
Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Jiang Hao transmigrated and was born into an ordinary household. His family was forced to sell him off into a demonic sect and he became a disciple. He planned to cultivate, gradually become stronger, and live a peaceful life in the cultivation world. However, he was humiliated constantly by a demoness. The difference in their abilities was astronomical. He had no choice but to endure the humiliation, hoping that he never would have to encounter her again. He, who had no backing, caught the eye of the leader of the sect and finally could cultivate in peace. When he became the head disciple and met with the sect leader, he was stunned. As he looked at the other party’s beautiful face, he was stunned. Wasn’t this person the demoness from before? “My dual cultivation partner is actually the sect's patriarch?! ” ”Should I tell her that everyone in this sect is a spy?“

Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy · Oriental
Pas assez d’évaluations
1334 Chs

The Third Technique of the Hong Meng Heart Sutra (2)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Éditeur: EndlessFantasy Translation

However, his body had truly reached its limit.

He licked his cracked tongue and mumbled helplessly as though he was talking to himself.

"Lord Beast, I can't take it anymore. Are you friends from the underworld nearby? Can you lend me a hand? Just once…"

Chu Chuan slowly closed his eyes. He was exhausted.

It would not be long before he fell into a death-like sleep.

"Lord Beast…"

He moved his lips weakly. He could not make a sound.


Chu Chuan heard a distant voice but could not open his eyes to look.

He was not sure if he was seeing things.

"Princess, is it him?"

"Who would have thought we'd encounter him on the way back? But he looks like he's about to die."

"Do you want to help him, Princess? But the formation is about to activate… There's no time."

"It's fine. I'll give him a sliver of lifeforce. Whether he can continue depends on himself. I'm really generous, even at the age of eighteen."