

It was a new school, after two years at the same school. I had to move, I had to regain my reputation which was hard to gain in the beginning. It was currently third block, and I had everything I needed.

After a short while the class ended. The girls finally started to talk about the guys they liked. They whined on how bad they wanted their crushes.

I barged my why into their conversations. They seemed a bit disgusted at first, but were desperate for advice.

I gave them advice, and they found it interesting and thought it might have worked. Since it was third block, and it was time to go to lunch. The girls rushed to lunch, and I quickly trailed behind.

They sat beside the guys they liked and used the advice I gave them, if I am correct, the boys should begin to find some interest in them. I could see a smile beginning to form on their face.

I, of course succeeded again. I noticed a small division between the tables. One side had very attractive men and women on it, sucking at their faces, while the other side was also slightly attractive men and women but sucking on their soup.

I'll call it horny or hungry. Yea, that works.

I sat down at empty table in the middle, I didn't have any interest in eating the food they served here. I just read a book and waited for this to finish.

A big slam was heard in front of me, the two girls from earlier. I rolled my eyes at their smile that went from ear to ear.

"Yes?" I said and flipped to the next page of my magazine.

"Your advice really worked, we both have double dates on Saturday!" One girl said in glee.

I flipped to the other page, but I couldn't help give off a smirk. It was easier than last time.

After lunch ended, everyone headed towards their next class. I stood by the door, my head lowered looking at the magazine from earlier.

I suddenly felt the presence of three girls in front of me. I glared in their direction, they were taken aback, but came even closer.

"We heard you helped our friends earlier. Do you mind helping us?" They say all begging. I smirked, I couldn't help it. It was all starting again, just like I wanted it.

"In 30 minutes ask to go to the bathroom, if you get in trouble I'll handle it. If you're a minute late, I'll leave." I say putting down my magazine.


After 30 minutes I went to the bathroom, the girls weren't there, they still had some time. I stood there for a couple of seconds before I heard a teacher scolding the students.

I walked out the bathroom and skipped my way to the teacher. All three girls had their hands lifted up high. I told the teacher to let them loose, and that's exactly what they did. I was the daughter of a member of the board, and the daughter of a congressman. It's not taking advantage. But it's an advantage.

I lead the girls to the bathrooms and give them a stern scolding before I gave them advice.

"When I give you advice, you have to me half a portion of your food to me, understand?" I say, and the girls nod in unison. Alright. let's start.


cerisestonecreators' thoughts