

"Okay! And make sure you find all the men that my daughter sent before the policemen find them first and expose everything, okay?" He yelled despite the pain in his forehead.

"Okay, sir! We will do that" With that, the phone ended.

Samir was in anger after ending the call. His daughter was driving him insane.

When would that girl trust him completely?

"I still don't know why Jamilah did that. I told her that I will do anything in my power so that she can marry Alex, but she just couldn't leave this to me...sigh..what will happen now if the government find out that she is the one involved before us? I just hope that my men will find out soon" Samir clenched his fists while trying hard to suppress the thought that was clouding his mind.

He knew he had to do all this not because Jamilah was his daughter but because this would ruin everything and he might not be able to vie for presidency. The country would also deport them back to India and he was not ready for that because he was a great businessman worldwide and his reputation mattered to him.

His daughter was just being impossible.

He had to teach her another lesson when she woke up. The previous one was not enough. It didn't work on that stubborn girl of his.

He would help her just because she was in a critical condition not because she deserved it.

He sighed with frustration. His daughter was hard than a stone to understand things.

He sat on the couch them something popped up in his mind.

"Where is Mark?" He asked no one in particular.

He could remember the last time he saw him was at the explosion. He also remembered telling the young man to go and save his daughter but he refused. From there, he didn't see him again.

Mark was supposed to be here with his family.

Where was he now that his family was in a great problem? Didn't he care at all?

That thought made him feel weird but he managed to let go of that thought and tried to call him.

"Sorry, the number you are trying to reach is temporarily out of service"

"What?" Samir exclaimed in anger that a nurse rushed into the room.

"Sir! Please there are patients in the other rooms and it is not.."

The nurse couldn't finish his statement by the sight in front of her.

She didn't know who the man was till he turned back and faced her.

'No! No' The lady nurse didn't wait for the reaction of the man and rushed out of the room in fear.

Samir didn't mind her and also stomped out of the room at a bullet pace. 

He had to look for his son, Mark because he could feel that something was not adding up. 

The way the boy loved his mother but now despite the woman being in a bad state, the boy was not beside her? 

He just rushed out of the hospital without even glancing at the room where his wife was nor at the emergency door where his daughter was.


Author's remarks

I have posted three chapters guys. I just hope you will enjoy them.

If you have been keen, you will realize that yesterday I posted two. But today I have posted three to entertain you all. I just hope you will love it.

Please don't forget to rate the book with five stars. It means a lot to me and also it motivates me to write and make the story more beautiful for you.

I love you all.

Thank you!