
Cultivation Cafe

Liu Tang was close to achieve the highest peak of being a cultivator, the Celestial status. However, right before he could cultivate and burn his final Qi, a beam of energy destroyed his entire kingdom. He woke up in an unfamiliar era. This era is where people use a device made of glass for communication and beetle-like vehicles were used for transportation. He had traveled into a completely different world. Liu Tang was now an employee of an unpopular cafe with demons and evil spirits trying to threaten his daily life. To cultivate, he now has to brew coffee and make deserts. Watch how Liu Tang serve delicious coffee and pastries while dealing with demons and other transmigrated cultivators' problems as he tries to rebuild the cafe.

Peltivierre · Fantaisie
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14 Chs


Liu Tang could only cover his mouth in horror after witnessing a creature feasting on someone's body. He held his hands to his mouth to stop him from uttering any word.

He was about to take a step away when his shoe made a sound. The creature croaked, returning to its meal, making Liu Tang sigh silently.

When the man turned, the doors suddenly flung open and the creature leaped out of the room. Liu Tang screamed in horror after seeing its appearance.

A reptilian creature that had a huge head without any eyes. It had a pair of hind legs which it used to crawl and move while its front legs were used as claws. Its overall appearance was horrific, and the six pairs of hole on the side of its body that acted like its ear were even more horrendous.

"It's a Taotie," Liu Tang said. "A creature that was known as one of the Four Great Evil Races in the world. Why is one of them here? And in this neighborhood?"

The Taotie continued to chase down Liu Tang who was now panting as he fled. Every single thing that the creature would pass by would perish, even objects. Its claws that were long and sharp could destroy anything in its path.

"To Defeat a Taotie," Liu Tang leaped from the third floor. "A guide by Emperor Liu Tang."

Even when Liu Tang does not have his original powers, he was still stronger than an average human. This was proven after he jumped off of the third floor of the stairs and landed on the ground without breaking any bone.

His body was still highly agile and sturdy, that the only thing he was worrying about was how to find a weapon so he could defeat the creature. Its scales were thick and tough, impossible for just any object to pierce through.

"If only I have my Heaven Splitter with me," Liu Tang sighed. Heaven Splitter was his most prized possession, a weapon created by the gods themselves and was bestown to the earth. It was a treasure that was passed down from each emperor of their kingdom, each generation giving it more power.

As the forty-second bearer of the Heaven Splitter, Liu Tang was powerful. It was another ingredient on his short journey to become an almost Celestial ranked cultivator apart from his intellect and his bloodline.

Even DongFeng feared the Heaven Splitter for it can counter his own weapon, the Chaos Bringer. A large toothed sword that was lower in terms of power to the power of the Heaven Splitter. It was only after DongFeng achieved his Celestial status that he attacked Liu Tang's kingdom. That's how scared he was of the divine weapon.

Meanwhile, Liu Tang was now in the streets of his neighborhood while the Taotie was still chasing him. He was glad that he burned 5 Qi earlier that it was enough for him to gain extra speed.

"I need to be somewhere cramped," Liu Tang said. "Taoties have lower mobility when there is less area. If I could somehow…"

Liu Tang's eyes sparkled after he saw an alley on the side of the street. He immediately took a turn towards the alley and beelined towards it, not even bothering to feel sorry for his neighbors. It was late, but his life was more important.


They creature was now directly behind Liu Tang. This made the man roll to the right, just before the Taotie scratched its claw forward.

"It can't smell, it can't see," Liu Tang said to himself as he sneaked inside the alley. "But its hearing is impossible to escape from."


The creature has located Liu Tang's direction. The boy jumped on a garbage bin, then leaping into the wall where he grabbed the ledge of a window. The Taotie was below him, looking up to hear Liu Tang's sound better.

"Not today, creature," Liu Tang said and threw a rock on the side.

The Taotie screeched. It ran after the rock and slammed its hid legs int he area where Liu Tang threw it at. The creature was angry after it did not feel anything.

"Taoties are regarded as the gluttony for a reason," Liu Tang snickered. "Now I know why."

The creatures that are called Taotie are fearsome creatures that feed on people's guts. When someone is caught by this creature, there will be nothing left of them. Even the bones were being eaten by the Taoties, that's why they represented gluttony.

They have a few weaknesses on their bodies, and one of which were the sensitive holes in their head. Each hole could hear a sound from even a mile away, and after a long line of their lives, the Taoties could differentiate the sound of predator and prey.

And right now, Liu Tang was the the prey of the Taotie. The only thing left for Liu Tang now was to attack the creature on its soft spot. Aside from the holes, the area behind their knees and thier stomachs were also vulnerable.

They needed to have an expandable stomach to store what they eat, so they evolved into creatures who were capable of eating large amounts of food. The lower area of their abdomen had a pocket-like muscle.

It was a soft muscle that could expand for up to three times its original size.

While remembering all the facts abou the creature, Liu Tang looked at it. "You are so ugly."

He jumped down again, this time he took a small shovel from a garden on the ledge he just sat on. He pointed the shovel below him as he traveled in an insane speed.

"Goodbye," Liu Tang said, but to his dismay, the creature stepped aside and let Liu Tang reach the ground. "What the– argh!"

His entire body felt like it was on fire. The claw from the Taotie reached him, scratching his back with its claw. Liu Tang slolwy looked behind him, seeing the creature grin at him.

"How in the hell…"

Before he knew it, Liu Tang fell back after receiving a claw from the creature. His chest was hit by the claw, but he took just the right amount of steps backward for it not to he cut open.

He was now on the ground, crawling as the creature approached him.


With a swift spinning of his body and a strike of a shovel, Liu Tang pierced the soft part of the Taotie's belly. "Checkmate– blargh!"

He was showered by the creature's earlier meal.