

"What are you even trying to think?" I snapped from my thoughts.

This couldn't be! I was the daughter of Richard Balowe and Sandra Balowe no matter what they said!  This man who had just hung up his phone was only paid to mislead me but I couldn't let them win!

Yes! Indeed he was sent to mislead me! Hahaha! How stupid of me to forget what happened to me when I was still in my first year? I couldn't forget that, could I?

I was welcomed to this school with that scandal at the party which made me till now scared of parties. Thank God no one found out about it or else I wouldn't be the same in this foreign country.

But all of that didn't give me hope at all!

'Who am I? Am I even Blessing? Alas! Am I even human? Am I even a girl? This man has confused me completely!' I stood up in utter astonishment.

Who was I? Was it the reason why I had been suffering all through? Was it the reason why the man I loved with all my heart left me in the first place? Noooo! I couldn't afford to lose my mind now! I needed this mind to deal with medical books and experiments!

I left the sitting room and rushed towards the bedroom. I opened the beautiful pinkish door and entered the room. 

I used to admire the door when I always entered the room due to its pinkish warm colour but today I could not even see the colour itself. My brain was occupied with a lot of rhetorical questions.

Ooh my! Was that the reasonmy aunty Seraphina and my other relative from my father's side called me a bad omen and a curse? Was that the reason I was different from my siblings and my parents?

I rushed in front of the long mirror and stared at my reflection while trembling. 

Even though I was strong, I couldn't avoid the pain that was creeping into my chest.

That girl! Who was she? It was true what they said, that I was beautiful. That I had beautiful hair. That my skin was flawless! That I looked like a model! But all of that was not helping at all? The fact would remain that today I didn't know who I was.

Despite being this beautiful in front of the mirror, with my large brown eyes, I still wasn't who I thought I was! I still wasn't lucky to have the man I wanted. Or did he realise too that I was a curse and I would inflict that pain and sufferings on his family? 

Oooh my goodness! All the twenty-two years of my stay on this planet, all the months I had stayed, all the weeks and days, why didn't I think of that possibility of my real identity? 

Or was I a witch? Yes, somebody told me witches were beautiful creatures with big brown eyes and their lives were full of pain because after all, they deserved to suffer for their deeds.

Maybe my parents were witches! I also heard a theory about witches being heartless and never cared about their young ones! Maybe my parents were that way because they left a baby by itself under a tree! That was pathetic and outrageous!

I jumped out of my skin for fear of the possibility of my true identity and rushed to my suitcase. I took out the album that was given to me at the hospital the last day I was in Africa by 'mam and Dad' and opened the pages, each one at a time.

I needed to know the truth! But I was lost.

Who would tell me? Who would answer my endless questions? Was it important for me to know the truth after all the years? Even though it was but who would want to tell me?

I froze at a particular picture!