
The birth

In the beginning before the existence of time,a being was born.This being was known as Elohi or Elphin. Elphin was the first existence and the creator of the rest of existence. Within a septillion years his existence he created what was know as Erskine or Creation zone where everything exists. But beyond this zone were hierarchys of 4D lines which formed voids or nulls which surrounded Erskine. With most of these nulls conceptually transcending Erskine. Elphin then created divine beings with a purpose of ruling and protecting all of Erskine. In the present day a rumble across Erskine was felt. The entire Erskine cosmology was shaken. This cosmology consisted of an infinite hierarchy of transcendental multiverses stacked onto each other and other dimensions above those hierarchies that were known as Archetypal Realms or Dimensions were also trembling from the rumble. This was the birth of a null creature which was soon to be a god or devil?

this was to let loose so Don't take it too seriously

Yogiri_Acceleratorcreators' thoughts