

"Mum! Please don't say that. You will be fine and we will all go home together, okay?" Lisa cried out with fear all over her face as she gazed at the woman who was laying on the hospital bed.

Diana looked weak on the hospital bed like she wasn't the woman who was determined and courageous to deal with those rich people in Mark's house a week ago.

"M-mum...cry..m-mum..please..please forgive me!" Lydia who was in the room but not closer to the duo probably because of fear cried out that she wasn't able to speak.

"Come here my child" Diana called out in a weak voice because her throat was squeezed last night that she was about to die if only some policemen didn't appear from nowhere to her rescue.

"N-no! It is all..cry...sigh...my fault! I-I am the reason as to why you are like that today!" Lydia blamed herself, even though, they weren't still sure who sent those huge men to attack their mom when the lady was returning home from shopping.

"No! It is not your fault. We don't know who sent them yet. We can't be sure that it is because mum went to Mark's home and lashed out at them. After all, they deserved it!" Lisa commented with tears on her face.

"Yes! Your sister is right Lydia. Please don't do anything to that baby. Don't try to abort it just because I am in here!" Diana stated in a low voice because of the pain.

"Don't worry mum! I will make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. And I am sure that you will get better soon, okay? Nothing will happen to you!" Lisa retorted back.

"Mum! Please forgive me! Please get well soon, okay? I will be a good girl and I won't abort the baby! Please, mum, forgive me..cry!" Lydia stated in a broad cry at the end of her sentence.

"Come here! I have already forgiven you, okay? After all, the two of you are my life. Why should I not forgive you? Don't blame yourself, baby. Just think about the baby that is growing in you. I have accepted that I will be a granny very soon. So please, take care of yourself for the baby. Don't think about Mark or his family. Just take care of your baby. After all, I slapped the hell out of him in front of his parents" Diana smiled at the girl who then drew closer to where her family was.

"Yes! Our mum is very courageous. She lashed out at them event though they are rich than us and as if nothing happened, we got out of that stupid gate. Did you think that those bully men would drag us out? Hahaha! They didn't. Our mum is a heroine!" Lisa praised but she was only trying to enlighten the mood in the room.

But in a real sense, Lisa knew Mark's family was the ones who sent those people to attack her mum. She was sure about it. Those people were smart. They were sure if they dragged her mum and the two of them because they all were there, they would be blamed and their reputation be turnished especially after Mark agreed in front of his parents that he was responsible for Lydia's pregnancy. The boy didn't hesitate at all before accepting his mistakes.

"Mum! Please promise me that you will be fine as soon as possible. If anything happens to you, then I will die with guilt!" Lydia was finally able to talk as she sat closer to her sister such that one was unable to know who was who if it was the first time to see the twins.

Another difference was that today, the twins were not wearing alike. But their features, big beautiful clear eyes and the way they shed tears were the same. Their black long hair was also alike the difference was the hairstyle. 

Lisa tied her hair into a ponytail while Lydia left hers hanging down her waist.

She was not the Lydia who used to apply make-up and made her hair in a way that would attract anyone who would come closer to her.

She had changed tremendously that now, she was simple like her sister Lisa.