
Crystal Pair (English Version)

Since childhood, Liza knew that she was different. Liza is blessed with a pair of eyes that have a strange ability, which is to see crystals of magical light that are owned by every human in the world. All this time Liza thought the crystal of light didn't mean anything, until one day she was dragged into an unexpected event. Since then Liza got an astonishing fact about the truth of her identity which turned out to be a descendant of the legendary white witch who had lived in medieval times named Adera. It is said that the legendary white witch is a witch who can control the seven chakras in his body to cast magic with certain functions. One of them is the heart chakra, the chakra that functions for love and healing. And thanks to her magical abilities, Liza can heal humans from magical attacks and also help them to find soul mate just by looking at the patterns of magical crystals that she sees. It's like finding and putting together a jigsaw puzzle piece. Then one day, Liza has a desire to find out who her soulmate is using her magical ability. But strangely, Liza still hasn't found it until now. The luck of the mate seemed not on her side. Instead of looking for a partner, Liza is constantly met with Chistone, a mysterious man who has an unreadable crystal pattern. Who is Christone? How can the crystal of the man's soul mate not be read by Liza? Then will Liza find her soul mate? Follow for info and story updates at: @fenlykim

Fenly_Arismaya · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

The Little Healer, Miss Green

'Am I really not mistaken? How could Christ's spirit be there?'

Liza looked back at the gate portal again. Ensure that the disappearance is not wrong. But Liza also kept her guard up, lest Christ knows that she opened a nearby gate.

Those red eyes. No more mistakes! Who was the man with blood-red eyes as sharp and terrifying as that if not Christ, that crazy hunter man?

Liza hastily lowered her body to hide. So that he doesn't see it. Waiting for the gate portal to close completely. She just breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can't linger here! I have to go to Bernsberg to save myself!" Liza muttered as she started her steps out of the mouth of the cave.

But just as Liza took one step out, suddenly there was a growl from a distance. And Liza also believes that it must be the sound of the wild animals in the forest.

The horrible sound suddenly made Liza shiver. The memory of her being almost killed by the wolf came back to her mind. Liza remembers that this forest is prone to wild animals. Which then prompted Liza to back away. Back in hiding.

"Oh!" An idea then appeared in Liza's mind when she saw the magic book in her hand. "Is there any magic to attack here?"

Liza flipped through the book once again. Meanwhile, the purple bead moved swiftly over each page. Wish there was an article explaining how to cast magic to attack. Who knew she could use it to attack the beast like in the fantasy movies?

But until the back of the book, Liza still couldn't find the magic spell she was looking for. That's weird. Liza thinks this applied magic book covers all magic for the attack. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

Liza re-opened the pages which explained the seven chakras more thoroughly. Here are also the functions.

Then, on a whim, Liza casually opened a page in the middle. Which leads to the explanation of one chakra.

"The abdominal chakra. It is an energy chakra that has the function of storing and in and out of energy."

Slightly suspicious of the chakra's explanation, Liza glanced back at the writing section about reading spells magic on that chakra.

Liza was just about to open the spell page, suddenly Liza felt the vibration of stalactites and stalagmites in the cave. Even though it was faint, it really caught Liza's attention.

Liza just realized that the vibration is a signal that someone is there. Because after that heard footsteps enter the cave.

"Who?" Liza squeaked softly while hiding her book behind the clothes she was wearing.

And timidly, Liza tried to come closer. She was quite curious because at first glance Liza seemed to hear the creaking of wheels from outside. But Liza is still looking for a safe distance to monitor without being caught.

There was the figure of a human child standing in front of the mouth of the cave. She was seen wearing a shabby robe and a hood. Looks like she's about to enter the cave.

And stupidly, Liza was not careful enough to peek at that person. Until Liza's shadow is seen because it hits the light from outside the cave.

"Who's there!"

The child suddenly screamed until the sound echoed loudly and deafeningly. And Liza could tell from her voice that it was a girl.

At first, Liza was afraid because the robed child seemed fierce. Moreover, she carried a spear as well. But then Liza thought, maybe the cloaked little girl could help her take her to Bernsbergh. After all, she's still a little kid.

But weird too. Why did a little girl get here? What for?

"I--it's me." Liza got up from her squatting position and spread her arms--as if to make peace. "Sorry, I'm Liza. Some time ago I took shelter here."

For a moment the hooded little girl was silent. And without another word he sauntered into the cave so half-running. Ignoring Liza's introduction.

Liza wanted to follow that little girl. But somehow suddenly her legs couldn't move.

And how surprised Liza was when she found out that both her legs were entangled by very dense vines. Even though it was obscured by the darkness of the cave, Liza could see and was sure that what was wrapped around her legs was a type of vine.

Surprisingly, the plant is not a vine type. But the wood type. So don't be surprised if Liza's leg hurts. Because the plant is sturdy enough to trap his feet.

'I'm pretty sure that I didn't step on any plants. And it's impossible for vines like this to exist in the cave!' Liza thought suspiciously while trying to free her feet from the plant trap.

Even though it was a bit difficult, Liza managed to release the plant. Of course with the help of rocks there. Cut each plant one by one strand.

And at the same time, the little girl appeared from above the cave nature. Carrying the small sack that was already filled on her back. Walking past Liza haughtily.

At a glance, Liza saw the look in the child's eyes which was very unfriendly. Also, Liza can see the look in the child's eyes like flashes of light. And whether I see it wrong or not, it looks like the flash of light is green or ... blue? She doesn't know, Liza isn't sure.

"Wait! Let me hitch a ride to Bernsberg!" Liza asked while chasing the child.

Even to the lips of the cave, the child still does not stop. In fact, it accelerates even more. Gosh!

From the intention to chase the child, Liza's body fell. Again stumbled upon a plant that can suddenly appear by itself.


'Ah, my body seems so weak.' Liza thought while grimacing and trying to get up.

And at that moment Liza just remembered. It had been a long time since he had eaten or drunk since she had run away. Now her body has reached its limit. At that moment, her consciousness began to be snatched away. Liza fell unconscious.

Before she lost consciousness, Liza heard another voice not far from there.

"Who is she, Miss Green? Let's take her quickly!"


That morning Liza woke up from her sleep because her deafness was slightly disturbed by a faint noise.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Liza was surprised by a strange sight, in the form of a conical roof of a house. That's weird.

Also, the scenery around where Liza is lying is very unique. It's like being in a small conical house, but it's warm and cozy inside here. And if you look again, it looks like the walls of this house are made of thick greenish-brown cloth. With a few decorative motifs here and there on the fabric walls of the house.

When Liza was about to get up, Liza was suddenly surprised by the appearance of someone who had just entered the cone house. He entered through the bulkhead door which was also made of cloth.

"Are you awake?"

A young man greeted Liza in a friendly manner. He came with a box, which if Liza could guess was a box filled with drugs. The smell of scent was strong enough that Liza could smell it.

The guy is quite handsome too. His stature and features almost resembled Christ's bodyguards that Liza had met. But the face is definitely different. He also has freckless cheeks and ginger hair. And from the style of dress similar to the fashion style of the residents of Bernsbergh who usually wear thick and furry robes. Could it be... Liza is already in Benrsbergh?

Liza answered with one nod. "Thanks for helping me. If I may ask, where is this now?"

"We're in Agathi." said the man as he placed the box on a small table near Liza's bed. Then pulled one or two bottles of medicine while reading the descriptions one by one.

"Agathi?" asked Eve in surprise. He was never familiar with the name of the place.

"Wow." The man glanced over. Put on a smile. "Looks like you're really lost huh?"

Liza stammered. "I--I..."

The man laughed again. "If you want to thank me, then you'd better see our healer, Miss Green. But of course, after you take this medicine first," he said as he pointed two bottles of medicine at Liza.

"Miss ... Green?"

Liza didn't hear wrong, right? Why is his nickname so weird? The name of the healer was usually used for a doctor in ancient times. Seriously?

"Yes," he said understandingly. "The little girl you met while in the cave was our little healer. She was a child who was endowed with extraordinary powers from God to heal people. We often called her Miss Green healer, because of her unique green eyeballs."


To be continued.