

I fiddled my fingers, I was looking at the tunic for our project. I didn't know what to do. I sighed and took out my magazine.

Jungkook groans and and grabs my magazine and throws it away from the table.

I could hear the girls giggle, and glare.

I sigh set aside my laptop to pick up the magazine. I didn't expect him to be like this, he's a real bitch, but hot damn he's hot.

Let's be honest, does he even talk? All he does is groan and sigh.

I picked out my lips tap my fingers. I honestly don't have to be here. Is stood up and left the class.

I stayed in the main office until it was time for lunch. I fell asleep in an uncomfortable position for a whole hour, before a staff member slapped my cheek to wake me up.

I wiped the slobber off my mouth and grabbed my things and head to lunch. I was still in a daze after sleeping. I made my way to the cafeteria. I made my way to the empty table and sat down. Girls came approaching everywhere.

"Later, I'm not in the mood." I say, and rest my cheek on my arm.

"But-" a girl says.

"LATER" I yell.

Wow. Now I'm sounding like a bitch.

"Sorry, I'm just tired. Meet me in the bathroom after lunch." I say and wave them off, they all leave looking a bit scared, I admit I felt bad.

So Mi came up to me after the crowd left, I guess you could say she was the closest thing I had to a friend there, I liked talking to her.

We had small talk when the girls from before came up to my table. I turned around, the girls instantly chucked their milk at me.

Everyone gasped.

A teacher who was nearby ran to me. "Office. Now. And while you're their raise your arms up." He says and points in the other direction.

A boy came running with a towel in his hand, handing it to me. Soon after my brother comes over.

I dry my face with my towel, but my clothes were still soaked in chocolate milk. My hair sticky and disgusting.

"I have some extra gym clothes. Clean. If you want to use them." The boy who gave me the towel spoke, he was rather handsome, but sadly he was with the other six boys from my class.

I nodded my head, and walked out the cafeteria side by side with him, my brother was rather angry. He didn't likes those boys, he's been here longer than me, since he lives with my mother.

I walked the halls quietly, with chocolate milk dripping down my trail. It was a first, but I wasn't embarrassing.

"I apologize on my girlfriend's behalf." The boy speaks as he opens his locker to take out his gym clothes.

It was some adidas joggers, and a baggy grey shirt. There was also a black hoodie. I walked to the bathroom and changed into the clothes, trying my best not to smother the clothes in milk with my hair.

I walked out the stall and turned on the sink. I rinsed my hair, but their were some spots I couldn't reach.

"If I come and help, will you consider me a creep?" He says, leaning on the door frame.

"Nope." I say simply.

He comes inside and helps rinse out my hair. His clothes were quiet comfy, and fit my nice. He was only a few inches taller than me.