
Crushing On Ms CEO

Crushing on Ms CEO" is a captivating story about the lives of two successful individuals from different worlds, Elsie Beckman, a powerful and strong-willed CEO, and Jayden Reynolds, an architect who falls in love with his boss. Elsie, a beautiful woman with a cold heart and a no-nonsense attitude, spent her vacation on a luxury yacht and met Jayden, who was employed in her company. Jayden is a bad boy with a troubled past who admires his boss from afar but finds it hard to approach her. # CEO # rich family # badboy As the story progresses, Jayden's ex-girlfriend, a slutty and clingy woman, barges into his office unexpectedly, wanting to win him back. However, Jayden declines her advances, and Elsie walks in on the scene. The incident leaves Elsie angry and hurt, leading to a temporary rift between her and Jayden. Eventually, Jayden proves his worth to Elsie and is accepted back into the company with strict rules and orders to follow. Jayden's gratitude towards his boss for giving him a second chance, coupled with his good personality and respect for her, ignites a strong bond between them. As their relationship deepens, the two navigate the challenges that come with being in love while balancing their careers. "Crushing on Ms CEO" is a story of love, ambition, and self-discovery that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

MartFord21 · Urbain
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43 Chs

Chapter Three

- Jayden's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Elsie, even as I worked on the latest project for our firm. Her beauty, her power, her independence - it was all so intoxicating. But as much as I admired her, I knew that I could never have her. She was my boss, after all, and even if she felt the same way about me, we couldn't let anything happen between us.

As I walked into my office, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. My ex-girlfriend, Sarah, had been calling and texting me nonstop, and I had a feeling that she would try to see me at work. We had broken up a few months ago, and I had made it clear that it was over between us. But she just couldn't seem to accept it.

I tried to focus on my work, but I couldn't shake the feeling that Sarah would show up any minute. And sure enough, just as I was about to start a new project, I heard a knock on the door.

"Jayden, it's me," Sarah's voice called out from the other side.

I took a deep breath and walked over to the door, steeling myself for what was to come. Sarah was standing there, looking as stunning as ever, with her long blonde hair and curvy figure. But I knew better than to be fooled by her looks - she was a slut, a bitch, and a lazy one at that.

"What do you want, Sarah?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

"I just wanted to talk to you," she said, giving me a sultry smile. "Can I come in?"

I shook my head. "No, Sarah. We're done. You need to move on."

But she wouldn't take no for an answer. She started to walk towards me, her body pressed up against mine, her hands reaching up to grab my shirt. I pushed her away, feeling disgusted by her behavior.

"Get out of here, Sarah," I said, my voice cold and hard.

But she wouldn't listen. She kept trying to seduce me, to convince me to take her back. And just as I was about to lose my temper, Elsie walked in.

I could see the anger in her eyes as she took in the scene before her. Sarah was clinging onto me, trying to kiss me, and I was pushing her away, trying to get her out of my office. I knew that Elsie would see Sarah for what she was - a manipulative, desperate ex-girlfriend - but I couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and embarrassment.

"Ms Beckman, please this isn't what it looks like," I said, trying to explain.

But she wasn't listening. She stormed out of my office, slamming the door behind her. And as I stood there, feeling both angry and hurt, I knew that I had made a huge mistake by getting involved with Sarah in the first place.

I immediately made security drag her out of my office, matched to my boss's office and explained everything to her, but she still seemed upset and angry with me.

"Do you know that you are in a workplace and that all forms of misconduct are prohibited here?," she said through gritted teeth sounding her usual cold self while I stood before her desk with my hands on my side and hanging my head low as she scolded me like a child.

"I'm sorry Ms Beckman, that'll never happen again... I don't personally have anything to do with her ..she just barged in unexpectedly..and," I began to explain but she shut me up immediately.

"I'm not interested in hearing you rant like that! . "Are you out of your senses, I can't believe you of all people mixing pleasure with business most importantly during working hours!. "I believe you don't want to lose your job Mr Reynolds." " Let this be your last warning". " Now get out of here!." she said coldly dismissing me off .

"My apologies ma'am, I didn't mean for that to happen," I said but she remain cold and distant not wanting to hear anything from me again. I used the cue to get out of her office heading to mine with a disturbed look on my face.

I could tell that I had hurt her, and I didn't know how to fix it.

As the days went by, I tried to make amends with Ms Beckman, but she seemed distant and cold towards me. And as much as I wanted to make things right between us, I knew that I had to give her space, to let her process everything in her own time.

But it didn't make the pain any less. I had lost the respect and trust of the woman I admired and respected the most, and it was all because of my foolish mistake with Sarah. And as I sat alone in my office, reminiscing what had happened for the past few days, with Sarah's unexpected visit.

She was always like this - clingy, desperate, and always wanting something from me. And while we had broken up a while ago, she still seemed to think that she could have me whenever she wanted.

I felt disgusted when she cooed, running her hands up and down my chest. But I knew what she was really after - sex. She always used her body to get what she wanted, and I was sick of it.

"No, I don't want this," I told her firmly, pushing her away. "We're over, and I don't want to be with you anymore."

But she didn't listen. She kept clinging to me, begging me to take her back. And in the midst of all this, that was where Elsie walked into my office, catching us in the act.

Recalling the anger on her face as she saw my ex-girlfriend trying to seduce me. I could see the hurt in her eyes, but at the same time, she seemed unaffected. She was a strong woman, after all, and she didn't need anyone to protect her.

But as she stormed out of my office, I knew that things had changed between us. She was too hurt, too angry, and I knew that I had messed up.

I had to do something to fix this, to make things right with Elsie. And so, I did the only thing I could - I contacted my ex-girlfriend, making it clear that she was not welcome in my working premises anymore.

But even as I did this, I knew that it wouldn't be enough to make things right with Elsie. She was hurt, and I had caused that pain. I didn't know how to make it up to her, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I had lost her forever.

As I sat alone in my office, my thoughts consumed by Elsie and what I had done, I couldn't help but feel worried and disturbed. I knew that I had to do something, anything to make it up to her, but I didn't know where to start. All I knew was that I couldn't let her slip away, not now that I had finally found someone who made me feel alive again.

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