

"No, don't throw me out of here dad, I'm not wrong, they are the ones who are at fault for having an affair behind my back!" Wulan looked at the two humans who were looking at her with hateful eyes and also smiled evilly.

"Don't deny it, it's obvious you slept with another man, and now you're accusing your little sister, you bitch!" Her father kicked Wulan's body which had fallen on the floor.

Dewi, her sister, Wulan, immediately approached her father, she changed her facial expression first, to make it look as if she were the one being judged.

"It's father, don't be rude to Sister, sorry for she. Maybe she didn't do that on purpose, I'm okay, dad!" Dewi held her father's shoulder.

Wulan looked at her sister with a sharp gaze, in the look in her eyes it showed hatred and also a very deep and big grudge.

Wulan intends and promises in her heart that if she will repay all the pain and betrayal committed by younger sister and husband.

"See, even when your sister, you accused. She still forgave you and asked dad not to hurt you, then why don't you just admit it if it's your fault here?" her father kept urging Wulan so that she would confess to an affair that she never did.

"I will never admit to what I didn't do, it's all their fault, they framed me, they were even the two of them who put me in that hotel room!" Wulan again defended herself, she didn't want her pride to be trampled on by the two people who were currently in front of her. Wulan couldn't understand why her husband used to love her so much and even made her a queen, but now Rio made her a scapegoat, even Rio's gaze when he looked at Wulan was very different.

"Well, father doesn't want to hear any denial, it's better for you to get out of here and never come or show your face in front of father, you and your mother are the same, both cheap women!" The words that came out of his father's mouth really surprised Wulan.

"Don't you ever say that my mother is a cheap woman, the cheap one is you, you are the one who has cheated on this prostitute's mother, and you yourself are accusing her of having an affair, don't think that all this time I had a hard time forgetting what happened a few years ago, I still remember all that dad!" Wulan looked at her father with a flushed face with anger.

"Insolent, you have dared to yell at father, get out of here, don't expect me to accept you again, may you rot in the streets!" his father pulled Wulan's body and dragged her out.

Dewi and Rio who saw that must be happy because they had succeeded in driving Wulan away from her father's side.

Wulan's body was thrown hard into the street, and it made Wulan hit the road divider. Until fresh blood came out of his forehead.

"I will always remember this pain, and I will repay this pain!" that's what Wulan always says.

For some reason and what makes Dewi hate Wulan, Dewi should feel grateful to Wulan because so far, only Wulan has cared for her. Even though Wulan and Dewi are only half-sisters, Wulan loves her sister very much because they are just different mothers. All the events that happened to Wulan at this time, it all started from where Dewi liked brother-in-law. Even Dewi often reasoned that she was afraid to stay at home alone when their father went out of town. Sometimes, Dewi typically stays at the house she currently lives with her husband because Dewi can't stay alone for too long. Since marrying Rio, Wulan was immediately given a house by her father, and that made Dewi hate Wulan even more. Wulan is a 22-year-old woman and is currently married to the man she loves so much. Wulan married Rio two years ago, when she was 20 years old.

That day, when Dewi first met her brother-in-law because when Wulan married Rio, Dewi was in her mother's city. Because their father had separated from his mother, Dewi.

At that moment, it turned out that Rio was sitting in the living room because Rio had just arrived from out of town with Wulan. They just got back from their honeymoon trip.

Rio, who heard the screams, of course immediately looked at the origin of the sound. When Rio looked at the origin of the voice, how surprised Dewi was when she saw a handsome man in her father's house.

"Who is he, why is his face so handsome, but I think I've seen him, but where is it?" Dewi speaks in the heart.

When the two humans stared at each other, it turned out that Wulan had returned from the top floor and was going down the stairs, she immediately met her sister and hugged her,

"You're home younger sister? Why did you just come home anyway?" Wulan held the hand of the Dewi. But the Dewi did not even hear what Wulan said. She keeps looking at Rio.

Of course, Wulan who saw the gaze of the Dewi towards her husband, of course immediately smiled.

Wulan thought that she had not introduced her husband to her younger sister.

"Oh yes, come with me." Wulan pulled Dewi's hand to get closer to Rio.

"Dear, this is my younger sister, and also the Dewi of this introduction is Rio, he is her husband, so you must know each other because I really want you to know each other because you are the people I love." Wulan smiled as she embraced her husband's hand.

the Dewi who heard the fact that Rio was the husband of her own, her sister.

"This man is your husband, but when did you two get married?" Dewi actually asked like that because to be honest, Dewi felt hurt when she found out that Wulan was married to Wulan, and she wasn't told about the marriage.