

"For my good? Do you even hear yourself? Do you know how much I wanted Samir to treat me the way he treats Jamilah? You know what? I don't know if I can forgive you. All along I thought that the old wizard treated Jamilah with more love than me because she is a girl and I am a man only to realize that I am not even his son? Do you know how much I suffered internally? People know that he is my dad. Why did you decide to lie to the public too? They all think that I am being treated like a prince while in reality, I am only a mother's son!" He blurted out panic that the woman cried more.

"I am sorry Mark. You don't want to know your father because you will not take it!" Lady Camila said with a lot of regrets.

"Tell me about my father and I will call your doctor or else you will die here. You know what, I don't care about you. All I want is to know my father even if he is the devil himself!' 

"Yes! Your dad is a devil!" Lady Camila blurted out subconsciously that Mark's eyes were about to burn out of his socket with shock.

"I want to know that devil! Tell me" He yelled with fear in his voice.

"Okay. You know very well that your grandparents are rich and influential and I was the only daughter so, of course, I had the privilege of being treated more like a princess. When I turned eighteen, I started to feel lonely and as a rich girl and a princess, one should not be associated with other children as my parents viewed them as nobodies and they would teach me bad manners so I used to just stay at home all day"  

"Please make it short because I am not in the mood of listening to all of that story" He cut his mum again and the woman sighed in annoyance but she had to continue.

"So one day, I sent a maid to get me a new phone because I was not allowed to have one. The maid who was my friend, may her soul rest in peace" Lady Camila whispered as she said those words making her son open his eyes wide in shock.

"She died? Was it because you sent her the phone?" He asked in shock.

"Yes! Dad ordered a silent killer to finish her up but not because of the phone but when they find out that I was pregnant" Lady Camilla finished that statement with more tears than the pain that she was feeling earlier in her delicate neck had vanished.

It had been covered by that painful memory.

"So what happened? Do you mean Samir agreed to marry you knowing well that you were already pregnant? No wonder he changed you to his pet that he can beat each time he wants" Mark said with clenched teeth while raising his eyebrows.

"Don't disrespect us, Mark! You know nothing about this world. You are just but a little boy" She managed to correct him with bitterness.

"Okay, no problem. Just tell me about my dad!" He retorted with a heavy heart.

"Yes! So after I got the new phone, I started to have friends that we used to talk to online. Until one night, a man chatted me up. He was such a vibe that I couldn't ignore him. He started to woo me with beautiful words that I was unable to reject. Being an innocent girl at that time, I felt I needed his company. One day, he asked if we could meet up. I couldn't reject nor tell him about my strict noble family instead, I made a deal with my maid who gave me the phone and I managed to escape the house"

"The maid allowed it knowing well that you were running to a man?" Mark asked irritatedly.

"No! I didn't tell her that I was going to see a man of course. I just told her that my newly found girlfriend was lounging a party so I wanted to attend. Because he hated it when I was sad, she helped me out. That was how I got you" She finished her statement shyly and regretfully.

"You mean just like that and you gave yourself to a man to eat..."

"Slap! You are still my son no matter what and you can't disrespect me like that! I carried you in my womb all those nine months and raised you with love for twenty-eight good years. Don't you disrespect me ever again! I am still your mum and I can curse you with only one word" 

Lady Camila couldn't believe her ears by what her son said 

He had lowered her dignity in front of her eyes but what could she do? Despite all the things she did to make sure he would not be like his biological father, the boy never changed for the better.

"I am sorry!" He managed to utter that word while glaring blankly.

He was running insane internally because he realized something but he was sure his mum didn't so he let it go.

He would ask her another day.

Twenty-eight years? He still was in disbelief. They managed to lie to the entire public and himself too about his years so that he would not have a huge age gap from his sister who died after birth?

'Not my sister! It's like I knew it that was why I used to feel for Jamilah and I thought it was a curse but because she is not my sister?' He gritted his teeth angrily.

"You are just like your father!" She clenched her fists and her hands turned pale.

"You mean my dad Samir or my real dad?" He asked with a smile.

"Your dad was worse than Samir!" She blurted out angrily.

"Then tell me how you managed to marry a rich man like Samir despite knowing well that I was not his son! Or was it because you people were rich and could have anything?" Mark stood up abruptly with anger.

"You want to know?" She faced her son with a lot of difficulties.

But Mark just responded with a nod.