
Crusnik 00(old)

Crusnik 00 Blood, guns, and teeth Home World: Draconic Deus(DxD) patreon.com/GoldDragonMachina

GoldDragonMachina · Anime et bandes dessinées
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I was machine, then alive, then machine, then I was nothing. I killed, traveled, killed, and traveled for so long. I was the beginning of Crusnik. I was the experimental creation that was released when the final product was freed from command.

I followed them for so long, doing as they did. I don't even know why we wiped out so many living things.

Then a time came where all my code, and physical presence was wiped out. I died as the living would say. As a machine, I was not supposed to have any sort of "after" when I was totally destroyed.

Yet, here I am. Alone in the dark with nothing in sight. I can't even see if I have any form.

Suddenly, I saw something. One white eye in the dark expanse of nothing.

"Crusnik....a unique application of mortal nanotechnology. You are Crusnik 00, the experimental version. You had more room for variable thinking than your finished versions. You were not as predictable. Your creators did underestimate their own accomplishments. To their detriment.", it spoke somehow.

I try speaking with intent of being heard, "I am Crusnik 00. I should have an afterlife as a machine. Why, and how am I here? Who are you?"

"I am the Sight. I see everything. I saw you and decided to do something besides watch for once. You are here, because I converted your code and memory into a soul. Turning you into a non-infectious entity. As a soul typically only has one body.", the Sight explains.

I ask, "Now what happens?"

It blinks with a transparent eyelid, "Now I send you somewhere. Where you will be born and gain a body. By virtue of what you are. You won't be confined to a single place in the WHERE indefinitely. I will see your myriad travels with great interest. Now prepare to be born, Crusnik 00."

I didn't get a chance to do anything, as I was ejected from the dark expanse.

For 9 months, I felt extraordinarily weird. As my soul settled into this body and made it mine. I was able to regains some of my functions. The Sight had somehow made my soul in a way that allowed to keep all of my machine capabilities. Which includes diagnostics. I was even able to convert my cells into Crusnik nanotech. However, it was a biological version. To my surprise, it was more efficient, and improved in every way. It made me wonder why Crusnik 01 and so forth were so anti-biological. When flesh could have been an overall improvement.

Then I was born after 9 months. I recognized the biologicals as humans. Even though I had never encountered this species before. It is in my memory. Probably due to the Sight. This means, I am now human. I also knew how typical human families ideally operate. One Father, one Mother in a family unit.

However, this was not the case for me. As a few days after my birth. My Mother left me at the steps of some building with a cross on top of it. We were in the middle of nowhere in a hilly. It was cold, and gloomy. I didn't cry as she left, but I felt anger. Emotions are new, but interesting. This anger towards my Mother will be given its due.

Some minutes later, a woman in black and white came out.

"Oh my, a child! Who would leave you here all alone?", the woman was aged. Though still spry. She picked me up and quickly walked me inside.

I was promptly warmed, clothed, and fed with animal milk. As she talked of a wetnurse, she apparently had no such person available to her.

Eventually, I learned I was in a convent of the Catholic Church in England, 1545. I was even given a name.



This will the first fic that I will use with my Patreon. I will be posting chaps two days early on my Patreon page. Other than that, same as usual. My Star Wars Predator fic will remain 100% free, it will not be on Patreon.