
Cultivation Daddy

Li Jain was a spiritual plant in his previous life that was nurture into his human form by the Hanxu sect. legend has it that only the Heavenly Spiritual Plant can open the gate of Heaven for cultivators to become immortals. Li Jain was raise carefully, he didn't lack anything and became an experts in lots of arts. After he advance to the Transformation realm, he began his quest of opening the heavenly gate. But when the gate open, he was killed ruthlessly by the same people that once treat him like a treasure. He spent years as a wandering ghost and eventually, found his fated soul in another world. The person body he took over has seven children and was despise by his family. Li Jain could take care of seven buns and make them very power in the future. With the help of his Spiritual Tavern, he became very wealthy.

NobleFox · LGBT+
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61 Chs

Chapter 31, We Are Home.

The sound of a horse pulling a simple looking carriage was barely audible on the quiet forest road as it rumbled slowly down the path. The coachman Li Jain was holding his horse still to allow the occupant to stretch his legs in front of him. His long coat billowed about behind him, brushing against the grass and trees. His hat was slightly pulled over his eyes but his face still could be seen from beneath it. 

At first, they passed a few villagers but  then they began to see more people as the sun began to dip lower in the sky.  The journey to Qingyuan town was quite simple. There was nothing worth sightseeing on the way. Just a bunch of trees that were too tall for you to see any higher than them and some rocks scattered along the road.  The scenery wasn't really appealing so it didn't hold much appeal.   

It was Li Jain's first time truly observing the road. Usually, he used his wind movement technique to travel faster.  As for the children, they've lived in Fengwu city for years now so it's only natural that this small town road didn't interest them much. 

Fengwu city is considered an elite city for most of its residents.  It's one of the seven biggest cities in the Zhen Continent. It has many wealthy families who have resided there for generations. Most importantly, it's well known for being very peaceful. The has few sects and more Academics than others. Most students come from different villages, towns, and cities to attend school in Fengwu.

"Daddy, have we arrived yet?" Juanxin asked quietly. His little hand rested on the door of the carriage.  

Li Jain gave his son a soft smile and patted his head softly. "We have arrived in Qingyuan town, but we are going to the shop to buy your sixth brother fire prevention clothes."

Juanxin looked up at his father with big sparkling blue eyes. He always loved spending time with his dad but daddy had been particularly busy. "Fire protection clothes?"

"Yes! Xiao Xuan has burned almost all his clothes in a day. It won't be long till he gets nothing to wear." Li Jain   explained. 

"Now that we're leaving, I think we won't be able to do that obstacle course training anymore." Jing Xuan said from the seat next to Li Zhang. Changing the direction of the conversation.

"It's no surprise you're happy. You don't want to do hard training, how are you going to get strong?" Jing Sheng questioned, sitting between them and resting his head on his legs. A small pout made its way onto his face. 

"Xuan has already come a long way. He might be stronger than you.  Don't worry about him." Li Zhang said confidently.   

"Don't be decisive. There's no way Xuan is stronger than Sheng." Li Cheng said sarcastically from his seat across from Jing Xuan and Jing Sheng.

"What do you mean? Xuan has already mastered three obstacle courses. He learned a boxing technique from Shen Yuan, and has awakened his bloodline yesterday." Li Zhang defended his partner.

Li Cheng scoffed, "So what? Sheng has mastered all of the obstacle courses and has been training with his sword for the past few days. Not to mention he'd already learn the boxing technique. As for bloodline awakening, Xuan has just awakened yesterday and couldn't keep his clothes on; it shows that he's not able to control his power. Just by looking at the two of them, I can tell that Xuan has a long way to go if he wants to catch up with Sheng."

Li Zhang shook his head dismissively, "Look genius! I may not have your astounding  instincts or exceptional sense of smell, but I am not stupid and there's no way Xuan could be so far behind Sheng."

Li Cheng  leaned into the carriage, "Whether you believe it or not is your problem. All I know is that Xuan is much weaker than Sheng. Just like how you need to work hard to reach my level."

"I don't think so! We won't know till we have a spar."  Li Zhang argued back.

"Let's do so when we settle down." Li Cheng said matter of factly before returning to his thoughts. 

"Well, fine by me."

"Don't worry brother Zhang. I always know you're the strongest." Jing Xuan said flirtery.

"Of course, it's just some people here that have eyes but can't see."  Li Zhang said flatly.

They continued bickering back and forth while Juanxin tried to keep a straight face.  He watched as the three brothers continued to argue as the carriage traveled down the road. Even though there isn't really anything worth seeing here, he enjoyed watching his dad laugh.

The carriage rode through the busy street of Qingyuan, filled with merchants and people of various ages. It consisted mainly of shops selling various goods.  People were bustling around the streets with their shopping bags in their hands. Most of the stores were open during the afternoon and early evening.  Slowly, the carriage stops momentarily at a shop that sells protective clothing.

There were many carriages on the street, therefore, Li Jain's simple horse carriage didn't stand out. 

The clothing shop they came to is called  Qingyi. A young woman dressed in red opened the door and motioned them inside.   The inside was decorated beautifully with red and gold decorations everywhere and there were even a few tables in the center of the shop with seats.

On top of the tables were many types of clothing.  Some pieces seemed like old age clothes, while others were new styles. On the right side there were also shelves where jewelry was displayed.  

"Dear customer, how may I help you?" After the woman let them in, A middle aged man came forward to welcome them. He had dark hair and light brown eyes. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled kindly at the young children.

Li Jain  looked back at his children. They were both eyeing the jewelry that was on display. He decided not to disturb them but instead went ahead and approached the older gentleman.

"Sir, do you have fire prevention robes for children?" He asked politely.

"I'm not sure. Our stock is limited due to our recent expansion to this store. Let me send someone to check it out." The man replied,  glancing around briefly before turning around. "Would you excuse me please?" And walked towards a door behind a counter.

The shopkeeper returned a moment later carrying two sets of robes with him. The fabric on the robe he held was a dark blue color. The color is similar to   the color of ocean waves. The collar and sleeves were lined in red. He laid the robe on the table.

"Sir, these are the best available right now," he said. "Is there anything else you would like?" He asked again.  

"Nope, how much do these cost?" Li Jain asked after taking a brief look at the robes. It was pretty pricey looking, but he was willing to pay for something special for his family. Besides, it was better than wearing burn clothes.

"This one will be four hundred silver coins, sir." He replied immediately.

Li Jain nodded his head quickly before handing the money over to him to count out the money. He handed over a wooden box containing the exact amount of cash the shopkeeper wanted. When they were done counting out the money the shopkeeper parted the clothes in a bag and handed it over.

"Oh, not again!" Li Cheng's voice sounded from the other side causing Li Jain and the shopkeeper to look over  at the source of sound.

Jing Xuan was once again over in burning flames.  This time however the flames were  larger and seemed to be burning brighter.  The fire did look rather hot and intense, it could cause damage if not handled properly.

Li Jain frowns slightly before walking towards his son. Once he reached him he placed his index and middle finger on his forehead and suppressed the flames back into his body. Immediately, the fire disappeared as if it never existed at all.

Jing Xuan blinked several times as soon as he saw his daddy, clearly confused about why his flame disappeared all of a sudden. Li Jain pulled up a chair next to him before speaking up.

"Change into one of these robes."

It was only now Jing Xuan realized his clothes got burned and his private younger brother was showing in the shop. He blushed a bit then changed his clothing hastily.


"Hmmm, it looks pretty good doesn't it." Li Jain commented, admiring his masterpiece.

"Yeh, thank you. But I feel embarrassed when everyone stares at us." Jing Xuan mumbled as he looked down.

Jing Sheng  laughed, "Even you know how to feel embarrassed."

"What do you mean, even me?  Aren't I also a human?" Jing Xuan retorted angrily.


"I thought the shameless can't be ashamed." Jing Sheng teased.


"Enough, let's go." Li Jain intervened, he didn't want the two to start arguing in the shop. Although he knew how the two acted around each other, he still needed his kids to be mature.


But as soon as they reached the door to exit the shop, the shopkeeper's voice sounded from behind them. "Wait! that.....that was.... what was that?" He stuttered, trying to form his words.  He was obviously shaken up by the sight they caused.

"What was what?" Li Jain asked, a little puzzled by his behavior.

"You..." He started before clearing his throat and composing himself, "You guys...were just.....you were just.. that flames."

Jing Sheng raised an eyebrow in confusion.  He wasn't exactly expecting such an odd reaction from the shopkeeper. What the heck was wrong with this guy. But looking at the excitement and greed on the old man's face as if he'd found a priceless treasure made Li Jain uncomfortable.

Humans are the most dangerous creatures he'd ever seen. Their emotions and desires are like a bottomless pit; never ending and full of greed. And humans have the worst sense of shame of them all too, it seems. They'll do whatever it takes to satisfy their  own needs and desires. They're just a bunch of hungry beasts and animals who only care about feeding themselves and nothing more.

Li Jain felt that, if he'd understand humans, he wouldn't be cultivating the path of their emotions and desires.


With that look in the shopkeeper's eyes,  he suddenly felt his blood turn cold and a chill for his son. They hadn't moved to Qingyuan properly yet, and his son was already in danger. 

"Sir, this child he..." The shopkeeper said, pointing at Jing Xuan but suddenly felt cold and a chill went down his  spine. The old man turned pale and couldn't utter another word as a wave of dizziness passed over him. His knees gave away and he fell to the ground in shock, clutching onto his chest, panting in fear.

"You, Saw, Nothing!" Li Jain said word for word while pressuring the old man on the floor.

Everyone was shocked at the sudden events which happened in a blink.  But no one dares to offend a powerhouse; therefore, they just stood on the side and watched. The shopkeeper didn't move despite the pain in his chest. He was completely paralyzed by fear. He kept saying he saw nothing.

Li Jain no longer wasted time with him and left with his kids.

 The rest followed along silently. The rest were silent throughout the entire ride back to the house.


The carriage passed other horse carriages and made its way farther than the market area. Soon, A big two story house surrounded by fences came into view. Li Jain stops the carriage at the gate and smiles at the little ones. "We are home."

Thanks for your patience and support.

The other two children will be brought back in the next two chapters.

So far, who's your favorite among the five children that we've interacted with?

1. Li Cheng

2. Li Zhang

3. Li Jingsheng

4. Li Jingxuan

5. Li Juanxin

Please leave your thoughts in the comment.

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