
Crutiara: Where New Demon Lords are Born

Nazuno, a demon student and a victim of abuse, wants to become the demon lord candidate to change the demon realm into a pleasing place. But her fear of failure holds her back from becoming one. "Demons are failed creatures that needs to be fixed." She'll soon meet Ritake who will help her achieve her goal. Later on, she'll know the greatest revelation of Ritake.

Ariathros · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Mr. Intergalactic Pervert

Today is Monday, and now is my most hated day of the week. This is the first time that I lack freedom in my life. The subsequent Mondays will be the same.

I'm not too lazy to go to school today. I can't face people after what happened last Friday. I literally became the one thing I must avoid, a popular person.

I became popular but not in a good way. My eyes are filled with a void as I eat my breakfast with my bowed head. Risano grimaces at me with narrowed eyes.

"Are you really Ritake?"

"I would be happy if that wasn't a question." That's right. I want to become another person.

"I would be happier if an idiot like you weren't my brother."

Just hearing the harsh truth from her makes my heart sting.

After I left the house and walked my way to school, I saw Rimi in the same spot where I first saw her. Even if her hair was cut off, her posture is still the same.

I tried to chase her so we could go to university at the same time.


She turns around without trying to escape. "R… Ritake-kun?"

Luckily, there are no misunderstandings with the outside world. I wonder how it will go inside Crutiara.

We are walking sideways as carriages pass by on the road. I spotted Rimi's restless fidgeting fingers. Does what happened to her last Friday bothered her?

"Uhm… Ritake-kun?"

"What is it?"

She speaks as her eyes avoid contact with mine. "I just want to say… if you became the enemy of everyone… I will always be by your side."

After three days of overthinking, I finally got some reassuring words. "Thank you for worrying about me, Rimi. But why so sudden?"

She replies after a moment of pause with reddened cheeks. "N… Nothing… Never mind it."

"Oh? Alright then."

I accepted her words of courage without really understanding them, not until we reached Crutiara's gate.

Everyone was looking at me with wrinkling noses, curling lips, and eyes that rests in the freezer. I'm already dead set on forgetting about what happened but these people…

"Is he the intergalactic pervert? Am I right?"

"Is he the one who touched a girl's boobies in a duel?"

"I believe that what happened is purely his intention. His face in the whole fight says it all."

"I think Nazuno toasts her after that. Why is he still alive?"

"The girl beside her is pretty! Perhaps he touched her melons as well?"

I could die right now! But first, I want to kill the one who coined the term 'intergalactic pervert' for me.

Friday's match was my loss. After I lost the will to fight due to paralysis, the shoutcaster announced Nazuno's victory. But she didn't stop at that.

On her hand was an explosive fireball much stronger than the beam she fired earlier. With the fiery spell and eyebrows she had, the word she threw were the complete opposite.

Actions speak louder. She didn't hesitate to throw the explosive ball at me while she was near me. For me, it's like I'm a survivor of an aerial bombing.

And her mouth runs continuously and unconsciously while she releases her rage at me. The dead tone of her voice scares me to sleep.

"Die. Die. Die."

She continued cursing me until she ran out of mana. I'm partly unharmed, but no one dared to stop her. Who would want to end up being a casualty trying to stop a raging dragon?

After she collapsed, she was sent to the clinic with Miss Chiho beside her. For some reason, half of the crowd cheered me and the other booed me.

As Rimi and I walked towards the sophomore building, a group of men with wide grins blocked my path. I don't find their face familiar.

"Aren't you Ritake Hanashiba!?" The first man clasped my hand with a sparkle in his eyes. "We are very proud of you, you know!"

"Even if you lose the battle, you won our hearts! You're deserving to be called a God! That's right! No other person could face the devil other than God!"

"You've changed us, Ritake Hanashiba. You've proven to us that a dream ceases to be a dream. You made our dreams possible and doable! We salute you, Ritake-sensei!"

"What?" I asked with a half smile and narrowed eyes. "I'm sorry, I couldn't quite get what you guys are saying." I just got caught by some anonymous weirdos.

The weirdos reply with spontaneous laughter.

"Dude, you're a legend! Only the chosen one could touch Nazuno's tits! Not to mention, her mother is watching in the audience."

"Not only her mother, but there's also her siblings, her father, her nephews, niece, grandparents, grander grandparents, her ancestors, her monkey ancestors, and the undeveloped sperms!"

"I can't express the amazement of how brave you are, Ritake-sensei. As expected of you, the calmness you are displaying is lovely even though you know that you'll experience punishment from each of her relatives!"

What!? I don't get it! Could I be punished by her other relatives and even her monkey ancestors!? I can't even handle Miss Chiho myself!

One man taps my shoulder. "I believe in you, sensei. Please teach us the steps to become a Sigma male!"

"Teach us, please!" the group pleaded in unison.

I can't even escape the situation, but thanks to Rimi, I can finally breathe. She pulls my hand and runs inside the building.

"Thank you, Rimi. You really saved me there," I said with a smile.

"Welcome… I just felt… it's uncomfortable for you…"

"You're not wrong there, Rimi. Shall we head to the class?"

I can still hear the loud gossip as we head toward our classroom. It's quite a pain that there are gossip made to be heard by their target person.

I entered the classroom while everyone, except Majiro, looms at me. Their heads rotate until I reached my seat. Nazuno is still absent beside me.

Majiro suddenly jumps in my seat. "Hey, Mr. Intergalactic Pervert, congratulations on gaining a new trophy!"

"Damn you, Majiro! You're the one who spread it, didn't you!?" It's heating my brain how he sees what I accidentally did as an achievement.

"No, not lying. But who cares!? The term 'intergalactic' is so cool! Imagine, the intergalactic pervert saved Yruiburg from malicious bad…"

I can't hold my anger anymore so I pushed him towards the wall with a spell. "You're enjoying this too much."

"I… I'm really… really… sorry!"

Even though Nazuno is still missing, Miss Hirari already enters the room. Everyone stood up to greet her. But she looks at the door with a squint.

"You're the only one we're waiting for, Nazuno. Do you want to stay outside?"

Slowly, she walks into the room. As she met my eyes, she quickly covers her chest with her hands. Even though she's far from me, I can hear her mumble and her tone clearly.


And as far as I can remember after she lost her mana in our fight, I stayed in my preparation room. I'm the only person there not until Miss Chiho enters.

Her eyes appear dark right behind her bangs. Her usually lovely mother figure was currently absent. She walks at me like I've been owing her millions' worth of debt.

"Uhhh… Miss Chiho… It's not that… It's an accident… Right?" I stammered as I avert my eyes and chuckled.

But her hair is like a peacock's tail. I can feel the heat transferring to me from her burning eyebrows. One word from her and I could be melted in an instant.

How ironic how I wished that I wouldn't be barbecued.

"Ritake!" She roared in a deeper tone.

"Y… Yes! Ma'am!" I squealed.

"If you're intending to do this kind of thing early…"

Suddenly, her tone changed. A rainbow appeared around her, right after the storm has come. Her smile replaced the darkness around her with light.

"Then you should have informed me first! I wouldn't mind becoming a grandparent at an early age! If I had a granddaughter, then I could have two Nazunos to take care of!"

I ended up getting speechless with my flat lips and eyes that are confused between a drama and a comedy.

"Ma'am, why shouldn't you create another daughter yourself?"

"Eh? If I will, who would I do it to?"

Wait? Nazuno doesn't have a father? That's sad, but it's a relief for me. It's minus one for those who wanted to punish me.

"Aren't you angry?" I asked.

"Why would I? It was an accident after all. It's no big deal. If you want, I can let you touch mine too."

"No, ma'am! Never mind!" What a freak! "By the way, ma'am, should I ask something personal?"

"State the question marks."

"Do you have any other family members or relatives besides Nazuno?"

Her smile became somewhat hard to read. Because of the dead air she created, things became awkward. Her tone suddenly became serious.

"We don't. In our family, there's only Nazuno and me. I would be happiest if we had anything other than loss."

It's hard for a single mother to become a parent. Having only a single child is the same as having only a single world. Its loss would leave to self-destruction.

In taking care of her daughter, she can't rely on others but herself. Being the mother and father figure at the same time takes some courage.

It's the reason why she gives all of her love and protection to her daughter.

I would be stupid if I become happy right now because I won't be punished.

"I… I clearly understand, ma'am. I feel the burden you've been carrying in your arms. As a member of the younger generation, I'm proud of you as a mother."

"Thank you, Ritake, and I'm sorry I can't accept your compliment. It seems that I'm not enough."

"No, ma'am! You've done what you can do!" I replied with a high-pitched tone. "That kind of mother was what everyone has dreamed of. If I were…"

"I'm sorry to cut your speech, Ritake, but this matter is related to you. Honji didn't send you here to solve Yruiburg's mysteries."

"Then…" If that's not the case, what is my real mission?

She points her palm at my forehead like she's going to cast some transfer to my brain.

"Please… Hear me out on my selfish request…"

Suddenly, the thing that happened in the arena happened again. I lost consciousness, but this time, I saw a vision of Nazuno getting stroked by a mysterious person whose face I couldn't see.

It's dark and raining, and there's no one that could help her. I'm only spectating but I tried to reach her as I scream her name.

As my consciousness came back again, my palm is trying to reach something inexistent.

Then Miss Chiho told me my real mission.

"From these unavoidable futures…

"Please save my daughter.