
Cultivation System Maker

The System, the mysterious entity via which a number of powerful beings have risen across the multiverse. Kalum is one such being who has gained the ability to create his own System's. Kalum will shake the foundation of the Cultivation world by empowering himself, his disciples and even his enemies with the power of the System. Follow Kalum's life as he struggles against this unforgiving heartless universe.

WarlockVal · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

A Myth Is Forged.

The System.

A mysterious entity that has given uncountable souls across the multiverse untold power and knowledge. Some give unmatched magical potential, some give martial prowess that makes the denizens of entire worlds green with pure envy. Gods and mortals alike have transcended their realms of power using the mysterious system.

Add this mythical power to cultivation, the path to power and wealth that the majority of people in Velsari followed. Cultivation could bring an ordinary mortal to any height of power as long as they had a mixture of talent and luck. A system however could bring even the most talentless fools up to the next realm.

Kalum was one such cultivator, originally from Earth and at the end of his short but intense life, he was transmigrated into the vast universe of Velsari, a world containing countless bounties to claim as well as unimaginable horrors to crush dreams uncountable. Waking up as a young teen in the middle of a snow-covered forest he was able to use his knowledge from both worlds to become a wandering cultivator. Although Kalum was not a high cultivation realm compared to many others on the continent it was a decent enough start for someone who had not even lived eighteen winters.

The eight major realms known to most cultivators in the northern continent are The Qi Gathering Realm, The Qi Soaring Realm, The Core Creation Realm, The Core Soaring Realm, The Soul Unity Realm, The Soul Ascending Realm, and The Divine Spark Realm. The last two realms are the true movers and shakers of this world and beyond. Known to the inhabitants of the world only as Demigods and Gods due to the removal of any lore or ability for cultivators to rely on reaching these realms. Even the very names from ancient times were struck from all records.

Currently, Kalum has achieved the 4th Qi Gathering Realm. At the age of sixteen, this was rather impressive for the country of Hujki on the northern continent. The Six Great Continents of this world primarily consisted of ten major realms of cultivation, each with ten minor realms. The higher your realm the further towards the middle of the planet one would generally proceed, to capture and cultivate the precious higher density Qi.

Thankfully for Kalum, the Northern continent mainly consisted of the first Six realms, with the Emperor of the land being one of the few well-known Divine Spark experts present. The power of just these few people was more than enough to quell the thoughts and ambitions of multiple evil cults and demonic sects. Although the young cultivator was nowhere near powerful enough to have such a profound impact on the world, his daily life still caused small ripples in his country.

"This blasted ice," Kalum muttered as he continued to trek through the snowy woodlands towards his destination, a small trading village he could use to stock up on some basic supplies. Due to the cold in this part of the country, only cultivators would dare tread here, ordinary mortals would simply get frostbite and freeze to death regardless of how many layers they wore.

"At long last!" Kalum exclaimed as the gates of the village could be seen in the distance, the sight motivating him to pick up speed.

"Good evening traveller! Welcome to Neshum! That will be one small Spirit Stone for a week's stay!" One of the guards welcomed him in.

"No problem Sir, may the frost protect you." Kalum gave the entry fee and was kind enough to give a polite farewell greeting common in these parts.

After exploring the village for an hour Kalum checked into the local inn before heading to resupply. Due to the climate, there were no stalls or travelling merchants trying to sell their wares and only actual insulated stores could do so. It was an unfortunate truth that places that could not afford a formation master would be held at the whims of their natural environment.

"A shame indeed," Kalum muttered to himself before entering the first place on his list, the Alchemist's refuge. In such an unimportant location it would only have the very basic pills and potions important from more prosperous places at a decent mark-up.

And indeed after going through the airlock-like doorway of the Alchemist's Refuge Kalum saw that his previous thoughts were true, there was a small supply of items and a half-awake woman at the desk.

"Welcome to Vel's Alchemist Refugee Sir! Is there anything that I can help you with?" The woman asked professionally.

"Do you have any low or mid-tier Qi Attracting pills?" Kalum asked the woman.

"We do indeed, esteemed Cultivator! We have multiple low-tier Qi Attracting pills in stock, there is also one mid-tier pill. That will be one hundred low-tier spirit stones for the low-tier pills and one thousand spirit stones for the mid-tier one, how many would Sir like to purchase from our humble store?" The young woman smiled in an attempt to be cute, but her exhaustion overcame much of her natural beauty.

Kalum fell into thought for a moment at these prices, the low-tier pills had a mark-up of fifty spirit stones and the mid-tier one had an extortionate mark-up of five hundred! Still, that was to be expected in a settlement like this so he begrudgingly accepted these prices.

"I will take ten low-tier pills and the mid-tier one," Kalum said as he took out the payment for the pills.

After waiting a few short moments for the woman to collect the Qi Attracting pills and checking that he has not in fact scammed her, he left the store ignoring her attempts to get him to buy anything else. The only thing he needed was the Qi Attracting pills to assist with his cultivation. Unfortunately, each one lasted for a week and could not be taken more than that without consequences.

Kalum went to the inn to rest for the night before heading out, tomorrow would be his sixteenth birthday and although it was not celebrated in this new world except for nobility, it was a small tradition he had picked up from his previous life.

Finally reaching the inn, Kalum was able to observe all the low life's drowning themselves in beer and cider. A shameful sight to see all these cultivators drinking away their problems. Alas, this was common in the frontier settlements. Mercenary bands could be seen betting and drinking all across the inn. Although they had a purpose that was certainly useful to many, they were almost useless to a wandering cultivator like himself.

Ignoring the curious and measuring looks Kalum proceeded right to his room. His strength was nothing impressive but the movement techniques Kalum spent a large number of spirit stones to learn would let him run from most average combatants in the same realm as him.

"Not strong enough." Kalum lamented under his breath.

Once Kalum had locked the door and activated a small formation array disk that would wake him up if there was an intruder, Kalum took the mid-tier Qi Attracting pill before cultivating cross-legged for the night. The powerful pill allows him to absorb the ambient Qi quicker than normal. It took eight hours to exit this state of cultivation, and when he did he was greeted by a strange new sight, strange rainbow characters filled his vision, not unlike a holographic interface from Earth's Sci-Fi shows.

[The System has been activated due to the Host turning sixteen. Please accept the Systems activation as your first birthday present in this world.]

"YES at long last!" Kalum cheered when he read this sentence. Who had heard of the System in his last world and dreamed of one day experiencing this moment, it was akin to suddenly becoming a superhero from comics.

"This is obviously my reward for diligently cultivating and causing problems for no one!" Kalum exclaimed.

Kalum took a few moments to calm himself before he asked the burning question.

"What kind of System are you?" He asked in a low voice, fearing being overheard.

[The System is the Cultivation Creation System, Host! With this System, you can design your own Systems to grant to yourself and others. As long as it assists with anything in the cultivation world you will eventually be able to create it!]

Kalum was currently an ant among giants. Yet fortune smiled upon the young transmigrator! This was his path to greatness. He could recruit disciples and bolster their power or even keep increasing his own.

"I need to focus on the here and now and not get carried away," Kalum muttered as he restrained his thoughts to the present.

This was huge! He had never even heard of a System that could create its own Systems. Maybe this was some kind of Administrator System and he was just unbelievably lucky to receive it?

"Wait system, is there a limit to how many systems I can give to myself and others?" Kalum asked when he noticed this potential flaw.

[Please note that you can currently only give two systems to a single person, in addition, the price for giving others systems is one hundred times cheaper than giving one to yourself.]

"What! System please throw me a bone, that is outrageously extortionate!" Kalum shouted in mild outrage at the huge price increase for himself.

[As compensation the first System for yourself and one other person is entirely free! After which you will need to gather materials or souls to feed the System to unlock new features and additional System creation slots. .]

"Souls? I have to kill people to make you and me stronger?" Kalum asked in shock. This was a big request of the system and although he would probably murder for power if needed, he would have to find acceptable targets.

[Murder is but one path of gathering souls host! You can also make a deal with a cultivator to give up their soul in return for something and this will achieve the same effect! The higher a cultivator's realm is the stronger the soul and thus the more it will be worth to both you and the System.]

Hearing this Kalum felt relieved that he had other options. The materials the System wanted would most likely be prohibitively expensive for Kalum right now as he is relatively poor, with most of his spirit stones coming from beast cores as he had no means like formation making to fall back on.

"How do I design a system then?" Kalum asked respectfully.

[Currently, the System is only able to create a system based on verbal instructions, once you elevate your importance in the eyes of the System you will be granted multiple no privileges, among these is the ability to simply imagine a System and create it for you or another.]

"Too powerful." Kalum let out involuntary.

This was simply too frightening! Although this would not allow him to instantly traverse major realms this would be a massive boost to his hopes of one day entering the ranks of the strong in this world. He was currently among the low-level scum of the northern continent in regards to cultivators, there would be millions of cultivators on this continent alone that could squad him like a bug!

After calming down, Kalum took back his formation disk and exited the inn. Now that he had restocked and rested for a day in the inn it was time for him to go out into the forests to hunt once more. In order to gain more spirit stones Kalum would sell the cores of Demon Beasts as well as capture any that would be more valuable alive. This was an extremely lucrative trade for many as they could sell to the country or the sects within. The entire region was desperate for as many Demon Beast cores as possible!

"And I have just the idea to make this even better." Kalum grinned before making sure he was alone.

"System, I would like to begin the creation process!"