
Brazilian Boot Stomp

The rain comes pouring down as the sunset on Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. In the favela back alley the poverty stricken denizens rushed for shelter. One woman named Maria stood under a small shelter, Maria grew up in poverty just like her fellow citizens. When she was a teenegaer she started using her body to provide for herself. Now at twenty three she was a well known prostitute in the neighborhood. 

Her slick black hair was shown up in a bun, she had a bright yellow bra, jean shorts and thigh high platform boots.

Though her boots were getting muddy from the rain. 

"I have to find a home to stay in." She thought to herself. 

She couldn't afford to get sick from the freezing cold rain.  She spotted an old rundown shack in the distance. She rushed for it, she jumped through the broken out window and was met with the worst stench she'd ever faced. 

The home had mold all over the walls,  the ceiling had cracks in multiple places and puddles of water appeared sporadically across the house. As she stepped she noticed a bunch of rats and roaches scurrying across the floor. 

Through the darkness she could see where she was stepping and at times felt the crunch of a cockroach under her foot. 

"Man, this place is gross." She thought to herself. 

She walked into the kitchen to see the sink completely filled with green rainwater due to the window above it being broken and water rushing in. 

She sat down in a chair and took a crack pipe and a lighter out of her purse. 

"Six minutes of bliss here I come." She said to herself

"You know that stuffs bad for you." A voice said coming from under the broken fridge. 

Coming from under the fridge was a tiny man who walked right out from under it. 

Maria put down the crack pipe and nearly jumped up in a panic. 

"The legend is true. You are real!" She shouted as she stood up trembling in terror.

"Yes, we're real. It's nothing to be afraid about." The man spoke. 

Though he tried to calm her she was inconsolable.

"Stay away from me! You have the curse of Cain!" She cried out.

"I see I've upset you. So I'm just going to leave." The man said

"No! I must cleanse you and this house of this evil. Prepare to meet your ancestors in Hell." Maria said hysterically

The man fled into the dark hallway but she chased him. Though she could see a thing she tried her damndest to crush him. Running down the same hallway she could feel the crunching of cockroaches under her boots again. Some were new kills, some were the ones she mistakenly trampled earlier. 

At every instance of her feeling something under her foot she made sure to twist to make sure she killed it just in case it was the tiny man. 

As she reached the end of the hallway she felt the crunch of something much bigger than the average cockroach. It also felt meaty, and she heard its flesh squishing.

"Die! Son of Cain died!" She screamed out as tears rolled down her face

She continuously stomped on this thing until she could no longer feel it.  She pulled her phone from her purse and turned on her flashlight. She pointed it down to reveal a messy bloody stain and the mashed and mangled remains of a dead rat. 

She flashed it down the hallway towards the kitchen to reveal a trail of dead cockroaches numbering at atleast half a dozen. 

"Where is that tiny man?" She said to herself

She flashed the light some more and found him smashed but still alive half way through the hallway. 

She walked up to him. 

"It's over." She said

"Please don't." He replied

The man looked into the light of her phone and saw her raise her foot. Due to the darkness of the hallway all he could see was her leg and foot. Almost as if a disembodied foot was about to crush him. 

"Bye bye tiny man." She said

Though he could see her boots were white, near the bottom they were now a dark shade of black due to the mud, blood, cockroach guts, and moldy water she had been stepping in.  

Her foot slammed down on him crushing his bones and she twisted and smeared him into a nice fine crimson paste. She stood over him for a few moments after flashing her phone on him. 

"Hopefully he was the only one. But just in case." She said

She took out her lighter, and began to set fire to the whole building. 

She walked out into the mud with the house burning to ash behind her. The rain had now stopped, and now she was back to whoring on the street.