
Crown Chronicles (PROMO)

As war broke out, the former childhood sweethearts are suddenly faced with unthinkable decisions that put love against duty: conflict and bloodshed, smoke and tears, sincerity and betrayal... Unforeseen Destinies, Secrets, Tears soiled by war, A tapestry woven by the storms and tears of fate. A story about love and war...The Battle of Nations... Will they fight for the Crown?

micxyine_Wp · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


When the first light breaks the horizon, and the morning sun dyes the earth... Extolling the heroic spirits who fought for love and freedom?

The Wisteria Kingdom signed a peace treaty with the Kingdom of Aconite, exchanging hostages as a show of good faith,

Since then the Nations welcomed a period of peace...


"Azalea Primrose Wisteria!" My heart almost leapt out of my chest when someone abruptly drew me up from the grounds, and soon I found myself riding a familiar horse across a vast field.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked the Prince of the Kingdom of Aconite, the main perpetrator of this unexpected event.

Instead of responding, I felt his lips brush against my cheek as he encircled his arms around my waist, causing me to chuckle and let things go.

I can't help but smile as I close my eyes and feel the cold breeze embrace my body, but not long after that we arrive at the border between the two kingdoms of Aconite and Wisteria.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked, and jumped off from the horse and walked past him to take in the view of the vast land that separates the two kingdoms.

"I just missed you," he said, and before I could respond, I felt his lips touch mine in a split second. "Sweet," he smirked and drew me closer to him as he sat on one of the tree trunks that had been cut down.

"Prim, What's your dream?" He asked, making me furrowed by his sudden question, but still chose to answer.

"I just wish to leave a peaceful life with the person I loved and create a happy family" I answered honestly. "Why? How about you?" I asked.

"I don't know? But what's with your dream?" He asked curiously and chuckled probably thinking that my dream is Childish that made me pout.

"I saw my Mother's Portrait once, and she's like a Goddess to me wearing a very beautiful white gown while holding a bouquet of lilies while walking in a red carpet, plus I want a life without being controlled by anyone" I said.

I can still remember that day when I saw my mother's portrait together with my siblings while wandering around the Empress Palace.

"Since that day I dreamed to be just like her, to be Wed with the man I truly love and be with him for the rest of my life" I added

"So that's why, huh?" He said with a nod," for me, I don't know what my Dream is, and I'd never thought of having any dreams," he said, astonished at what he just said, but what he said next made me freeze in my seat as I felt my heart beat fast.

"But I want to make your dream come true" he muttered and looked me in the eyes. "That's My dream right now Azalea" he said and held my hand and kissed the back of it.

"I Dark Zen, from the kingdom of Aconite, on this Vast Land, declare that I will share your Joy and Sorrow for as long as I live, I swear in life and in death, I will be with you until you achieve your Dreams," he vowed and kneeled before me.

I felt tears well up in my eyes but stopped them from falling down my cheeks; we both began as enemies and rivals because he was a hostage swapped in a game of war and politics in order to keep the fragile peace of both our kingdoms.

Never thought that the day would come when I will learn how to love the person I once thought of as an Enemy.

I was about to say something when he stroked my face and stood up from kneeling, "Let's go back," he said, pulling me back as he prepared the horse.

He was about to assist me in getting off the horse when I tucked his sleeves. "Thank you," was all I said as I hopped on the horse. He looked surprised by what I had just said, but he soon got up and smiled at me.

He drove the Horse back to the Palace, and as soon as we arrived, I felt an electric sensation behind my back, as if someone was choking me from behind and chaining my hands and feet.

I bid my goodbye to him without the chance to say something earlier. Aside from my thanks, I want to promise him something but can't help myself to say it out of my mouth.

"I Azalea Primrose from the kingdom of Wisteria, declares that I shall share my joy and sorrow for as long as I live, I swear in life and in death, I shall be with you until you find your dreams Crown prince Dark Zen of the Kingdom of Aconite..." I muttered as I watched his back vanish.

He was always there for me when I was in the depths of hell, and he was always the one who drew me back and brought me back to life, but I couldn't do anything for him.

From now on, I will set my goals, and the first on my list is to set you free; what I want is peace and for you to live happily, but he can't achieve anything as long as he is held hostage in this place.


After that day I never heard anything from Zen, even his shadow was nowhere to be found in the whole palace, especially now that it was in chaos.

"Princess," one of the Palace knights called to me and dragged me out of my room. The entire palace was in chaos due to the sudden attack, and the view of smoke and fire was so dense that you couldn't even see the night sky.

The entire palace is collapsing, but all I could think about was Zen and my sister, hoping that they were both safe.

But who would have thought by the sudden turn of events...

I grabbed the sword that the knight was holding before he died protecting me, I ran to the location where I heard someone scream, and saw the person I was looking for pull out his sword from one of the Palace knights.

My mind was hazy but I was not hallucinating, I held my sword while my hands were trembling as I approached Zen with blood covering his body.

'It that his blood? Was he hurt or injured?' I want to ask him that but I cant for some reason as I knew that those are not his.

"What are you doing in one of my people?" I asked and he looked at me without any emotions written on his face and his Eyes were as cold as Ice.

"I asked you, What are you doing?" I yelled at him, pointing out the surroundings, which were littered with dead knights, and the marble floor, which was covered in blood by my people.

"I'm sorry," was all he said; struck by reality, I unconsciously pointed my sword at him, piercing his chest, but before I could react, I felt a pang in the left side of my chest, struck by an arrow.

I let go of my sword and pulled the arrow out of my chest, causing me to stagger and kneel, and I saw his shocked and worried expression.

"Azalea!" He was about to approach me when I slapped his hands; soon after, a man dressed in a black cape approached him.

I can't hear anything they're talking, and it's as if the entire world is moving at a glacial pace, and my eyes are heavy, and soon I felt his lips touch mine.

I saw his face for the last time as he turned his back and vanished through thin air before closing my eyes.


"Primrose," a familiar called me, turning my head and looking at my brother, "Evenrose!" I corrected the way he addressed me.

"All right, let's go to the banquet," he said, offering his hands, which I gladly accepted. Years had passed since the Wisterian empire fell, and now we are back, led by my Brother as the new emperor.

And I, I don't know who I 'am but one thing is for sure. Now, I was Iris Evenrose Wisteria, the name of my twin sister who died back then.

I promised myself that time that I will do everything to live her life to the fullest and will bestow her death justice.

But who would have thought that the person who was the main reason of my sister death was now standing right infront of me with a smile of his face

Dark Zen Toreador...

"Blessing Upon the Wisterian Empire, I would like to ask how the princess was" he said and laid his eyes one me but I kept myself from showing any emotions.

"Can I talk to you in private Princess Azalea?" He asked and I saw a glimpse of hesitation in his eyes.

"Blessing upon the King of Aconite, but you've got the wrong person" my brother answered that made him bow his head lightly asking for understanding.

"I'm sorry, may I know where—"

"Please refrain yourself from asking about my sister as she was already resting in peace" I said without even letting him finish his sentence.

"P-Pardon?" He asked and the. Word 'shocked' was written all over his face as if he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"If the King doesn't have any more questions, please excuse us" I said coldly and pulled my brother but before I could even pass him I heard him muttering 'Is that so?'.

I felt a bit of pain in my heart, I didn't know that after all these years I can still feel pain as I master to be cold just like my sister who was trained to be the Empress since the beginning.

There was still a part of me that hoped he would recognize me, that he would return and explain everything to me, that I was just mistaken, that time had already died in vain from hoping and hoping.

I don't want to put my hard work in Vain as well as my sister's death. That day it was Azalea Primrose Wisteria who died because of the sudden attack of the Kingdom of Aconite not Iris Evenrose Wisteria.

If ignorance is a form of escape, then I've finally gotten away from the past. Leaving my miserable, and pitiful self behind, even if it means being an accessory of someone else's life.


micxyine | Crown