

Why did she like to tie it and the way it was beautiful while hanging? I would help her too.

She amazed me by taking my hand but I couldn't refuse anyway instead, I hold her like I would hold my heart and we rushed out of the room.

I guided her out of the hospital using the backyard. I needed to take her to a safer place before my mum realized that I was not in the hospital.

In a jiffy, we reached our car, of course, mine and Blessing's. We sat in the back seat and drove away towards one of my houses.


That was how he took me to this beautiful house that I was in right now!

The agreement? He made me sign it immediately we reached here so now I just stayed here with madam Maria who was my maid, for the time being, a cook and a gateman.

I was being treated like a princess here and I felt awkward because I was not used to it.

They cleaned the house, my clothes and everything that I had to tell Maria to leave my clothes alone. I would clean them myself.

She hesitated  telling me that Alex would fire her but finally, she let me be. 

After all, she was an understanding woman whom I liked immediately when I saw her.

Alex  did not come here regularly. The last time I saw him was yesterday at lunchtime.

He came and we had lunch together as he told me about his mother and how she was crazy seeing that I was not in the hospital but of course, he pretended and the woman had to let it go.

"Penny for your thoughts Cuty!" Alex brought me back from my daydream.

"Ooh! Hi there! I am sorry. I was thinking about you!" I shouted as I stood up and sauntered towards him. 

"Wow! Sounds amazing! Tell me about it!" He said as he sat on the couch in the living room while I sat near him.

"Alex, may I use your phone to contact my parents? Please! I know...."

What was wrong with him? He knew how to seduce me!

He put his middle finger on my mouth making me unable to talk.

I lost sanity suddenly and gazed at him like a zombie.

My mind couldn't function anymore and the only person I was seeing and thinking of was him.

He realized his mistake and took off his finger while gazing at the other side making me mad. 

'We ladies are really hard to understand!' I thought inwardly as I smiled.

"I am sorry Cuty!" He said nervously making me laugh more.

"It's okay now! That was nothing. Can I have it now?" I brought him back from his dreamland.

"Ooh! Sorry. This is your phone!" He handed me a box.

"What? No! I can't accept this!" I blurted out quickly.

"Why?" He asked with a disappointing look on his face and I just felt bad.

"You know you have done a lot to me, Alex. There is no need for this. Besides I am okay without it. I don't know how to use a phone anyway" I tried to calm him down.

"I insist!" That was what he said making me accept the box.

"Don't worry, I will teach you how to use it" Wow! He must be my angel, Michael!

"Thank you so much. Don't worry, if I become a doctor, I will surely repay you!" I stated subconsciously.

"What? A doctor?" He asked in astonishment.