Sexy stories of Giantesses crushing Tiny people.
Susan worked downstairs doing the laundry as her kids played up stairs. She could hear them running and prancing around playing upstairs like they usually did.
She finished up folding the clothes and walked out of the room and gazed into the mirror right in front of her. Though Susan was in her mid thirties she was still as beautiful as a young woman. She had short dark brown hair, and a few freckles on her face. She dawned a green shirt that matched her eye color, her black pants went down to her feet and on her feet were a gorgeous pair of Bushnell wedges.
She then walked into the kitchen and began to prepare lunch. Part way through the process she noticed something that was odd. Her kids were quiet as a mouse. The bumping and thumping around had stopped and her motherly senses kicked in to investigate why.
She traversed the stairs calling her children's names.
"Braydan! Caley!" Susan shouted
She made it into the hallway and discovered they weren't there. She went into her room at the end of the hallway to see her two kids looking in a corner.
"Braydan! Caley!" She shouted
The two kids looked at her and rushed to her.
"Mommy, mommy!" They shouted in unison.
"Look what we found." Braydan said
"Can we keep him as a pet?" Caley asked
They pointed over in the corner at a tiny man who was standing on the carpet. Susan's heart sank to her stomach and her sense of disgust was overwhelmed. She literally felt like spitting in revulsion. She looked at her kids with a straight face.
"Go play somewhere else, kids. Mommy has some business to do here." She said
"Okay." Braydan said as both the kids ran out the room. Susan shut and locked the door and began to walk across the carpet towards the tiny man with a serious stride. The vibe coming off her was not one of friendliness.
She stood over the tiny man and stared daggers down upon them as their gazes met.
"Who are you?" She asked
"My name's Jason. I'm just passing through." The tiny man answered
"Why are you in my house, messing with my kids?"
"I'm not, I was just passing through and your kids saw me."
Susan crossed her arms and stuck up her nose.
Now it was Jason's turn to have his stomach churn. He had seen this look before, he'd seen many of his friends get the same looks from women right before they were smashed down like ants. He knew he had to leave quickly.
"I can see I'm not wanted here." Jason said as he tried to slip out.
"No you're not. I don't like or want to do this but I can't just let you intrude here unpunished. That would set a bad precedent." Susan apologized
"Are you going to squish me!"
"Yeah, I'm sorry. Look, I'll make it quick. This won't hurt a bit."
Susan's foot accompanied with the weight of her wedges heel slammed down on Jason smashing him against the carpet. She lifted her foot to see Jason still squirming.
"Ah!" He cried out in pain.
She stomped him again, her foot slammed down onto the area leaving a shoe imprint. Jason however still persisted.
Susan at this point looked down on him and noticed that she was still moving.
"Uh, it's this carpet. It's too soft to mash you against. Hang on." She said
She stomped multiple times in rapid succession saying
"I. Just. Have. To. Use. A. Little. Elbow. Grease." Between each stomp.
After stepping on him around eleven times she still barely persisted.
"Why won't you die!" She screamed
Her hair had become disheveled and sweat had begun to run down her face.
"This is hard work, I'm going to need a shower after this." She said
She lifted her foot and dangled it over Jason's beaten and battered but still living body.
"I'm so sorry for this. I'm so bad. It wasn't supposed to be like this, you're supposed to be dead by now." Susan said
Susan picked Jason up and held him close to her face.
"I've always heard you guys taste good. Some of my other friends have eaten you before. So I think I'm gonna try to see how you taste. Sorry about that." Susan said
Susan threw Jason into her mouth as he kicked and squirmed for her life. Upon closing her mouth she chewed him into oblivion then swallowed his gooey remains.
"That was pretty good. Jason you were a delicacy." She said to herself
She then unlocked the door and left
"Alright kids, you can go in there now." She said
The kids gleefully rush into the room to meet Jason again only to find him gone and a bunch of their mothers shoe imprints in the floor to piece together what has happened.