
cultivating body

archean, a reincarnator from earth, carves out his unique path in a world of cultivation

jankian · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

chapter 19

When Arc woke up the next day he felt refreshed and remembered that he has yet to pick up the formation flag that he had ordered 

Arc decided to head down the mountain immediately to get his formation, 

he was excited to begin fighting with an actual formation flag/spear as this was something that he often thought about during his time on earth 

The way down the mountain was fairly quick though before heading all the way down Arc stopped by the woods and chatted with the spirit bear

"Hey Arc, i have finally came up with a name" 

The bear spoke proudly 

"Oh really? What name did you decide on?" 

Arc asked inquisitively 

"I have decided to be known as ludwig" 

He spoke proudly 

"That's an interesting choice"

Arc said as he thought to himself 

'That's the name of a video game character I know, hehe that's just a coincidence" 

After speaking to ludwig for a while Arc descended the mountain and headed towards the city by the base of the mountain 

The entire time that he was walking he was thinking about the the upcoming competition taking place at the nascent soul cultivator' "welcoming party"

As a core disciple he will most be required to fight, and Aurora expects him to win so he can't fail he must succeed at any cost 

Cheating was obviously a no go, as attempting to pull a fast one under the sites of nascent soul cultivators, and golden core cultivators would be the root of ignorance 

So he could only increase his combate level to the highest possible, 

Lately he has been focusing on the cultivation of the soul, in the form of practicing the Art dao, as well as forging 

The next step in his training will be back to focusing on combate, he doesn't really enjoy fighting so this must be done efficiently as to prevent him from having to do it frequently 

Those thoughts wondered within Arc's mind and before he realized it, he had arrived 

"Hello sir how may i help you" 

"I put in a commission for a formation flag awhile ago, i just came to pick it up" 

Arc spoke 

"What was the name used for the order"


"Very well, i will check if your formation was completed" 

The store attendant spoke, before heading to a backroom 

A short while after the attendant returned holding a folded flag that had no poll

"Yes it was competed, you just have to pay the remaining balance and it's all your" 

Arc nodded his head and payed as he thought to himself 

'This was expensive so i hope it ends up being worth it" 

After paying the attendant handed over the flag, and Arc quickly placed it within his spirit ring and headed out the door 

"Hey should we follow him"

A man wearing a hood spoke softly, only to get smacked by another person next to him

"He is a core disciple of the black mountain sect to rob him this close to the mountain is asking to die"

"The very fact that you brought that up makes me think your a spy trying to set me up to fail" 

The man said lightly before laughing 

The hooded man began to sweat, he knew his boss was joking but that's exactly what he was doing 

Arc had no idea how close he was to getting robbed and even if he did he would probably laugh, 

They weren't even foundation establishment cultivators, he could quite easily defeat them especially since most cultivators fight with long range abilities 

Arc could easily punch through their chest with a punch containing both qi and ki 

Anyways Arc was heading home as he had a thought running through his head 

'Its a mouthful to constantly be saying qi and ki, i should find a name to represent the use of both energies at the same time' 

'Let's see perhaps i can call it mana, that would be simple to remember and much quicker to say'

"Yeah lets go with that for now, if i think of a better name later i can always change it"

Arc spoke lightly as he walked 

Arc arrived quickly and pulled out his spear and the formation, today it would finally become the formation flag spear that he wanted since the beginning 

It was easy to put together but that was only step one, Arc began to infuse it with his mana, allowing his endless energy to blend into the formation leaving his own mark on it

This step was very difficult, it was easier on the spear since he built it to match the shape of his soul 

The only thing holding him back from turning it into a natal weapon was his realm 

As Arc's energy flowed through the formation the spear seemed to work in unison with Arc increasing its effectiveness and allowing the formation to blend into the spear

This cooperation between the spear and Arc allowed the formation to merge into the spear making them become one 

This caused it power to raise but its affinity to Arc somewhat decreased, but as long as it became a natal weapon that would slowly be recovered 

The spear..no now it's a flag, the flag looked amazing but it still was empty in design being a white flag 

Unlike the Art dao runes which reside on top of the workpiece , formation runes are blended into the deepts of the workpiece 

This allows one to add designs to the flag and customize it appearance to a certain extent, as one can no cut into it or it would jeopardize the formation 

Arc looked at the blank canvas and began to think of what he could draw upon it 

He realized that due to the fact that the formation flag had a isolation formation, when combined with some of the runes of the Arc dao

when placed within the isolation barrier, he can make the trapped see the painting from the inside

Arc spoke as he thought to himself

" a third dimensional painting of a landscape seems like a good one, but what exactly should I paint?"

Arc decided to just do something random to not have anything in mind, to just draw random buildings and and lands 

Arc's pen moved and yet seemed to not move, he would draw rune after rune on top of one another, they slowly blended before turning into building 

A golden castle floating within the sky with a giant waterfall, the waterfall leading into a river, that traveled across a city below 

Its flowed endless and building slowly appeared around it, 

a large building that twisted upwards towards the sky, made of glass 

A large prism made of sand and stone rose up, it seemed to reach the sky, its peak reaching the heights of the golden city

Arc then had a funny idea as he drew the next building, it was a prison over a cliff near it city, it allowed a perfect view of the city blocked only by the prison bars 

When someone is pulled into the isolation barrier they would see this, the endless beauty that was unreachable

This prison achieved two major effects, the first being the physiological attack on the person of being through in a prison cell

The second being as it only allowed a specifically selected view of the city, it blocks the sides that have yet to be painting 

Arc wasn't planning on finishing this painting today, it was way too large for that 

his plan was to casually add building whenever he is free until the the painting is not only full but completely walkable, 

an interior would be added to each building to each floor while this would be a difficult endeavor, Arc found it fun

 it would just be a thing he does to pass the time, as from the perspective of someone caught in the formation it was completed painting 

Arc pen stopped for one moment as he then spoke

"Wait did i just add an illusion formation to my flag"

Arc realized in adding those runes to the isolation barrier it essentially added an "illusion" effect 

only difference between a real illusion array it that their illusion is made by mental power being infused within formation,  

while Arc's isn't an illusion its painted directly onto the space of the isolation array 

In practice though it acted almost the same as a illusion array only difference is that it looks much more real, due to being real

Most cultivator's can tell when they are in an illusion, though being able to tell or escape are two different things 

Arc laughed lightly as he stopped, and looked at the flag, the white was gone and it looked like the completed prison 

Since the painting was third dimensional, he made sure that the outside visible parts only caught the prison so that whoever is caught is surprised by the city he drew 

After Arc laughed lightly he decided to add a few more building to the painting as a easter egg, 

He drew a small neighborhood towards the back of the city, each house seemed different while one was completely a different style, being an ancient style mansion

The one thing each of these houses had incommon was that they were house Arc had lived in them one point 

He didn't put too much effort into this part of the painting, as it was an unseen part of the city, 

perhaps it would only be complete when he decides to add the interiors to all the buildings within the painting

After Arc completed those houses he lifted his pen off the flag, and looked deeply at it, it was an amazing looking flag 

He even added a special touch, since the flag could become small and take the shape of a streamer, he drew in a matter that when it takes that shape the prison is changed as well

It becomes a sideways painting seemingly showing how tall the prison is, yet it looked purposely distorted 

Arc thought it looked amazing and that this was among his best paintings 

Arc headed towards to Aurora prepared to test it out in combate, he was ready to show off his new strategy

if you see grammer issues or spelling issues please let me know so i can fix it, i try to get all of them, but i always end up missing something lol

jankiancreators' thoughts