
Chapter 12: Beginning my Summer Training...

Waking up early in the morning around 7 A.M I decide to go ahead and get my cultivating done for the day as it is so early I doubt Owen will be awake yet. Getting into the lotus pose I focus on my Qi training. I am currently at 250 Qi so I am about halfway to my next stage. Knocking out that peaceful, but boring training I move on to my body Cultivation. As always this is a very painful process but it is necessary for the future. currently I'm at about 18% body reformation.

2 hours later I walk downstairs to find Owen when I get struck by a heavenly aroma. It smells like Owen is making one of my favorite meals. Breakfast. More specifically I can smell bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Walking to the kitchen located behind the bar I find Owen in an apron flipping a pancake and looking back towards me.

"Morning kid, I assume you like pancakes, bacon, and eggs."

"Who the hell doesn't like pancakes and bacon. Now eggs are a little more controversial, but of course, I love eggs you can't get as big as I am without the needed protein. "

"True, grab a couple of plates and forks from the cupboards and drawers over there and pour us some drinks. I want orange juice. You can have anything you want"

Grabbing the plates and forks, then pouring the OJ than Owen asked for and a glass of milk for myself self I set the table. Waiting for Owen to bring the plates of food over we both serve ourselves and chow down. After a delicious breakfast and the cleaning that comes after I decide to ask Owen when we are going to start training.

"Well, first I would like to know the limits of your power currently. From my understanding, you are kind of like me with your power growing after you train with no limits reached yet"

"That's true my power is a lot like yours but different in many ways. For the training, we are going to be doing this summer the only thing that you really need to know is that my strength grows and makes it so that I can lift things that I would have struggled with before like yours. Though currently, I do believe my strength can atrophy if I don't work out for at least an hour a day but preferred 4 hours for the best results. "

"Sounds good and where are your current limits?"

"Well when it comes to the 3 big lifts squat, deadlift, and bench press my limits are 272kg(600lbs),226kgs(500lbs), and 181kgs(400lbs) respectively"

"That's good especially for your age and considering you haven't hit puberty yet you are doing quite well. But how is your strength control?"

*sigh* "Not where I want it to be, I find myself accidentally breaking things easier now then I used to. I fear that it is going to get out of control soon if I can't learn to restrain that strength."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. once you start reaching those higher limits of what a human can do especially if you are gaining that strength quicker than what a normal human can your mind will have difficulty adapting to the strength level your body is at. It has taken me many years to learn to constantly be in control of my strength and extreme emotions so I don't put a hole through something on accident."

"So what do I have to do to learn to control it correctly?"

"The method I came up with is quite simple but very aggravating. Come let me show you"

Walking behind Owen he takes me to the living room area of the upstairs area of his bar. In a drawer, he brings out what looks like a tangled ball of very thin string. Looking at my confused face as he pulls out the ball he laughs.

*hahaha*"Didn't expect this, did you? This is a ball of very delicate self-repairing thread that I got from an old tech buddy of mine. The concept of the training I will have you doing today is quite simple. You will be unwinding this ball of naught-ed up a thread without breaking a strand. If you break a strand the entire ball will reknot itself and you will have to start all over. good luck kid"

Sighing I sit down on the couch and grab the ball from Owen and start to delicately unfurl the ball.


Fuck! I broke one already. As I stare at the broken string in my hand it squirms and joins the rest of the string recombining itself then the entire ball starts to move and reconfigure where the knots are. looking at it then back at Owen I say, "what the hell is this bullshit I barely put any pressure on the string and it snapped like a Pringle!"

*ha* "I told you it was delicate. well good luck with that, I'm going to go prepare the bar for tonight while you sit there and try to unravel that ball."

For the next 4 hours, I do nothing but try to unravel that damn ball and fail miserably. The furthest I got was about a quarter of the way in before some bullshit ass string decided to play a prank on me and snap. Giving up for the day I decide to go down to the bar to help Owen ready the bar and learn some cocktails so I don't need to bother him while working. And as it turns out bartending is good money. I made a good amount of pocket change that I can put to something more useful later on. Maybe this whole training and bartending thing won't be so bad, I can earn money and learn from one of the greatest strongmen alive.