
Cultivation and Beast Taming

In the vast universe, on Monster Star, exotic beasts and powerful beast tamers fight for survival. Each side with the intent to annihilate the other. Alden, a boy of humble origins, always bullied and beaten in school, one day wakes up with a mysterious system. With the help of the system, he embarks on a journey of strength. To become stronger. His first destination, the Beast Taming Academy. But letting go of his fear is not easy, even so more the overcautious personality he has because of the bullies. He tends to overthink everything. And in this world, not everything is as simple as it appears on the surface. Follow Alden as he faces countless ordeals in this fantastical world. Will he prevail and become supreme or will the losses of his loved ones along the way take their toll and break him?

DivineAquila · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
266 Chs


The female head general stood before the entrance of the dorm for a second. The next second, the students blinked and she was gone.

"Where did she go?" A student looked around in panic.

"What do we do now?" Another asked.

Alden immediately understood what was happening. She is a head general. Is it her job to show the students around? Of course not. They should be thankful that she even led them to their dormitory.

"He was called out first. He must be from a powerful family." A student pointed at Alden. "He must know what is happening."

"That's right!"

"What is happening!?"

Now, all the attention was on Alden.

'What do I do?' Alden thought. He panicked internally but did not show his emotions on the outside.

This was one of the things he learned throughout the years of bullying. To act differently from his feelings and to never show what he truly felt. If he showed he was displeased and angry at the bullies, he would give reason to the bullies to bully him more.

'It's time to put my acting skills to a test.' Alden took a deep breath.

"Everyone calm down!" He shouted a little angrily. "Why are you making a fuss?" He tried to sound powerful and arrogant.

The children making a fuss all calmed down and stopped talking.

"The head general had given us the information we need." Alden continued. "We are on the first floor, and she had given us our room numbers. What more do you need?"

Alden did not say anything more. He walked proudly and arrogantly to the front door of the dormitory and entered inside, leaving the other students behind himself.

When he entered inside, he let out a sigh of relief. He did not know for how much longer he could continue to keep the arrogant act. It was too different compared to his usual personality.

Before the students behind him started entering, Alden ran forward in search of his room.

When entering the dormitory, the first door room starts with 1. Alden walked forward quickly. He wanted to find his room and go inside.

No other students were walking in the hallway. Probably because tomorrow was the first day, and they just arrived today, so the dormitory was unknown to them.

When Alden reached room number 149, he faced a crossroad leading to three different hallways.

'Let me see. The head general said there was a 2D map on my watch.'

There were not many options on the smart wristwatch, so Alden immediately spotted the map.

He browsed the map for a few minutes, finding where his room was and at the same time, looking where each way of the crossroad led.

If he continued walking forward in the hallway across him, there would be no rooms. That hallway led to the cafeteria, a small convenience store, and most importantly, that hallway connected the dormitory to the East Academy.

In the hallway to his left were the rooms from number 150 to 299. And in the hallway to his right were the rooms from number 300 to 499.

Alden headed to his right, and after walking for a couple of minutes, he arrived before his room. Room 333.

Now, his only worry was his roommates. He just hoped for nice roommates.

Knock! Knock!

He politely knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, he opened the door, entered his room, and closed the door behind himself.

Entering the room, he was faced with the curious gazes of his two roommates.

There were three beds in the room. Two of them stuck to the left wall, one after another, while the third was stuck to the opposite wall. Immediately after entering the room, there was a door on the left. The bathroom.

One of the roommates sat on the first bed from the left while the other one sat on the only bed to the right.

"So you are our last roommate?" The guy sitting on the bed to the right jumped from the bed on his feet. "Glad to meet you, I am Neo. Neo Walker." Neo stretched his hand for a handshake with a friendly smile.

Neo had long blonde hair tied in a short ponytail with two bangs going down the front. He wore light blue clothes with a blue letter E on his heart and a black dragon coiling the letter. He was handsome.

'He seems like a nice guy.' This was Alden's first impression of Neo as he shook his hand. "I am Alden. Alden Garsia. Nice to meet you."

"M-My name is O-Owen. Owen Lakspur" The other guy introduced himself quietly, barely hearable. He had short brown hair and wore the same clothes as Neo. As for his facial features, he was average-looking.

"Come on, Owen!" Neo gave Owen a friendly slap across his back. "Don't be so shy! From now on, we three will be best friends. We will be roommates for a whole year. Let's take care of each other."

Alden smiled. 'He is a nice guy.' He thought, looking at Neo, who wore a wide smile. Judging by his first impression, Alden was glad Neo and Owen were his roommates and not some kids from powerful families who saw themselves above others.

Alden walked to his bed, which was stuck close to the left wall, with Owen's bed.

On top of his bed, neatly folded, were two clothes, the same ones Neo and Owen wore.

"I noticed you wear the same clothes?" Alden said. "What are those clothes?"

"Man, you don't know?" Neo asked. "Those are our school uniforms and also a mark. You see this blue letter E?" Neo pointed at the letter E on his heart. The uniform was light blue color, while the letter E was deep blue. "This is the crest of our academy. It means we are from the East Academy."

"What about the dragon coiling around the letter?" Alden asked.

"The dragon represents the strongest beast of the head of the East Academy," Neo replied. "They only gave us two uniforms, so if we fight and tear them, we would need to buy another uniform with our points."

"Thank you," Alden thanked Neo as he walked to the wardrobes. There were three wardrobes on the wall, stuck close to each other. On each wardrobe was the name of the owner.

Alden's wardrobe was in the middle, between Neo's and Owen's.

He opened his wardrobe. It was empty, so after putting his two uniforms inside, he closed it and sat on his bed.

"By the way, Neo, do you have any information about tomorrow? For example, what classes do we have?" Alden asked as he remembered he knew nothing.

"Seriously, man. You do not know? What was the instructor that brought you to the dorm doing?" Neo asked, wondering how irresponsible the instructor must be.

"Instructor?" Alden smiled awkwardly. "The head general only brought us to the entrance of the dorm."

"What!" Neo jumped from the bed in shock. "Are you telling me the head general, the head of our academy, personally showed you the way? The Goddess Selena?"

Alden nodded.

"Well, no wonder you know nothing." Neo regained his temper and sat back on his bed. "It's surprising that she even had time to show you the way." Neo started falling into his thoughts. "It's weird. I wonder why she did not send an Instructor to get them?" He started mumbling to himself.

"Neo, sorry to interrupt you. But is that left to us to worry about?" Alden spoke.

Neo looked at Alden. "Hahaha!" He laughed. "You are right. You were asking about the classes.

From what the instructor said, we would only have four subjects to learn this first year Theoretical Knowledge class, Practical lessons, Beasts class, Technology class. Each class will be two hours long. Our first-class tomorrow will be a homeroom class. That's all the instructor said."

'Two hours? I was dying with 45 minutes of class in school.' Alden thought.

"That's all the instructor said, but I have some information I heard from a reliable source before coming here." Neo lowered his voice. "I heard there is a secret class, a class only for the geniuses among the geniuses. The Voiders class."

Hearing the name of the alien race, goosebumps ran throughout Alden's body. He had never seen how one looks, they were never shown to the public, only to the strong beast tamers. But just imagining how they might look like gave Alden goosebumps.

'He heard this from a reliable source?' After regaining his composture, Alden looked at Neo suspiciously. 'Is he from a beast-tamer family? He must be. Otherwise, there is no way for an ordinary person to know such information.

But why is he not acting like the other spoiled children? Are there good people coming from powerful families?' Alden shook his head. 'What am I thinking? It does not matter if he is from a beast-tamer family. The important thing is he is not arrogant and treats us well.'

"Why are you shaking your head? Do you not believe me?" Neo asked, a little offended at the thought Alden did not believe him.

"No, no!" Alden shook his hands with a smile on his face. "I believe you. I was just thinking about something."


Alden and Neo turned toward Owen. How quiet he was, they even forgot he was there.

"It's dark outside." Owen pointed out of the window. It was dark outside.

The sun was already setting when Alden arrived at the square. By the time he found his room and talked with Neo, Alden figured it was already late.

"We need to sleep." Owen continued. "Tomorrow, we have classes."

Neo and Alden looked at each other before smiling.

"You are right!" Neo gave him thumbs up. "Thank you for telling us."

"Owen, you wanted to sleep, right?" Alden said. "Sorry, we were talking, so you could not sleep because of us."

Owen turned off the lights, and they went to bed.

Before lying in bed, even they did not realize how tired they were. But when they closed their eyes, they fell asleep almost instantly.