

They went to the abandoned building for training. Shuhang didn't want any help because he only wants to depend on himself. So Yangde supervised the others. He gave both moumou and Ah Bo some blood & qi pills.

Li Yangde: "You 2 will spar with basic buddhist fist only. Not the other martial arts I taught you. You will do it for 2 hours. It will help you hone the technique and master it on reflex. Yayi, follow me in the corner and I will breif you on cultivators and start your training."

They all nodded and began their tasks.

Somewhere in the campus, Caucasian man was abandoned by his daughter ruthlessly. After he fought long and hard to get a vacation leave to see if he can have a father daughter day during the sports festival. He was down of his luck. While walking around the campus, he stumbled upon an abandoned building. He was going to rest his tired feet when suddenly he heard loud bangs on the side of the walls. He slowly tried to peek into it and was shocked to see what he is looking at.

Joseph Maupassant: "Chinese Kung-fu, It's really chinese kung-fu. They're real!"

Inside the building. Shuhang was shadow boxing but every punch was filled with qi and send out a destruction wave. Moumou and Ah Bo also end up destroying walls while their spar is getting faster and faster.It's like dragonball z fights. Next thing they knew, they were shooting qi beams that distorted the air around them. They finally understand the importance of having a sparing partner. Their heart aperture is getting filled up faster than they have been doing. Shuhang saw the change in them and now thinking if he should have taken his teaching. But he was very firm on his beliefs to ask no help. It has to be equal exchange. He doesn't like feeling indebted.

Yayi just got done with the introductions.

Li Yangde: "Yayi, you have been eating the watered down spirit apple for awhile now. It is time for you to try the real thing. I have to warn you, the energy in thw apple contains profound energies. You will have an energy overload. You see that abandoned field. After eating this apple, I want you to run around the field continously without stopping or your body will explode. Just run until all the energy is spent."

Yayi: "😱, explode... this is for Moumou....this is for Moumou....Okay I'm ready.

She ate it in one go. After eating it, she felt a vast amount of energy building up in her body.

Yayi: "Oh shit! I'm really am going to explode!"


Yayi sprinted out to the abandoned field and ran as fast as she could trying to expend all the energy inside her. She was going faster and faster. She did not notice that she is running as fast as a fomula 1 race car. She was only worried about the energy inside her. She didn't notice that her body was molding into a stronger body. Her body started to harden like steel and her organs stronger. She ran a few more laps before she notice that she was running so fast that every thing seems slow. She felt the energy inside her stopped increasing meaning it started to stabalized. She still have a lot of energy left so she tried to run as fast as she could and was surprised that she wasn't even tired. She started to smile and having a good time.

Yayi: "WaHooooooooo! This is great! Who needs a car! I don't! hahahaha😆😆😆😆😆

Joseph: "Oh My God! Is she the flash! She got super powers! uuuuuuhhhhhh.... I want one! I want one! I want one!"😭😭😭

Goa Moumou: "My God! She can run faster than me!"

Lin Tubo: "Talk about run away bride. You got your work out ahead of you."

Song Shuhang: "Did she really just got started?"

Goa Moumou: "Yangde! What's going on?!"

Li Yangde: "Hahaha. Ooops. Well she ate the real thing. The spirit apple. I was just experimenting it out on her. And it worked."

Goa Moumou: "Real spirit apple? I thought we were eating the real thing all this time?."

Li Yangde: "Oh that, (pshh!) That's only the watered down apple. It doesn't even equivalent to half the real deal."

Goa Moumou: "That's too much! What if she explodes?"

Li Yangde: "I can just suck out all the energy through my mouth aperture."

Song Shuhang: "Does that mean mouth to mouth"

Li Yangde: "Yeah, I gotta make a sacrifice for my student hahaha."

(Smack) Goa Moumou hit Yangde on the head. As soon as he did, he forgot that his head was stronger than steel

Goa Moumou: "Owowowowow! You jerk! Owowowow!

Lin Tubo: "Hahahaha 😄😄😄😄"

Yayi slowly slowed down and walked to them. They were all shocked to see Yayi. Her legs got slender and longer. Her shape got curvier, her boobs rounded perfectly and her face became gorgeous."

All of them:"😱😱😱😱😱😱"

Goa Moumou: "Are you still my Yayi"

Yayi: "Of course silly...huh??..Wha- my boobs got bigger. And I got taller."

Lin Tubo: "Your a lucky man ol buddy"

Song Shuhang: "Congratualations man"

Goa Moumou: "I got nothing to say. I'm the luckiest man in the world."

Li Yangde: "The power of fruit my man... the power of fruits.

Yangde then called Yayi and instantly transmitted the True meditation scriptures and the basic buddhist fist. It was all thanks to the Library of heaven's path that can instantly transmit knowledge. He then gave her the same amount of blood and qi pills as the rest of them. Yayi slowly took the stance and started punching. At first she did not put any qi in her punches and try to perfect the form. An hour later she perfected the forms. Little by little she put qi on the punches then...


Loud sound waves gushed out her fist and holes started appearing on the walls.

Li Yangde: "She's a natural bort martial artist."

Then they felt someone was coming closer.

Joseph in a dogeza position greeted them.

Joseph: "Greetings great kung ku masters!"

Everyone: "😶😶😶😶😶 huh?"

Joseph: "Please take me in as your diciple!"

Song Shuhang: "We can't these are family secret arts. It can only be taught to other family members."

Gao Moumou:" Uh ah yeah we can't disregard the rule. It will be taboo."

Lin Tubo: "It will be like aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!😱"

Yayi: "Tell you acting couch she's fired!"

Li Yangde:"hahaha. You guys crack me up."

Joseph: "No please masters, you can even adopt me to your family, you guys can even call me your unofficial disciple. Please I'm begging you."

He keeps begging to them. Mostly to Shuhang because he was closest to him. Joseph was not willing to give up. This was his last chance to make his dream a reality. He can't let it go. Shuhang was about to teach him his kindergarten aerobic exercise when Yangde stepped in. He dropped 4 books.

Li Yangde: "One week! Jeet kun do, Aikido, Kenpo and Judo. All martial arts are the same, the only difference is technique. I want you to master everything in one week. No excuses. If you can't master them, give up this dream and go on with your life."

Joseph was ecstatic. If he could master everything, he will be a student disciple. But it is a bit too much. Normally, it takes years to master a martial art then again 4. But his determination was high. It was his last chance, so everything is go for broke for him.

Joseph: "Thank you master! I won't dissapoint you master!"

Joseph then took the books and went to the side and started reading.

Song Shuhang: "One week to master 4 martial arts. Isn't that too much."

Lin Tubo:"Impossible is more like it"

Gao Moumou: "Aren't those from bookstores. The explanations alone is hard to comprehend."

Yayi: "Yikes! I feel sorry for that guy!"

Li Yangde: "No, if he can do it, I will make him a disciple at our dojo. Those books are not normal books. I put energy comprehension on each picture. The meaning of every movement will etch up in his brain. And the movement will be 2nd nature. I just want to know if he git potential or not."

Goa Moumou: "Wow, you sound like a real master just now.....NOT! Your full of bullshit.

Li Yangde: "(sigh) No respect from daniel san. Ah, whatever. The sun is still up. Continue practicing. Moumou and Yayi please spar with each other. Moumou please help her build her foundation. Shuhang and Ah Bo Spar with each other. Help Shuhang with his foundation. What I saw earlier was wasted effort. It's the downside of practicing alone. Only use basic buddhist fist. The spar is 2 hours long afterwards is the cooldown and back to your home and rest. Tomorrow, we will do the same, except Yayi will learn a new martial art. Now Begin!"


Things went this way for one week. Joseph stayed like a hobo day and night on the abandoned building trying to master the techniques. He had food delivered to the abandoned building that surprised the delivery people. Slowly but surely his foundation started to build up. The books are very mysterious. The pictures give him a erie feel that made him comprehend the heart of the style and foundation. In 3 days, he cannot believe that he have mastered 2 of the 4 books. He have the equivalent of a 1st degree black belt.

4 days later...

Li Yangde: "Nice beard you got there Joseph"

Joseph: "I trained day and night master. I didn't have any time to groom myself."

Li Yangde: "Okay, demonstrate the basics then advance actions of each martial arts. If I see you have potential, I will send you to an unknown place, to our family dojo. You will be under my dad and 300 of his diciples. What I given to you are the test to come in to the world of real martial arts. If your ready please begin."

Joseph: "Wow, 300 diciples. Now I can't let this go."

Shuhang, Moumou, Ah Bo and Yayi was standing beside Yangde to see the show. They still doubt someone can master martial arts in 1 week.

Joseph started do everything step by step from basics to advance. He did all the stances perfectly and with strength. Everyone other that Yangde was shocked at his improvements. The movements keep getting faster with precise control.

Li Yangde: "Okay that's enough. You pass!"

Joseph: "Yes! Yes! Thank you master! Thank you!"

Li Yangde: "Now for the hard part. (sigh) You have to quit your job and say goodbye to your family."


Li Yangde: "Every diciple in our dojo, did the same. You will also forget your name since you will be reborn and be given a dao name. The life you are gonna step forward to is a life of cultivation. You will outlive everyone you know and will stay young till the day you die. So I will give you until tomorrow to say goodbye to your family and someone will escort you to the dojo that will soon be a sect."

Joseph was shocked at the revelation. He was thinking really hard.

Joseph: "Will my family be taken care of?"

Li Yangde: "Yes. As you stay in the dojo. You will have some jobs and missions. These missions have rewards from thousands of dollars to millions US. You can send it back to them. You can also call them, but you can't see them until you reach the 4th stage where you can fly out with your sword. We have computers to if you want face time. The location is a secret though and not found in any maps.... Tell you what. For 1 year and one year only. I will help support your family until you have enough saved up and start sending money yourself."

Joseph: "That's a very big deal. This will be difficult. Well, my daughter is already grown up. Once she finish college she will marry and go on with her life. My wife barely look at me anyway. Sure why not. I accept the deal. I will come back tomorrow."

Li Yangde: "Okay, also. You don't need to bring anything. Everything will be provided for you."

Yangde threw an apple to him.

Li Yangde: "Eat that apple before you shower tonight. It's very important to do that. You will probably shit alot."

Everyone was laughing as they experienced it first hand. Then Joseph said farewell.

Li Yangde: "Okay guys! Back to training. I need to make a phone call."



Li Bruce: "Hello?"

Li Yangde: "Hey dad, I need you to pick up you new disciple!"

Li Bruce:"What? Not even a hello dad. Uh how you doing dad. But Pick up a brat disciple!"

Li Yangde: "Okay, How ate you dad?!"

Li Bruce: "Too late! It loss all it's meaning!"

Li Yangde:"Hahaha. You crack me up sometimes. Hey dad, the disciple that I want you to pick up is a phase 4 disciple."

Li Bruce: "Phase 4! He mastered 4 martial arts in a week?! Did you help?"

Li Yangde: "Just a little.."

Li Bruce: "You just a little is a lot to me. Are you sure?"

Li Yangde: "Yeah, just pick him up at an abandoned building in my school. I will be there too."

Li Bruce: "Alright, alright! I'll get the paperworks done and get him a room here. I'll see you tomorrow then."

Li Yangde: "Okay then. Love ya dad. Bye"

Li Bruce: "Yeah yeah, love you too."


The next day, Joseph came with his wife and angry daughter.

Joseph: "Sorry Master, they insist in comming over here."

Joseph's wife: "Did you just make my husband quit his job? How are we going to live you brat?"

Li Yangde: "Check your bank account. I put a year worth of money in it."

Joseph's wife checked her account via phone and was shocked at the amount.

Joseph's wife: "A mil- (huuu) a mil ( huuuu) A MILLION DOLLARS !!!!!"

Joseph and his family got thier mouth wide open.

Joseph: "Thank you master! Thank you master! You are indeed generous!"

Joseph's daughter had nothing to say due to the shock that they are now rich.

Li Yangde: "Oh My father is here!"

Joseph and his family was shock once again. A man riding a sword with 2 disciples was decending in front of them. Their mouths are wide open.

The 2 disciple bowed in front of Yangde..

Disciple 1: "Inner disciple 4 star greets grandmaster Infinite Space Mage."

Disciple 2: "Inner disciple Heavenly spring greets grandmaster Infinite Space Mage."

Li Yangde: "Thanks for the greetings. I see, both of you just advanced to the 3rd stage congratualations. Wait a minute I will be back."

Joseph and his family was again shocked when Yangde just disappeared to go to his dimension.

Li Bruce: "My son is always a show of"

Yangde's friends intoduce themselves to his dad and the disciples. Then Bruce explained the procedures getting in to the dojo that will soon be a sect. He also explains that if the daughter can become a cultivator. She can stay with her dad. The wife is to fragile and too old to start cultivating, so they can only see her grow old.

Yangde reappeared again carrying 2 bags of spirit stones and gave each one to the inner disciples. The inner disciples was so glad they took the escort duty in the mission board.

After an hour, Joseph said goodbye to her family and promise to see them on facetime or skype in the computer.

Li Bruce: "I'll see you again son and guess what! I already formed my 9 immortal bones hahaha. You will never one up me son. I'm gonna breakthrough the 5th stage soon."

Li Yangde: "Dammit! that's why I didn't want to go to school. I'm stuck with only 5 immortal bones. Don't worry, once I reach 5th stage. I'll race you to the 6th stage!"

Li Bruce: "Your on! Okay I gotta go. Give your old man a hug"

Yangde hesitates. He looked at his friends and all attention on him so he awkwardly pat his back and move back.

Li Bruce: "You called that a hug, what are 5."

Li Yangde: "But daaa~d everyone's looking"

Li Bruce: "I'm not going anywhere till my so give me an honest to goodness lovemuffin squshy wishy hug!"

Li Yangde: "Ugh!"

He didn't have a choice so he hugged him and Bruce gave him a bear hug and swing him round and round. He looked like a ballerina..Everybody started giggling and can't stop to laugh.

Everyone: "Hahahahaha! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆"

Then Li took his entire entourage to the sky back to the secret island base.

Joseph's wife: "I was skeptical at first. But now I believe you. I guess it's time for me to retire. Hahaha I feel like a kid again. I'm going shopping. Bye everyone!.

Joseph's daughter came over to Yangde.

Ji Shuangxue: "Master!, Please make me a cultivator!"

Li Yangde: "Yeesh! another one."

He looked at Shuhang and the others.

Song Shuhang: "Don't look at me. It's your mess you fix it."

Goa Moumou: "Your the one teaching us."

Lin Tubo:" (whistling) 😚😚😚😚😚"

Yayi: "Your my sensei master!"

Li Yangde: "(Sigh) Some friends you guy are.." he looked at her and said "Name?"

Ji Shuangxue: "My name is Ji Shuangxue daughter of Joseph Guy Maupassant. May I know what to call master"

Li Yangde: "(sigh) My name is Li Yangde of the Yang clan that was disbanded. My father will be the patriarch of the soon be called Li Sect. My dao name is Infinite Space Mage. As my first formal disciple, you will be treated as a Li family member and soon will share the biggest secret of the sect. But you must pass a trial period. You cannot see the secret until you reach the 4th stage cultivator due to the energies can destroy your body."

Song Shuhang: "That's a great speach there buddy. And what is this energy you talking about."

Li Yangde: "I can't take you there. All I can say is anyone goes there will advance faster than anyone else alive. Even 8th stage and immortals wants those energies. That's why it is a secret."

Ji Shuangxue: "Wow, master is so cool"

Li Yangde: "On another note! Do not call me master. It sends the wrong message. Maybe in a hundred years I'll allow you to call me master, but for now just Yangde is fine."

Ji Shuangxue: "Yes, Yangde sama"

Li Yangde: "Okay,first is you living arrangements. Hmm. I know. Ah Bo! Contact the interior designer and tell her the storeroom on the first floor to be converted into an apartment. Moumou! Contact the contractor we got last time to extend the storeroom and make it an apartment."

They both nodded.

Li Yangde: "Shuangxue, the apartment will be ready in a month. Can you hold for that long. And also start packing your stuff from the dorm. I will show you where you will live next month."

Shuangxue followed them and her jaw was wide open at the luxurious building they are living in. She was also shocked at how big the storeroom is and they want to extend it.

Li Yangde: "We will go shopping for furnitures tomorrow with the interior designer. You will pick the furnitures and the design you like. It's your own place so you can be yourself. Don't worry about money, I have plenty. Now questions?"

Ji Shuangxue: "Can I really live here? I don't want to be a bother!"

Li Yangde: "Nonsense. As my disciple, of course you can. Also, do you have a license?"

Ji Shuangxue: "Yes, but I'm saving up for a car"

Li Yangde: "No need to save. We're getting you a car right now."

Ji Shuangxue felt like she is in a rollercoaster. He bought her a brand new toyota hybrid car. The car she wanted for a long time. And then he paid 5 yrs worth of insurance. Then they went shopping for her clothes, due to financial hardship in their family, she didn't have any new clothes in a year. The best thing he did for her is paid up all her loans, credit card and even paid her tuition good for until she graduated. She was in cloud 9.

The next day, the contractors already started to extend the storeroom and putting up a bathroom with jacuzzi. Shuangxue was amazed at the design of her apartment. The went furniture shopping. She was treated like a princess.

Before going back to her dorm, Yangde tossed her a watered down spirit apple and told her she should take it near the bathroom. She was skeptical at first. But she ate the apple. Moments later, she was atruck by diarrhea, and black goo coming out of her skin. She thought of the poison apple in the snow white fairy tail. About 30 minutes later, all immunities are out from her system. She felt stronger but really smelly. She showered a couple of times, afterwards she was shocked again. Her face and skin seems prettier and her love handle is gone. Her shape is curvier. She was no longer medium chubby. She was now sexy.

Ji Shuangxue: " Oh darn it. Now all my clothes is too big.

The next day...

Li yangde: "Good! The first cleansing is done. I'm gonna give you 4 apples. I want you to eat them at noon time and dinner time later 2 each time for the 2nd cleansing."

Ji Shuangxue: "Master, how many cleansing should I do?"

Li Yangde: "2 for now. You will do a cleansing each time you breakthrough the stages on cultivation. Those 2 cleansing is shedding away the impurities of your body. You should be equal to a national athlete right now and by tomorrow, an olympic athlete. I wil now impart to you the methods of gathering qi and the martial arts of my family. I will use an unorthodox teaching. I will ask you to keep this secret. This is also a family secret only."

Ji Shuangxue: "Yes master"

Li Yangde directly injected the methods and techniques into her head instantly. She got a spliting headache due to all the information was coming in at a fast pace. She was shocked that this family secret is indeed great. Knowledge are instantly transfered and all knowledge are like photographic memory that cannot be erased.

Li Yangde: "Okay start practicing. Tomorrow after the 2nd cleansing. I will give you blood & qi pills. Your body right now is not ready for that yet."

Ji Shuangxue: "Yes master"

Shuangxue practiced until lunch. She went to the dorm and did the cleansing. In the afternoon she practiced martial arts again then did another cleansing at night. She now observe her body. She had a light six pack abs. She was becoming a narcissist.

The next day the group all met up in the abandoned building.

Goa Moumou: "Wow Shuangxue, I haven't seen you for a couple of days. You look amazing!"

Yayi: "Finally a fellow woman in the group. I'm sick of having too many sausages around. I'm glad to have a fellow egg!

Lin Tubo: "Hahaha! Nice analogy Yayi."

Li Yangde: "Well today is the last day before summer vacation. So the last practice before everyone goes home. I will stay until Shuangxue's apartment is finish so how about you guys."

Ji Shuangxue: "Well, mom is doing the around the world retirement trip and dad is in a mystery island. So I will follow master wherever he goes."

Goa Moumou: " I have to meet Yayi's parents and tell them were engage and living together. Then have a meeting with both families to discuss future arrangements.

Lin Tubo: "I got an overseas modelling gig in the Caribbean. Also a commercial shoot in paris. I will be busy.

Li Yangde: "And Shuhang will be busy picking up Monarch White. He's in class right now so I will be your sparing partner Ah Bo. Yayi and Moumou will spar and Shuangxui, follow me."

He took out a glowing apple.

Yayi: "Uh oh, it's the apple that made me run like hell.

Lin Tubo: "Apple. Another apple. What's the deal with Yangde and apple. Why can it not be grapes, oranged or a banana."

Gao Moumou: "Maybe they're not selling in the store, so he have a lot of spare apples."

Li Yangde: "I can hear you you know. Actually the apple have the lowest profound energy. Grapes and pineapple have the highest on fruits. And so far Lion meat have the most for meats and chicken the least."

Yangde then gave it to Shuangxue and gave her the same warning as he did. Yayi. The moment she ran out. The 4 friends spar with each other. Shuangxue was shocked at the amount of energy one apple have, so shenran faster and faster in order for her body not to explode. After an hour of running the energy stopped overflowing and started to stabalize. She then just noticed how fast she is running. She wasn't even tired and have plenty of energy like a kid she couldn't help it but to shout.

Ji Shuangxue: "Woooohoooooo!"😆😆😆😆

Li Yangde: "Another satisfied customer. hehehe"

Shuhang came with a dog. A very rude dog.