
p.t 5

I finally found my first shard while.....

I was checking my strength by fighting with a dragon bare handed. I was nearly unconscious when I defeated the dragon. When that dragon died, it left a note behind. When I picked up that note, all the memories past throughout my body. I could feel all my skills come back to me. And after that I made my very first sniper, with a bullet 1meter long and 6inches diameter, when I shot it, my arm snapped but it ate a whole mountain. I was literally happy at that time, but I had to collect more shards of my memories. And today, I collected the 5th shard of memory. And after all these incidents, I came to a conclusion that I have to do something similar to what I did in my past life to get my memories back. When I met her, another note popped Outta nowhere. And I came to know that I had a sis in my previous life. And now I have to do something about her'


"Awake yet?"


"Please- hel-lp me"


" You are under my protection now, but you have to pay what I ask for."


"Thanks sir. I am in your debt."

(After a few moments)


"Tell me In detail about all that you can remember"

Sinie (with a faint voice)

"It was a dark night. I and my parents were having a family time together until a bunch of people wearing purple masks appeared. They were talking politely at first and when my father and mother reached them, they stabbed my dad. While dad held those bastards, mom picked me up and rushed out. She ran as fast as she could. Then she fell, she asked me to run and I had no option but to run or their sacrifice would be in waste"


"So your parents weren't idiot to become emotional and let them kill you all, I like it!"


"Then I ran with the jewelry that my mother gave me to sell in case if necessary."


"Show me that jewelry!"




" Maybe around 60000 gold coins! That's a really expensive thing your mother gave you"

Sinie (with upset face)

"Will it be okay for the payment?"


"Deal done!"


"Thank you sir,"


"Don't try to take it back, it's a deal"


"How are you going to find them?"


"It's all upon me now, get lost"

'obviously I can't know for sure that it is actually my sister, she may look like her but maybe it's a trap or something'


"Where will I go?"


"It's all upto you now, don't expect me to babysit you"


"But the jewelry is way much more than your regular Assassin's fee, I know that you take 1 gold coin for eliminating 10 people."


"So you're as smart as your parents huh! But how'd come to know about my fees?"


"None of your concern, I just came to know about it, that's it."


"Why are you red? Wanna be my girlfriend?"


"Look at our age difference!!!"


"Just kidding, what can I even get from you?"


"Shut up and do my work!"


"What did you just said?"......