
Cultivating Harem: A Villain's Path to Immortality [18+]

I heard that when people travel to another world, they become super rich second-generation individuals, or at least have someone to rely on. So, why did I, Zhang Wei, become a beggar? Becoming a beggar was not hard enough, why did I lose my vision all of a sudden? Is my life not hard enough? But I heard there are immortals in this world. Since fate chose to abandon me, I choose to give up my bottom line. I can do anything to become immortal. Note: Goal no. 1 : Developing the character towards being evil. Goal no 2: Creating harem (including 18+ scene) Goal no 3: Adding some comedy to lighten up the story(will not start until second volume)

i_am_a_Cheater · Fantaisie
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204 Chs

Broken and Humiliated: Zhang Wei's Struggle with Loyalty and Free Will

Xia Leiyan, the creator of this inheritance, had mastered the unknown technique that Zhang Wei had obtained. He used it to make many noble women his slaves and gained not only their bodies but also their wealth. He had affairs with married women from powerful families and was hated by many. However, he never targeted women related to the holy land, avoiding any potential life-threatening disasters and living his life carefree. Throughout his life, he had an obsession with knowing the origin of the technique he cultivated. After many years of searching, he finally discovered that the creator of this technique had fashioned it from a remnant page of a Supreme Technique named Boundless Evil Immortal Sutra. Though it lacked the strength and reach of the original, it surpassed most other techniques for dual cultivation. Having fulfilled this obsession, Xia Leiyan was left with another - to find the original Boundless Evil Immortal Sutra, which would make him more powerful.

In his search for information about the Boundless Evil Immortal Sutra, he learned that four other techniques had been banned in the immortal world along with it. If anyone could acquire one of these techniques, they could surpass anyone in the immortal world. Xia Leiyan sought all five of these techniques, intending to make himself the most powerful cultivator in existence. After 500 years of painful work, he finally managed to gather all five techniques. However, before he could cultivate any of them, news leaked that he possessed one of these banned techniques, making him a target of the entire immortal world.

A holy land sent five top experts to hunt him down, and Xia Leiyan hid the techniques in this broken book, intending to retrieve them later when the matter had settled down. If he failed to return, the inheritance would be left for a destined person. Now, Zhang Wei believes that Xia Leiyan is dead, or he would not have inherited these powerful techniques.

Zhang Wei understood the dangers of possessing these taboo techniques. He knew he must keep it a secret, or he would end up like Xia Leiyan, hunted and killed by the cultivators in the immortal world. Despite having the technique, he was still hesitant to cultivate the five taboo techniques and decided to focus on the nameless dual cultivation technique for now.

Later that day, Zhang Wei left his small room to check if the Liu family had returned. However, when he arrived, he saw a crowd gathered around. Since he was still pretending to be blind, he intentionally bumped into one of the servants and asked what had happened. The servant replied that the Liu family had committed suicide, and their bodies were being taken to their grave by the servants.

Zhang Wei was shocked to hear this news, and he forced himself to remain calm and asked for more information. The servant replied that he heard rumors that Liu Ming's wife and daughter were unfaithful, and out of shame, he killed them before taking his own life. Zhang Wei couldn't believe what he was hearing and felt a wave of sadness wash over him.

Zhang Wei knew the true reason for Liu Ming and his family's death, but he felt powerless to do anything about it. He understood that Chi Yang's people had spread rumors about Liu Ming's wife and daughter being promiscuous, and he believed that the incident from the previous night was the main cause of their suicide. Despite the injustice, Zhang Wei felt like he had to keep quiet and do nothing.

However, after days of wrestling with his conscience, Zhang Wei finally decided to do something about it. He went to Madam Chi, hoping that she would be able to help him get justice for his friend's family. But when he told her the truth about Chi Yang's role in the tragedy, Madam Chi's face darkened with anger.

"Guards!" she barked. "Take this lowly servant out and beat him with 100 whips! Make him understand his place!"

Before Zhang Wei could make sense of what was happening, he was dragged out of the room and beaten mercilessly. Blood dripped from his wounds, and he could barely stand. After the beating, he was thrown at Madam Chi's feet, trembling with fear and pain.

"How dare you find fault with the noble children of the Chi family?" she sneered. "It was Liu Ming's wife and daughter's good fortune to have served noble blood. To us, you and the other servants are lower than dogs. It is their greatest good fortune to be used by noble people of the Chi family."

Zhang Wei closed his eyes with helplessness and could only nod in agreement. Madam Chi seemed satisfied with his submission and ordered him to lick her feet as a sign of respect.

Zhang Wei was a human, not a dog. But when Madam Chi issued her command, he knew he had no choice but to obey. A wave of self-doubt washed over him, as he wondered whether his loyalty as a servant had led him to this humiliating moment.

With a heavy heart, Zhang Wei reluctantly carried out Madam Chi's orders, feeling more like a dog obediently following its master than a human being with free will.

"Remember your place in the future," she warned him. "Since you have been a loyal dog all these years, I will forgive your mistake this time. But there will be no next time."

With that, she kicked him like a dog, and Zhang Wei stumbled out of the room slowly. He went back to his room and slammed the door shut. His body ached from the beating he had received, his once-prideful spirit shattered by the humiliation he had endured at the hands of Madam Chi. He lay weakly on his bed, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to process the recent events that had shaken his world to the core.

He had always believed in justice and fairness, but now he understood that in this cruel world, only power mattered. Those who possessed it were deemed noble, while those who didn't were cast aside like worthless trash. Zhang Wei had had enough of this world's hypocrisy and filth. He knew that he couldn't survive in this world without becoming as dirty and corrupt as the rest of them.

As he lay there, he made a vow to himself: he would do whatever it takes to gain power, even if it meant crossing lines he never thought he would. In this dark and twisted world, he would become the darkest of them all.

Note: I am updating these chapters because I have realized that the writing quality was very poor. Please allow me some time to revise these unsatisfactory chapters. Some of the earlier chapters will be modified. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Date: 25th February 2023.

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