

"Faith!" Mark called out for the attention of the maid who was attending to his mom.

He was angry and frustrated by his father's behaviour previously. He tried to interrogate the man about his mom's condition who had fainted previously but the man couldn't utter a word instead, he ignored him and walked out of the house heading to the hospital.

He tried to follow him but suddenly, an emergency call about a meeting came up so he had to rush to the company first.

Now he was here but he couldn't see even the man he called a father.

Where was he? And his sister, he just saw the shocking news recently from a newspaper that was brought in the company about his shameless sister. 

What was happening to his family? And the engagement, he still didn't know anything about all this mishap that his family is going through because he never stayed home for long.

His work was to help in the company and go for what he called, 'Enjoy your youth when you are able' and now everything was going wrong with his family.

It was better for them to return to their land if this was going to continue. What were they still waiting for in Africa? And the anniversary of his late sister had already passed? 

He loved Africa because of its beautiful scenery and all the desirable places but still east-west home is the best. Maybe all of this would not have happened to them if they were back on their land.

"Yes sir!" The voice brought him back to reality. He walked toward the VIP room and sat on the nearby couch while watching his mother who was still first asleep.

She looked peaceful and vulnerable on the bed. She was wearing a white hospital gown which was more huge than her slender and beautiful figure.

He wished his mother's life was this peaceful, away from those dramas, shoutings and screamings as they always did at home with his father due to trial matters as he called them.

"What happened to mum?" Mark asked the maid who was bowing in front of him. 

The maid bowed harder as if in fright then stated, "s- sir... I-I don't know!" Mark gasped at the maid and sighed.

The lady looked unaware of what happened to his mum. He could judge by her facial expressions. It was only unfair to ask her.

"Okay, you may continue with your work. Before that, where is dad?" 

"Yes, Mark!" The deep cold voice came from the entrance of the room.

As always the man was angry. Mark thought that his father was a sadistic man and he felt bad when others were happy but still he didn't know what was the cause of his internal sadness and his hatred for any person.

Mark glared at his father in hatred as if to say that what happened to his mother was all his fault. 

"What happened to mum?" Mark went directly to the point. He maintained eye contact with his father without bulging an eye.

"I am sorry son! I was angry and lose.."

"Lose control? Dad! What is wrong with you? I always tell you to control your anger. One day you will kill your wife and that is when you will know what I am capable of doing! Put that in your mind dad. If anything happens to my mum?"

"What will you do Mark? You will kill me? Is that a threat, Mark?" Mr Samir roared in the hospital room without giving a damn about the sick woman on the bed.

"Please sirs, there is a patient on the bed. You are allowed to lower your voices or get out of the room" A lady who wore a nurse's gown declared.