
Crowns of Fire and Ice

The stability of the country, Corfu, depends on the 22-year-old Princess Alyssa. She is forced to marry a prince in order to ensure stability for her people. She does not want to, but she must sacrifice herself as the future ruler of her kingdom and must follow the customs and laws to the letter in order to rule. She is not the only one to run with that luck. Prince Aren of Lundy, 27-year-old, must follow the law that requires the future successor to the crown to be married before reaching the age of twenty-nine. He was careless with that and now yes or yes, he must meet someone. The problem is that this man is too fussy with women and there are almost no "good" options that reaches his standards. Among those options is Princess Alyssa, someone he knew since childhood, but when he was twelve years old, she generated a memory of bad taste and feelings that he could never control and kept hidden until he saw her again. Things could easily flow between them, but they are both proud and want everything to be their way; Neither will give the arm to twist or give the reason to the other. A princess of fire, a prince of ice, what can come out of this combination? A person will end up frozen or melted... or everyone will keep their aura.

Maia_010B · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Royal Commitments



In these pages I leave my story, a small part of my life. It all started from here and I never thought I would be where I am now that I write this."

Finally, home!

I have returned from completing my bachelor's degree in international relations at a university in Switzerland. Corfu welcomes me with the morning sun that I missed so much and with a breeze. I am anxious and looking forward to things coming later in my life, it will certainly be different than when I left, and I have no doubt that there will be a lot of action and things to think about.

Corfu Palace is my panoramic view as I descend the steps of the jet and my father and grandparents await me with a bouquet of roses.

—Hello~! —I go down and, before running to hug them, I stop to curtsy—. I missed you a lot.

—Don't exaggerate, darling, we were there for your graduation in October —my grandfather, the monarch, scoffs, and we laughed.

—Did you make sure to finish everything? —my grandmother asks, and I nod.

—I'm glad you're back, daughter —my father speaks—. Now that you've finished your studies, there are things you have to pick up as a princess, your commitments, for example.

—Aslan, don't be exaggerated, let her rest. Then we celebrate, and then we let her resume her duties as a princess —my grandfather winks at me discreetly and I try to hide my smile.

—Well, I guess you're right. Aly, get some rest and then we talk —I nod and bow as a farewell.

—Welcome home, honey.

—Thank you, grandma —she kisses me before they retire and a few meters behind I go. I get in the car and arrive at the palace, receiving the curtsies and welcome of the workers.

I get to my room and throw myself on the bed; it's so comfortable, I missed it too much. I take off my shoes and settle down to sleep, I don't even worry about changing my clothes, I'm too tired for that.

I sleep for a long time; I only go down to dinner and to the small celebration that my family makes for my return. I asked them for discretion if they planned to do something and that's why it's just the four of us. I go back to my room and take a shower before returning to one of my favorite activities: sleeping.

I wake up the next morning when my personal assistant, Greta, opens the curtains that prevented the passage of light.

—Good morning, princess.

—Hello, Greta, I missed the fact that you always opened the curtains for me —I comment sarcastically, and I can see a smile at her—. Did you miss me? I brought you a gift —I stretch out on the bed.

—Thank you, ma'am. There are duties with which you must deal. —I yawn and scratch my eyes, I never get used to being waken up like this, and in my university, I never had to live it, my roommate broke my record—. The royal council is holding a meeting, I was asked to inform that you have to go with them.

I settle back into bed. —Nah. Let the courtiers go about its business. My grandfather can tell me later if it is something that concerns me, he and my grandmother are in it, my father too.

—Princess… —Her serious tone makes me see her—. This is something serious and, because I've known you since you were a baby, I don't think you like it.

—... don't worry me like that, Greta. —I force myself out of bed and head for the shower. When I go out, she already has my outfit ready. I thank her and get ready—. Do you have any idea what this is about? —she decides to remain silent, and I don't like that, I don't want surprises when I'm just arriving.

—I'll ask the servants to prepare your breakfast.

She says goodbye at the end of the stairs, and I continue my journey to the council meeting room. On the way I meet a guard of my father and he bows.

—Your Highness, just at this moment I was coming for you. Your father and the council require your presence, ma'am.

—Thank you. —I let him guide me and they open the doors for me. Everyone looks at me when I walk in and stands up while I position myself in the center of everyone—. Good morning —I greet, and they return it with bows or curtsies. People of Corfu who belong to the royal hierarchy make up the council, most of my father's age or my grandparents. Dukes, marquises, countesses, viscountesses, barons, and baronesses, all have their eyes on me in a gesture of seriousness.

—You came quickly —my father speaks.

—I was already on my way. May I know the reason for my presence here? —As a princess, I'm not allowed to be here yet, it's my father, my grandparents, or Greta who usually let me know about something if it's my responsibility.

—As a princess and future queen, it is fair that you know the situation of your people. —My father's words tense me a little—. The problems that were minor have become enormous over the years and more in the latter that you were not here. We run the risk of entering into crisis and the lack of alliances puts us as an easy target. You are aware that there are many realms around us, and they can take advantage of our weakness.

—... I understand the situation. I will start working on treaties and alliances now, I will travel to different countries. I can start with_

—Daughter —my grandfather interrupts me and add—: that won't be enough. There are other things to consider, such as that another war is possible again. —If my father's words strained me, this ended up stressing me and forming knuckles on my shoulders—. Treaties and "alliances" will work for other things such as economic, education and health... But for the protection and security of our people we need something bigger and stronger than an alliance.

—... Great monarch, I beg your pardon, but I do not_

—You must get married —my father blurts out, and my heart stops.

Get married...

—A-Are there any other solutions? We can try treaties. In my studies I learned a lot and I_

—The council already decided, it was a unanimous vote. —His comment disappoints me because it means everyone voted in favor, including him and my grandparents.

Marry... I...

—I demand that you consider it again, you did not take my opinion into account, and I am not ready for a marriage with only twenty-two years.

—Princess Alyssa of Corfu, you've been prepared for that all your life —justifies a council member—, aren't you thinking about your people?

I do care about my people... but getting married...

—There must be another way. We are in a different era than the one you grew up in. Marriages by commitments are very outdated, we are not in the age of neoclassicism. Now_

—Princess Alyssa —my father interrupts me again and I look him straight in the eye—, we have been considering this for more than a year and it was the safest way to continue and ensure that your people and your future reign are not left in ruins. If you don't like the idea, you can focus on this being best for your people, think of them who don't have to pay the consequences. Your decisions affect everyone, keep that always in mind. —He stands up—. The decision has already been made by the council; you can't oppose it by law. Greta will take you to the room on the third floor where there is the list of suitors from which you must choose. It's them or it's them, nobody else.

They want to marry me forced and I have no right to choose someone with whom I am in love. I would be relieved that I don't like anyone, but I completely dislike the idea of marriage of convenience when there are other methods to try. I just graduated from college, I'm not even being given the opportunity to pursue my career and put into practice what I learned.

—You can retire, princess.

I take a deep breath and restrain myself from leaving without saying goodbye.

—Excuse me. —I retire with a firm step and with anger in heavens. Let it not even occur to my father or my grandparents to speak to me at least all day. I am aware of my duty, in the end I have no alternative, but I do not want to give them the reason at this time. It's my life, they decided for me in something so important where at no time did I manage to give my opinion.

Old-fashioned people.

I arrive at the indicated room and Greta with other attendants are preparing a folder and connecting the computer to the projector.

—Since when did you know? —I ask, taking a seat. Greta turns with her head down and curtsies.

—Excuse me, I was not allowed to inform you, it was an order from the King.

Sometimes, I don't understand my father.

—Is it true that for a year you have been coming up with that idea?

—Yes, Your Majesty. The last annual reports of the nation saw the collapse of the most important sectors such as health and education, which, in turn, affected the economy and the line continued to be generated. By forming agreements on good terms, we receive help from the resources of other countries, just as they receive help from ours, a free trade of imports and exports for the people of Corfu. In addition to that, they give us part of their security by overseeing this nation and that makes the block of security officers grow and make Corfu an impenetrable and powerful nation.

They are selling Corfu and they are not realizing it. We will become dependent on other nations and our "independence" will only be a cheap tale offered to our people.

I rub my temple and sigh. I recognize the benefits, I'm aware of everything, but I don't want to get married! Here is where I most wish I would not be an only child and have my older brother or sister take care of these responsibilities.

They bring me food, but even my hunger is gone, I should eat though.

—Let's start with this now, I want fresh air to clear my mind. —They nod and present the first slide with a five-man pyramid. Unconsciously, my eyes are directed to the one in the middle of the last row below. His peculiar features are very attractive, and it is impossible for me not to see it.

—These are the candidates. Each one has a nation that helps the people of Corfu and that is why the council chose them to marry one of them —hearing that word takes me out of the trance and I am in a bad mood again—. The first one is Prince Elias, heir to the nation of Georgia...

They begin to explain to me facts of their kingdom and the benefits they bring to Corfu. They give me details of the prince, such as his name, age, professional career, hobbies, etc. They do the same with the rest and for the last one I'm already with a headache. They put back the pyramid with the five photos.

—From the people you choose, we will send a request so they can visit our kingdom and get to know each other better. They can do the same by asking for a petition for you to visit their nation. —I swallow the displeasure of having to coexist with someone out of mere obligation. I bet I'll be forced to feel love for him too.

—How am I supposed to have a good relationship with them and decide whether to send an invitation or not?

—next week there will be an event in Kaos province. It is a charity event where there will be many royals and all of them have confirmed attendance at the event. The king hopes that you can meet them and talk to in order to decide.

—Is there a problem if I choose all five?

—No, ma'am, you can choose as many as you want. Everyone can visit Corfu.

—What if I don't like any of them or pass the test? —they look at each other without knowing what to answer—. What if I like someone else?

—I'm sorry, majesty —Greta saves them—, you must look at one of them for Corfu's sake. Choose one or all of them to visit Corfu, but you must choose at least one.

—... The pretty face better not be the only good thing they have —I huff.

—Your Majesty —Greta speaks again—, is there anyone you would like us to add directly to the official list?

—No, I don't know or like any to say, "send an invitation," but... —I aim at the one serious of all—. Why do I feel like I know the fourth suitor?

I detail his photo, blond-brown hair, gray eyes, defined jaw; He is really handsome, and his features are familiar to me. He has two degrees and a master's degree that help him manage his government properly; It supports the king and queen because it does not yet have total power. He has taken part in the army of his kingdom by setting an example as a good citizen. That's what I was informed about him.

—Prince Aren of Lundy. It was your first childhood love, majesty. —Her answer makes my heartbeat plummet, and my cheeks burn, especially when attendants hide the mockery. She keeps adding—: You have known each other for a long time, but you first conversed 15 years ago, for the anniversary of Corfu's independence. Both nations had agreed to a treaty that stands to this day. The kingdom of Lundy has been one of the most supportive for our people.

—How... No, wait, how old is he?

—twenty-seven years old. You were eight years old, and he was twelve when you fell in love with him. You were telling your father, grandparents and_

—Nooo, I don't want so many details, thank you, I still remember.

I rub my temple at the memory. I didn't remember him even though I saw his name. How couldn't I?! His blond hair and gray eyes made me notice him first before the rest of royalty, I compared him to someone else. I was the first to approach and say hello, he had a cold mood that matched my warm aura. With only eight, I was spellbound, and I remember telling my father about him and showing to him when he was in my peripheral sight. "That's the cute prince I told you, look," I would discreetly tell my father or grandfather. They just laughed and nodded, because I was eight years old, I hadn't even matured.

­I never heard from him again and I did not take affection or interest because I knew that I had only found him cute and I was only eight years old, nothing serious; Also, our last meeting didn't end well. I forgot about him with my upcoming gift.

I never expected to see him among the candidates these people want to force me to marry. Although he is still cute and the only one I liked, it does not take away the distaste that this is an arranged marriage. And also, the agreement must be by both parties, not just mine. I bet he doesn't even remember me, and if he does, he might still hate me.

—I thought he would be married by now —I comment, he must have many at his feet.

—He's tough to deal with.

—You think so?

—He is a cold person and abides by the laws of his kingdom to the letter. He is respectful, but he does not strive to please everyone because he considers it hypocrisy. He doesn't mind showing himself as he is to people, even if that means ignoring some or not smiling. But apart from that, he is an excellent governor, even without being king, he helps his father some occasions with things that should only be dealt with by the king.

—an ice floe —I remember. I smile and still see the pictures of the candidates along with their names—. And I'm supposed to deal with all of them next week? Wouldn't that be very obvious?

—There will be a dance on the night of the event where you can dance with them. You'll have the whole morning and afternoon to socialize with other royals, not just them.

—... the prince of Kastoria looks friendly —I speak out of nowhere watching the second candidate.

Today I discovered two things: I still do not want to marry and less forced; and I still feel a tingle in my stomach because of my first love. I was just a child, I thought I had already overcome it.

This is not right.