
Chapter 1: So it seems I have died...

Looking around I find myself in a nice corner office with modern furniture and fixtures, the office seems to be very sleek and clean with nearly no personal touches except for a single framed photo on the wall. The photo is of a older man with long white hair and a long white beard wearing a toga with a t-shirt on top that says "best dad in the universe" standing next to a young man with a thorn crown and holes in his hands who is wearing a shirt that says "who is the savior of the people?" with a arrow pointing to his face. he is giving a thumbs up to the camera with a big cheeky smile. (so this is God's office I suppose. its very stale? sterile? corporate maybe? except for that photo, what the hell is that? I don't know what it is but where is the big man himself.) As I am thinking this the old man from the picture appears in the chair behind the desk. he looks exactly as he does in the photo except instead of a big smile he has an embarrassed look on his face. as he goes to speak I interrupt him.


"Do you want to explain yourself?"

"Well, you see..."

"Because from MY perspective I was simply grinding some LoL ranked, stomping some noobs when a TRUCK CAME THROUGH MY WINDOW AND KILLED ME!"

"Ah well, accidents..."


"I am truly sorry about that I got carried away and tripped..."

"Tripped? carried away? are you a 3-year-old playing with Tonka toys?? what do you mean tripped and carried away?"

"Well, there is nothing we can do about it now so as a form of apology how about I let you choose a world to reincarnate and make a few wishes? how about it, sounds like a good deal huh?"

After thinking about it and calming down I decided to take the deal. It's not like I had a lot going on in my other life, sure I had a loving family with its fair bit of issues, an example being a father who is a drug addict and is in prison. but every family has its black sheep, right? I never found anything that truly called to me, at 23 I was still in college after switching majors 3 times with no true direction in my life. Physically I was 6'5" weighing in at 260 pounds, I was a hulk of a man who happened to also have high blood pressure. I played sports throughout school but the only thing I truly loved doing was reading and playing the occasional video game. So really the only thing I will miss is my family, friends, and pets. But I know they will move on and grow stronger through this challenging time. looking up at god I first apologies for my temper then get down to business deciding on my future.

"Sorry about interrupting you and yelling at you like that, the situation was a little stressful"

"It's fine I understand, now what world do you want to get reincarnated into and what are your wishes? remember to keep it in reason, I'm not going to go and release some monster in the world who decided that he should be 100x stronger than anyone else just because he asked."

"Ah, well, before that, I thought you didn't do the whole reincarnate thing?"

"I usually don't but there is always an exception to any rule."

*sigh*"Alright well then for my first wish I would like to be brought back in the world of super powereds, I always loved that world and it seems it would be fun."

"that is doable, next."

"well, when it comes to wishes I don't really have a lot to ask for. I guess it would be cool to be a cultivator like in the wuxia novels I love to read. plus that way I can actually work for my strength instead of just being born with it. also, a pocket dimension like those space rings in the books where I can store my suit and weapon while I'm not suited up. "

"Interest, I can do that. is there any specific cultivation you want, body, Qi, dual cultivation? *wink**wink*"

Groaning I say, "Body cultivation and a Qi technique just strong enough so I won't be tossed around by telepaths and which allows me to fly after I reach the appropriate stage. Also, a battle technique for the weapon I choose to use in the future would be nice"

"that's no fun I thought for sure you would go for the dual cultivation, well whatever anything else?"

"Yeah, I would like to grow into the height I died at in my past life, I would rather not leave that up to the genetic lottery. oh and also blue eyes, my mom had blue eyes but I was stuck with brown eyes so blue eyes would be nice"

Looking at me strangely God says," That's not much of a wish, are you sure that's all you want?"

"Ah, now that you mention it I would like to be born with my 23-year-old maturity and personality but not the memories of the plot or story. What fun would it be if I already knew everything that was going to happen? that's no way to live life. That's just an interactive story with characters you can touch and feel at that point."

"Hmm interesting choice, most people would choose to have their memories intact so they can cheat and have a huge advantage over everyone else. Okay, are you ready to be reborn now?"

"Mmm one last thing I would like to be born to superhero parents who have some wealth so I can focus on cultivating, and it would be nice to be able to train with people who my parents have connections with."

"Fine consider it done, and glhf in your next life."

the last thing I thought before being sucked into darkness is (did god just say glhf? I wonder if he played league and if he did what rank is he.)


*sigh* "I really need to stop raging when I'm playing LoL and using trucks to release my frustration. but that death was total BS and he shouldn't have been smurfed and spammed that damn dabbing penguin emoji. well, next time I will use a car? plane? ehhh whatever time to get back to the grind! the ladder waits for no man, not even god! I am definitely going to get out of bronze this season!"

"oh before I forget, let me give him that dual cultivation for when he gets a girlfriend anyways. He will thank me later" *hehehe*

Hi, guys and girls who end up finding this novel buried in webnovels. as you might be able to tell this is my first attempt at writing anything and the idea for this fanfic came to me one day while I was taking a shower. If you have any criticism feel free to let me know and if you have any ideas about who he should get within the story let me know. P.S this will not be a harem story though he may get into different relationships as the story progresses, we will have to see. thanks for reading and enjoy. :)

KingFapcreators' thoughts