
A Familiar Stranger - III

I had no more time to stay back and think over all the surprising turns in my life as Sarah peeked into the bedroom to know if I was ready. I gave her a nod saying that I will be out in a minute. "When is your flight?" I asked though I was not interested in his travel details. I just didn't want to say anything that he could misinterpret as me falling back for him. So I decided to stay away from anything along the lines of 'When you will be back?' or 'I am gonna miss you'. Though it might be true and I mean it from a friendly way I am not sure Justin would see it from the same perspective. For some reason, I wanted to pour my heart out to him because of how stressful things had been lately. Maybe because he is a good listener and he had been there doing it for me for some time now. Maybe I wanted someone to vent out my problems to.