

After logging out I ate dinner and talked to my sister and slept, I have no reason to stay in cultivation online overnight, After all Xiao Hua is bringing me monster cores tomorrow morning. I can't cultivate with my damaged dantians.

I realised a part of my soul is split too, this means if I get something potent enough in cultivation online, it will affect my real body.

After I woke up and my sister left, I was back in cultivation online, I didn't see Xiao Hua near me, I however see two Cultivators fighting against each other. They are rather loud. I think I should perhaps, kill them.

"Heavenly cross slash"

I released my technique, it is the only technique I know of that can kill them both in a single strike without much collateral damage.

It still destroyed a few trees but the ecosystem was still the same. After that I cultivated a bit to regain my qi. After I finished regaining my lost qi, Xiao Hua appeared.

"Xiao Hua brought monster cores"

She said holding out a bag.

When I received it and checked the contents, I was pleasantly surprised, 58 monster cores, if I were to consume all of these, I would still be at peak spirit warrior realm. The cores will be less effective at spirit warrior, but the quantity is enough to breakthrough spirit warrior.

After estimating my cultivation, I ate all the cores in one go.

Xiao Hua's eyes widen

"Monster cores are not meant to be swallowed like that!"

she said urgently

"Hurry up and spit it out!"

she said in a panicked tone.

"Don't worry, I have a unique physique that can allow me to consume monster cores this way."

I replied in a nonchalant tone.


Xiao Hua mummured to herself.

As we were roaming around and killing any monster ee found collecting their cores, Xiao Hua stopped for a moment.

"Brother Yuan, people near us"

"Three people — two Seventh Level Spirit Apprentice and one Eighth Level Spirit Apprentice, and they are fighting a peak-level Fiery Lizard

"let's have a peek"

I said.

When we reached the Fiery Lizard was about to kill a disciple, I can't see anyone else near. I killed the Fiery Lizard and walked away. The guy who I saved tried to ask me something but I disappeared. I don't care for the weak.

After half an hour of running, me and Xiao Hua could finally see the city walls.

«You have discovered 'Spirit City'»

"Spirit City, looks quite small"

"Spirit City is one of the four Great Cities within the Eastern Continent, and it's ranked third in terms of influence."

Xiao Hua quickly explained.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

I reply

we approached the city gate and were stopped.

"What are they doing?"

As they approached, I noticed the crystal ball in one of the guards' grasp.

"It's to inspect the visitors. Unless Brother Yuan is a wanted criminal, you don't have to worry about it."

A few minutes later, they reached the guards at the gates.

"Entrance fee is 1 silver for each individual"

a guard said

"Uh… Xiao Hua, do you have any money?"

I looked at her with an awkward expression, feeling slightly embarrassed to be asking such a little girl for money.

But alas, Xiao Hua shook her little head.

"What the hell. Do you want to enter this place without money? Where did such beggars come from?"

The guards sneered inwardly when they realized that they were dealing with penniless people.

"If you have no money, then I cannot allow you inside," said one of the guards. "Get out of the way already! There are people behind waiting for you!"

These guards are quite annoying, maybe I should just kill them.

However, before I could even take a step, the person standing behind me spoke.

"If you want, I can pay for your entrance fee."

A girl said

"If you don't mind…"

Yuan spoke with an embarrassed face.

"Young Lady, we shouldn't bother ourselves with these two beggars…"

The old man standing beside the young lady suddenly mumbled into her ears, unaware that his words were heard by Yuan, who has enhanced senses.


However, Yuan decided to ignore the old man's disrespectful remarks.

"As the young lady of the Xuan Family, how could I ignore people in need of help? And it's just two silvers."

The young lady shook her head at the old man, looking disappointed by his words.

"Excuse me, this will account for their entrance fee, too."

The young lady then handed four pieces of silver coins to the guards.

After a quick glance, the guard nodded and retrieved the crystal ball.

"Place your hands on it," said the guard.

Yuan placed his hands on the globe.

A few seconds later, it glowed a green light.

"You may pass."

After we entered, I thanked the young lady that helped pay for us.

After thanking her, I went away to avoid trouble. Even though I'm strong now, there are still people who are stronger. What I need isn't money now, so I need is strength. In this world only the strong survive.

"Brother Yuan, funny we need to make dinner money?"

Xiao Hua asked.

"I don't need money, what we need is strength now"

I replied

After all that is how I earned everything I owned in my previous life. Because I had strength, everyone gave everything to me, just so they may earn a favour from me. This is why, I come to know almost every single technique that exists.

"Brother Yuan, what if Xiao Hua takes care of the money issue"

Xiao Hua asks me

I raise a brow, and before I could ask my question, Xiao Hua explained

"I have many useless treasures heaven rank and below "

She answers

"So you are going to auction it off, well, heaven rank treasures are too weak for me anyways, you as you see fit "

I told her.

Xiao Hua immediately took of to get some money. I started wandering the city, after a while, near the outskirts, I find a secluded part where I started cultivating.

After I cultivated for a while, I get a pop up

«Your mastery with the sword has improved significantly»

«Your understanding of swords has reached a new level»

«You have met the criteria to learn 'Sword Aura'»

Sword aura huh, this is the basics that a sword novice should learn, maybe in this world it is different however in my world, anyone who isn't an immortal don't carry around swords, I happen to be decent at the sword, I only know of one person who used to be better than me at the sword, however he long died, after all, I was the one to kill him.

At my current level I could only destroy a small mountain if I used all my strength. This however is nothing. I was once able to destroy stars with my slashes even able to destroy an entire solar system with my more destructive attacks.

I see multiple resturants, since this is a soul fragment that is connected to the nine heavens, ai should be able to use my taste buds here, even though I didn't drink soup that long, my life as Yu Tian prevented me from eating anything better.

After waiting for Xiao Hua, she finally appeared.

"Here you go, brother Yuan"

Xiao Hua handed me a spacial ring.

«35,450,560 gold has been received»

«You have unlocked the Wealth Leaderboards»

«Congratulations! You have reached first place in 'Wealth Leaderboards', becoming the wealthiest player in Cultivation Online»

«Congratulations! You have obtained the unique title 'Rich Young Master'!»

«Fame +100»

"Thank you"

I thanked her.

"Also have this"

Xiao Hua said while handling me something.

"Spirit crystal"

I mummered to myself whispering it.

"Thank you Xiao Hua"

I said while hugging her small frame.

Since the auction is over, we decided to eat at a restaurant

I ate spirtual meat and ate as much if not more than a dragon, an old saying in my world.

While we were leaving however, we came across twins and a bodyguard, they seemed to want trouble, however they decided to bare their fangs to the wrong person.

Needless to say, they died in less than five seconds to my sword.

After a while Xiao Hua halted and turned toward me.

"Brother Yuan, there is a person ahead of us"

She said sensing someone.

"Let's check it out"

I reply continuing in our path

We walked for a while and see a middle aged man walking in circles, he quickly noticed us and walked towards us.

"Ah! It appears that my pleading has finally reached the Heavens! Please, Esteemed Cultivators, I need your help!"

The middle-aged man quickly approached them with teary eyes and a desperate expression.

"What's the matter?"

I asked him.

"My daughter— she was captured by a fearsome monster and was taken inside the cave! Please, can you help me by bringing her back?! I will do anything in return for your help! Please, Saviors!"

The middle-aged man got onto his knees begging for help.

«You have received a Quest»

«Quest: Unknown Man's Plea»

«Location: Demonic Spider's Silent Cave»

«Difficulty: Medium»

«Quest Description: Help the man by rescuing his daughter from the Demonic Spider»

This happens to be a quest, the person who made this made it so simalar to a game. That means if I were to complete this 'quest' I'll get some sort of reward.

"Okay, I'll help rescue your daughter"

I replied

I know he isn't telling the entire truth, I seen many people like this, if I am not mistaken, the demonic spider manupates weaker humans to do it's bidding. I believe it shouldn't have that authority, I can't let someone as weak as a bug rule anything, bugs are meant to be squashed.

«You have accepted the Quest 'Unknown Man's Plea'»

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you very much, brave warrior!"

"You can thank me after I return with your daughter," Yuan said to him before he approached the cave.

«You are about to enter 'Demonic Spider's Silent Cave»

«Recommended Level: Third level Spirit Warrior and above»

"That man lied to us"

Xiao Hua said

This surprised me, is she also aware...

"Xiao Hua sensed The entire cave and I couldn't see the daughter the man was talking about"

She continued

Oh, she had divine sense, she is at spirit king level in her cultivation.

"Demonic spiders are bugs that like to control anything weaker than itself, it most probably forced that man to lure more prey for it"

I tell her the most likely scenario

"Then what should we do now?"

Xiao Hua asked

"We spring the trap"

I answered.

We walked for a while until we entered a clearing, the demonic spider should be somewhere here, I don't see it anywhere near that means it is above me.

It tried to attack me from above, but I dodged it easily.

"Quite the nimble one we have here"

The spider said in a creepy tone

"Bug, since you can talk, tell me, what happened to the girl or the man outside"

"What… you ask? I ate her, of course…. Hahaha!"

The Demonic Spider burst out laughing.

"Children's meat smells and tastes the best, after all! Although I'd promised that man that I'd return his daughter if he brought me 10 humans, I simply couldn't resist my urges, and I consumed her flesh and bones on the second day!"

The Demonic Spider held a blissful expression on its human-like face as it recalled eating the human girl.

"Well, I don't have any reason for you to live then"

I said while holding out my sword.

Void assassination techniques, one of the strongest techniques for assassination, most of them use little to no qi, this is to insure that the one performing the assassination doesn't get caught.

"Void assassination technique: silent dance"

I replay the technique in my head.

I dodged all the attacks the bug was trying, when a big is annoying you, it is natural you would squash it. After a few attacks I approached it and with a quick slash, the spider died, decapitated.

«Congratulations! Player Yuan has become the first player to kill the Elite Boss: Demonic Spider»

«Congratulations! Player Yuan has become the first player to conquer the Demonic Spider's Silent Cave!»


I said after killing the spider ignoring the message.

I produced light grey flames that were almost white. This was known as soul flames, the flames get stronger and darker with the more people I kill. For now, my flames are weak.

I used these flames to burn the body keeping the head almost as if I practiced it a million times, well that isn't wrong.

After the spider perished, there were 2 items a monster core and a poison sac. I ate the monster core then and there, it was effective but I need much more qi for a breakthrough.

«Heaven Refining Physique activated»

«You have gained 'Weak Poison Resistance' from consuming the Demonic Spider's monster core»

«Weak Poison Resistance»

«Description: Slightly increases your poison resistance»

I did atleast get something of value.

After we left the cave, we see the middle aged man surprised.

"How dare you lie and bait us! You never wanted us to save your daughter!"

Xiao Hua asked the middle aged man

The middle-aged man immediately got on his knees and kowtowed to them

"I'm sorry, Cultivators! I had no choice because the Demonic Spider has my daughter! It said that if I brought ten humans to it, it would let my daughter live!"

"Just like how you'd lied to us, the Demonic Spider also lied to you. It never planned on keeping its words. Your daughter… she was eaten by it on the second day."

"N-No! Impossible!"

The middle-aged man looked at Yuan with disbelief, and he begged Yuan in a voice filled with desperation.

"Please! That cannot be true! She must be there somewhere!"

"I don't gain anything by lying to you. If you do not believe me, you can go inside and check for yourself. I have already killed the Demonic Spider, so you don't have to worry abou—"

Before I could even finish his sentence, the middle-aged man got up and rushed into the cave, disappearing into the darkness.