

"Lydiaaaaaaaa!" Lisa called for the umpteenth time for her sister as she wander all over the back of their house.

She sauntered towards the place as she gazed at the ground keenly.

Suddenly, something caught her eyes from afar and she rushed in that direction while her heart was thumping inside her chest.

"Hay! Wait! Where are you taking my sister to?" Lisa cried out as she saw her sister being dragged into a black car by two huge men.

"L-liiiiisaaaa! Please help me! Please don't let these men take me a....." 

"Lydiaaaa!" Lisa froze at the place. She was already sweating as she saw what the men did to her sister!

She was lost for words as tears rushed down her cheeks and she stood transfixed to the place because her little legs couldn't carry her anymore.

Who were those men? Why were they putting a white handkerchief on her sister's mouth? What were they going to do to her sister?

She could see her sister being put inside the car as she had already lost consciousness.  But what made her dumbstruck was, all that time, Lisa couldn't run to where the car was. She was feeling weak all over. Her knees fought hard to support her!

Why were they taking her sister away? 

As if she had received new energy from nowhere, Lisa felt strong suddenly and ran after the black car which was already driving away.

"Hey! Don't take my sister away! What did she do to you? Hay! Please let my sister go! Please don't do anything to my sister! She is pregnant to cry out loud!" Lisa ran after the car until she stepped on the tarmacked road as if she was a car but she still ran after the car as she shout at the top of her voice.

Panic was all over her face as sweat rushed down her forehead. But Lisa didn't give up on running after the car which was holding her sister hostage. There were many vehicles which were running back and forth but the young girl couldn't see all of them. It was like she was possessed to run. She didn't know what to do again. But she kept on following until the car was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, somebody got hold of her from behind and pulled her to the other side of the road by force.

"Are you out of your mind?" The voice from behind blurted out in frustration and anger.

"Do you want to kill yourself, young girl? What are you thinking just running like a vehicle in the middle of the road like that?" The person kept on shouting but Lisa's mind was not functioning at all as she gazed in the direction where the black car had disappeared to.

She sat on the ground at the side of the road helplessly without gazing at the person who had saved her life as more tears rushed down her eyes.

'What are they going to do to my sister? Are they going to kill her?' She murmured to herself unknowingly that the man could hear the confused debate.

The man who was non-other than Alex opened a bottle of water that he was holding from the beginning and opened it then stretched it to the confused girl on the ground.

"Bro! What are you doing there? I have waited for you for a long time in the car and I am tired already!" Dean walked towards his brother who was looking at someone on the ground as he shout his name.

Lisa froze as she saw the hand that was stretched towards her.

All this time, she was in her own world. She didn't know what to do.

All this time, she was the one who always took care of her clumsy sister, Lydia. Even though they were twins and Lydia was older because she was the one who saw the world before her, the girl behaved like a baby so Lisa was the one who always took care of her even when they were in school.

But today? She couldn't take care of her sister! She couldn't protect her from those hooligans! What were they going to do with her twin sister?  

Lisa was feeling weak and in pain as if she was the one who had been kidnapped.

She heaved a deep sigh of relief and took the bottle from the stranger who saved her life.

"Hey bro! Can't you..." Dean couldn't finish his statement as she saw the cute girl who was shedding tears on the ground.

'Wow! She is cute even though she is crying!' Dean's attention turned to the cute Lisa on the ground but Lisa was in her world.

"Are you feeling better now?" Alex asked the girl who in turn nodded her head adorable according to the dumbfounded Dean without gazing at them.

"Thank you!" That was the only thing she was able to say as she wiped the tears using her elbow after drinking the water.

"Who is.." Dean couldn't finish his statement because his brother covered his mouth using his hand to stop him from blubbering.

"Why were you trying to kill yourself?" Alex asked shocking his brother whose attention was on the girl. Dean was already drooling over the girl.

"You can't understand! I don't understand too! They took my twin sister away.." Lisa couldn't finish her statement as she broke into a heavy sob.

"Calm down and tell me exactly what happened, okay?" Alex comforted the girl.

But all of them were not able to see Dean's action! The boy was flabbergasted and mesmerised by the revelation!

'Such a beautiful girl and she also has a twin too? Is she also cute like her?' Dean was curious to know everything as she leaned on his brother to be able to get access to the angel on the floor, which was according to him. 'Indeed, she looks like an angel' He concluded.

"Lisa! Lisa! Dear! Where is your sister?" All the people came to their senses and gazed in the direction of the voice.

"M-mum!" Lisa didn't know how she ran and hugged the woman who was wearing a hospital gown.

"What?" Alex and Dean were shocked at their bones as they saw Diana!

All of them knew her!

After all, Diana used to work in Samir's mansion before the family returned to India.

Alex could remember the last day he saw the woman.

It was the day he was with Blessing for the last time!

He sighed while trying to suppress the thought of her and walked towards the weak lady who had leapt to where they were.

"Hi, aunty! So she is your daughter? I never know you have such a beautiful girl! I am already in.."

"Go and wait for me in the car Dean!" Alex roared in anger!

His brother was something else!