
she's jealous

Dante appearance in her life was life threatening for Kate. A taxi stopped by the residential area as usual, she alighted to trek home but was surprised to see Colt stop by.

" Get in. I'm going to pick you from work henceforth" he informed her as she sighed turning the door knob .

" I see. Alvin didn't tell me about it"

" Didn't I just say so? He said irritated stepping on the brake pads to maneuver

" Why do you hate me so much?

" Because you're a golddigger. " He state honking for the gatekeeper to open the gates .

Having heard his straightforward answer, she gave it a rest. Sometimes she thinks Colton is worst than Alvin. She understood why they refer to her as a golddigger. Colt does all the dirty works not that she told him about her her mother's predicament.