
curse of apocalypse Noah's story

Noah was abandoned by the world. now in the apocalypse will take his revenge?

redundancyminister · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Noah's day job

"Hey Joe are you ready for today? cause I sure am." Noah jokingly said while watching to see every ones reactions. his men laughing tersely as their boss was the type to take offense about every little thing. After a couple of minutes he shouted okay everybody suit up we're going in about 10 min. as the men were busy suiting up in their "work clothes" he walked up to his second in command soph and said. "Are you ready for this?" "course sir we won't let you down that's for sure." soph said hurriedly. "You'd better not" warned Noah with a smirk on his face. As he turned around scanning his crew he shouted everyone grab the gear and get to the cars time to bring home the bacon. his men all 10 of them saluted him and walked out to the cars got in and started to drive in the direction of the target. After an hour of driving the pulled up in front of a bank and piled out of the car pulled their "gear" out which was actually different guns and multiple mags for each. Noah lead his men into the bank with a shout as they fired the inital round into the hostages much to the horror of the remaining people inside. H walked up to the teller and quite politley asked her for all of the money. Seeing how he was eyeing her up gave the teller the idea to seduce him to try to escape. She mustered up the courage to say "well sir if you follow me i'll give you much more than the money" hearing a laugh she turned to see the barrel of an assult rifle pointed at her face as she started to whimper Noah blew her brains out onto the floor behind her and said to the remaining staff "listen to i will say this only once do not try any funny buisness and give us all of the F***ing MONEY!" as the heist was happening the police were preoccupied with his second team which were shooting the police building up So when one of the older people inside an old lady tried to call the police he just laughed and shot her in the arms as punishment as she screamed in pain he was having some of his men grab the bags of money and some hostages for when the police do catch up a pressure started to fall on the earth. the sky opened up and thousand of small gems that sparkled like stars fell and stopped in the air rearranged themselves while every human on earth were stuck where they were and projected what looked like a group of beings who looked down with smirks on their faces as their voices thundered into every ones ears they said WELL MET MORTALS WE THE GODS ARE BORED. AND YOU ARE OUR NEW PLAYTHINGS SO READY YOUR SELVES FOR AN APOCALYPTIC GAME IS ABOUT TO BEGIN BUT WORRY NOT WE SHALL GRANT A SELECT FEW OF YOU OUR POWERS ALONG WITH INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE THEM. Then suddenly the one speaking whispered morpheous put them to rest untill the game is ready. Then all fell asleep while the chosen were brought to the gods to be selected to wield their power.

hello this is more of what i envisioned for (curse of ignorance) so please enjoy:)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

redundancyministercreators' thoughts