

What? Who was this person? She had already recognized her even though she was wearing a mask? 


The maid was impressed with the lady's smartness. But who was she? Why did she want to help her? Was it another trick to kill her and her two kids like the way they slaughtered her husband mercilessly?

When she remembered that, tears of pain rushed down her cheeks!

That man didn't deserve to live! Mr Samir was to die like the way he always killed people like hens. Killing was his hobby!

That was outrageous!

"How did you manage to come here from Africa?" Eve stood transfixed on the ground as she followed the lady.

Yes! There was a question mark! How did she come to India? 

Even the lady who was none other than Nada, a sister to Samir and aunt to Jamilah wondered.

She was also shocked to see this woman a week ago in this mansion.

She was aware of what her heartless brother did to her family, and that, in front of her while she was pregnant, in her final days.

Nada couldn't believe her eyes. She thought she was overreacting. After all, the lady's face was different from that woman's but her body features were exactly like hers.

On looking and studying the lady more closely, she realized that she had been right. It was her!

But how come she was here?

"Answer me! I don't have patience!" Nada exclaimed in a whisper because they were in her brother's territory without his permission.

Nada had been coming here unnoticed probably for her own personal  reasons.

Even her brother thought that the lady travelled to London for her businesses as she lied the last time they saw each other back in Africa.

Unknown to everyone, Nada was always travelling back and forth between India and Africa for unknown reasons.

"I-it was Mark!"

'What? Unbelievable!' Her brother's family was full of mysterious things!

How came Mark helped this lady to come and avenge her family and yet the boy was her brother's son?

Something was not adding up! 

What happened? How was she not able to get this valuable information? 


Nada was in disbelief but she was good at hiding her facial expressions. After all, she was wearing a mask which made it hard for the woman who was behind her to see through.

"Ooh" That was the only word she said.

This woman would be very important in her mission which no one knew about. 

"Can you see that?" She asked to see a nod from the lady then continued, "Follow that way and someone will help you out of this hell. Don't ask anything stupid or else my men will not hesitate to kill you!" With that, Nada turned around and entered her brother's mansion but as someone else!


"Where is that filthy woman? It is ten minutes since I sent her. Or di..." Jamilah was not able to finish her statement and collapsed on the floor from her wheelchair and the person vanished into thin air!