
Cultist journey through madness

The devotee of Nyarlathotep, Lucas Blackwood starts an unstoppable chain of events, will the hidden guardians of earth be able to repel the ancient horrors or will they be plunged into insanity? This is basically a long collection of legends of the Earths strongest guardians and their stories trying to repel the eldritch horrors that plague their beloved world.

Dem0n_Ancestor · Fantaisie
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90 Chs

Chapter 59: The Forged Obsidian

Maxus stood before the towering doors of the Azaria Order's blacksmith, his heart pounding with anticipation. He tightly gripped the broken shard of his father's blade, the last remnant of a legacy shattered. With a deep breath, he pushed open the heavy doors, stepping into a realm of heat, metal, and the resonating echoes of countless hammers.

The blacksmith, a seasoned master of the forge, glanced up from his work and met Maxus's determined gaze. He recognized the young guardian, his eyes filled with empathy for the burden he carried. "Ah, Maxus," the blacksmith said, his voice gruff yet laced with kindness. "I've been expecting you. I heard of what happened to your father's sword."

Maxus nodded, his voice steady as he explained his intentions. "I want to forge a new weapon, one that embodies my resolve to overcome the darkness within," he declared, extending the broken shard towards the blacksmith. "Can you help me?"

The blacksmith's eyes gleamed with understanding as he accepted the fragment. He studied it carefully, running his calloused fingers along the jagged edges. "A powerful symbol," he mused. "Let us give it new life."

Days turned into nights within the confines of the forge, as sparks danced and hammers fell in a symphony of creation. The blacksmith poured his expertise and Maxus's unwavering spirit into the forging of a new weapon. The fires roared, engulfing the metal in their fervent embrace.

And finally, the moment arrived. The blacksmith emerged, holding a blade that seemed to defy the light itself. It was crafted from the shattered remains of Maxus's father's sword, yet it bore a new identity, an embodiment of Maxus's resilience and determination.

The sword was forged from an otherworldly obsidian-like metal, shimmering with an ethereal hue. Its blade curved elegantly, wickedly sharp, hinting at the dark power it contained. The hilt, intricately designed, depicted intertwining serpents, their eyes glinting with a sinister glow. The pommel was adorned with a single, crimson gem, pulsating with eldritch energy.

Maxus's eyes widened in awe as he took hold of the newly forged weapon. He could feel its weight, both physical and metaphysical, as if it carried the weight of his past, present, and future. The darkness within him resonated with the sword's malevolent aura, forging an unholy bond.

The blacksmith's voice broke through Maxus's reverie. "Behold, Maxus," he said, his voice filled with a mix of pride and caution. "This is the Obsidian Serpent, a blade forged from your deepest struggles. Its darkness will test you, but its power will be yours to wield."

Maxus nodded solemnly, his grip tightening around the hilt. The Obsidian Serpent would become his companion in his journey to conquer the darkness, a constant reminder of his resolve and the strength he had yet to unleash.

Days turned into weeks as Maxus trained alongside the Sword Saint, his every swing of the Obsidian Serpent a testament to his growing skill and determination. The blade hummed with suppressed power, as if eager to taste the eldritch horrors that awaited them.

But doubts began to plague Maxus's mind. Despite his progress, he couldn't shake the feeling of insignificance, the nagging voice that whispered he was unworthy of the guardian's mantle. It whispered of his weakness and inadequacy, chipping away at his confidence.

One fateful night, overwhelmed by his own insecurities, Maxus found himself fleeing the Order's training grounds. His steps led him to a small fishing town, its quaint streets illuminated by soft lamplight. Maxus stood alone at the edge of a pier, gazing out at the vast expanse of the sea.

His grip tightened around the hilt of the Obsidian Serpent, his knuckles turning white. He stared into the depths of the dark ocean, his reflection wavering with uncertainty. Was he truly strong enough? Or was he just a fool pretending to be a guardian?

To be continued...