my surroundings again, I would be killed before I even realized it.


I cursed, knowing that soon, I would enter an unfamiliar area.

It was only a question of time before I hit an object or obstacle that would trip me up, giving the Nightcrawler the perfect opportunity to catch me.


My mind went blank as I desperately racked my brain for a solution.

Time around me seemed to slow down as panic coursed through my veins. Even the pain from the wound on my arm was momentarily forgotten as I focused on survival.

At that moment, I managed to stimulate a few possible scenarios in my mind.

Unfortunately, none of them were in my favor.

However, I didn't have the luxury of dwelling on my unfavorable options.

'I'll miss you...'

Clenching my enhanced dagger, I stopped in my tracks and threw it straight into the darkness, toward the sound of the Nightcrawler's growl.


As soon as I threw the dagger, I summoned the orb of light in my palm once again, illuminating the area around me.

My eyes followed the arc of the dagger as it sliced through the air. The enchanted weapon's blade gleamed with a faint blue light as it flew toward the charging monster.


The dagger struck true, finding its mark in the Nightcrawler's vulnerable underbelly and causing the creature to howl in pain.

Dark blood seeped out of its wound and onto the darkened ground beneath it, staining the floor with an eerie black hue.

However, I wasn't there to witness it as I sprinted away, taking advantage of the distraction I had created.

Although the monster was wounded I could still hear it chasing after me. Its speed now was a lot slower than before, but I knew it wouldn't take long for it to catch up.

Luckily, in the distance, there stood a massive fortress with massive stone walls and a light barrier illuminating everything around it.

It was the Aeria city, the Citadel of Light and also my last hope for survival.

If I managed to reach the barrier that separated the fortress from the outside Darkness, I would survive.